I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 488 It turns out to be the cutie who prints money

Hey, the factory must be opened quickly, otherwise the poor will be left with their pants. Jingshu sighed, the money she had just received was about to be gone, Three days at the latest, I will definitely start investing in all aspects within three days. It only takes a week to produce and you can make money.”

The iron-melting tools contacted by Jin Tianci will arrive in a moment. The masters will start working today. In two days, all the equipment will be set up according to Jingshu's requirements. After final debugging, the work can start.

Wang Chao swallowed hard and tremblingly opened the payment-free channel in the conversion station. As the surrounding workers were besieging the door, they began to experiment on their mobile phones to see if they could really transfer virtual coins.

Jing Shu suffered a disaster here. Dozens of messages came in at once, and they were processed at a rate of +1 per second.

Your personal virtual currency account has a big data expenditure of 11 virtual currency at 12:32 on the 25th, with a balance of 999,989 virtual currency. [Big Data]


Jing Shu's face was extremely ugly. Although it was not a large amount of expenditure, but when she saw her money being spent like water, she still felt a lot of pain in her heart for some reason.

She couldn't figure it out. When someone else opened a factory, you received XX virtual coins every second. When she opened a factory, you spent XX virtual coins every second...

Turn off the information for me, out of sight.

At this time, Wang Chao felt that Jing Shu was the real boss, with at least 800,000 virtual coins in the big data, and he would be able to brag to the sky after returning.


At the same time, after people around them tried to actually withdraw virtual coins, they were all very happy, and they spread the word about it.

You idiot, just try it once. Don't transfer all the points. You can't transfer points with virtual currency. You will have to eat and drink in the factory in the future. Points are very important. After being reminded, Jing Jing The exchange on Shu's side is now much less.

Damn it, the position of moving bricks is almost gone. There are just so few positions in total. It's not enough.

Stop talking nonsense. If you keep talking nonsense, you will just watch.

There is no need for the marketing manager to remind them. These people understand the functions of the APP and can accept these positions on their own. After choosing the type of work, they immediately start running towards the venue, and after a while they disappear.

Everyone's enthusiasm is extremely high now. Because they really saw these piles of supplies, everyone is motivated. Not to mention that there are no requirements for Jingshu to work here. Even women with children can take some cleaning jobs. They can take care of the children and clean at the same time. Some of them can also take on inspection tasks. Although it is a bit cumbersome, but the flow is steady, and women are more meticulous and conscientious. If they find a lot of problematic tasks, they can get several times the reward.

The dormitory building is also empty. There is no longer the crowded scene that we saw on the day. Basically everyone has gone to work.

Jingshu's first batch of stones was to surround the entire factory. First, several more pieces of land were circled. These three-meter-high stones were lined up one by one and took root, forming tall walls. With these active workers Guys, don't go too fast.

In order to deal with the problems that many people will have in the future and the Ice Age after the fifth year, Jingshu directly planned to make a private space with a high ceiling. After the circle was completed, the drainage of the mudslides was done. After the canal digging work, Qian Duoduo will send professional people to build a completely enclosed factory for Jingshu, so that when it snows and hails, no one will be hit.

The most important thing is that this factory can still be used when you come back after the move. Otherwise, Jingshu has invested so much and cannot just abandon it after the move.

However, Jingshu had little experience in opening a factory for the first time. After all, she was not as professional as Jin Tianci's staff. In the afternoon, a group of people came to occupy a small part of the factory and brought a lot of professional equipment.

It is expected that the work of extracting sulfate ants can be started the next day. This can be regarded as a small recovery. After all, it is the money printing machine of the future. Jingshu still attaches great importance to it, so she gave the nest made for sulfate ants that day. They transported it by car and told the staff that the sulfate ants can be extracted again every three days, and she would send more sulfate ants every time.

As for the sulfuric acid queen, let's keep it in the villa. This little thing has developed a relationship with Jingshu, and she even likes to play with the cubs. Once she secretly asked her subordinates to take her out for a tanning bath, but she was discovered by Jingshu. I was almost beaten to death with a broom, but fortunately the fat chicken stepped forward, clucked twice, and stretched out its wings to protect the fat insect.

It was only after Jingshu came back that she said this was a new pet sulfate ant.

What is it for? Can it lay eggs? Can it spin silk? Or can it produce milk?

It's the end of the world, Jing Nai is the person who manages the household, and those who can't create value are not good poultry. She just asked subconsciously. According to her understanding of Jing Shu, Jing Nai is almost carved from the same mold as her. I don’t think Jingshu will keep worthless pets.

Produces sulfuric acid.

What can you do?

It can extract a lot of sulfuric acid every day, refine fertilizers, etc. In short, it can print thousands of virtual coins every day.

Jing Nai immediately brought the peanuts with a smile on her face: Eat more, eat more. It turns out he is printing money. Look how capable this cute little person is. He was almost beaten to death just now. It's a sin.

The fat chicken feels that its status is threatened again!

Jingshu stayed in the villa for the next time. As the earthquakes decreased one after another, Jingshu knew that the earthquake in the third year was coming to an end.

She also took advantage of this time to accelerate her plan, and capped the 300-square-meter backyard of the villa and Jingye's home every day with an insulating steel frame. The materials were difficult to find, and Jingshu spent a lot of money to dismantle them from other buildings. .

Xiao Lizi led the renovators to surround the villa with large rocks. The angles of these large rocks were very strange, but no one cared about them and just regarded them as the eccentricities of the owner of the villa.

These stone slopes were erected around the villa, and they even secretly hired someone to do waterproofing. Since the area of ​​​​the circle was expanded, Jingshu spent another 100,000 virtual coins to buy the expanded area. The director of the Banana Government completely ignored Jingshu. How did Shu go about it?

On the third day, a rumbling sound came. Qian Duoduo got the super boulder that Jingshu wanted. They were two rectangular boulders. According to Jingshu's request, the inverted V shape had been dug in front. In the deep pit, two huge rocks were lifted by a crane like huge tombstones, and a lot of manpower was spent adjusting their positions and placing them in the middle of the road behind the villa.

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