I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 490 Helping the goose lay eggs

At the same time, Jing Shu felt that she had delivered babies to several people, so there was no reason why the goose would not be able to give birth if it was difficult to give birth. How about controlling the goose's long and short breathing to help it lay eggs?

Unfortunately, she couldn't control the goose egg inside. Jingshu closed her eyes and let the goose fight for a long time. She tried hard for a long time, but it was of no use. The head of the egg couldn't come out. The egg couldn't be taken out with her hands, and it was very likely to be crushed.

If it doesn't work, just break the eggs.

This is the reason why I haven’t laid eggs for a long time. It seems that the food can't be replenished too much. It's okay to break it once, but you can't break it every time, right? The lion-headed goose has to face this challenge, and it might burst open if it gets wet.

Jing Nai opened the goose and said, Tsk, tsk, the eggs inside are really big, and some of the exits at the back are too small. How about pouring soapy water in and expanding the back? This has been done before when someone had difficulty giving birth.


So half a basin of soapy water was poured down, and Jing Nai continued to expand and massage the big goose. Jing Shu was also controlling the big goose and kept exerting force. Both the man and the goose were exhausted, and Da Hua was even more anxious. urge.

Master Jing smoked a cigar and blinked for a long time but couldn't help. Goudan stopped fussing. Standing next to him, Feiji seemed a little confused. What were so many people doing?

Jingshu was still useful in expanding the function behind it. After a while, it was stretched a lot. Jingshu applied a lot of oil for lubrication. Finally, a goose egg struggled out. It turned out that it still needed to be oiled.

The first goose egg came out, and the next goose eggs became much easier. The big flower seemed to have opened the door to a new world. The goose screamed, and then laid eggs one after another. Each one would feel comfortable. I took a long breath, I was really relieved!

A total of more than a dozen eggs were held in the stomach, each egg was bigger than a fist. It was conceivable that after being nourished by the spiritual spring, the goose eggs were several times bigger.

The family finally exhaled and exclaimed that they still couldn’t believe that they not only delivered babies to people, but also midwifed geese. They were really developing into veterinarians.

Dingling bell~

The phone was ringing crazily. Jingshu took a look and saw that it belonged to the [Ever Hungry Food Supervision Bureau]. Was the WeChat Moments seen just now?

Hey, how are you doing with Dahua? Is the egg stuck? How could this happen? The child has never had an egg stuck before! Do you need our specialized personnel to go over and arrange an operation?

Jing Shu breathed out: Fortunately, mother and child are safe. Dahua laid 7 eggs. Each egg is very healthy. It is expected that a group of lion-headed geese will be born in a month. Congratulations. It's better to say less. , otherwise a dozen would be too scary, more than what Dahua spends in a year.

Huhu, that's good, that's good, thank you for your hard work, Jingshu. We are all relieved to have the big flower with you. Being able to lay such eggs so quickly shows that you are really good at it. You are the Hua in the apocalypse. Tuo is alive! But we miss Dahua and Goudan very much, can you make a short video?

No problem, I understand. I understand the excitement of the family members.

Jingshu took a picture of a woman lying in a nest hatching eggs, with a happy face that she had just given birth to, exuding a halo of maternal love, and sent the big flowers and dog eggs to her. After a while, she received a big red envelope of 888 virtual coins.

Jing Nai comforted the shivering Dahua, who seemed to have a shadow on her, Don't be afraid, any woman doesn't come here like this, every woman has to go through this hurdle.

emmm There's something wrong with the style of painting, it slipped away.

In any case, Dahua should have relaxed after this experience, and her back was also stretched a lot. Just like Wu Youai's mentor was curious, is the fat chicken that laid so many eggs loose? Jingshu took a look at Dahua and said, well, it should not get stuck in the future.

Jingshu returned to the room, and there were hundreds more messages on her phone.

Come on, take my national jade seal and smash a walnut for Xiu'er.

[Smirk] Are you making up goose eggs if you need them? I haven't seen a goose in my life and can't lay eggs.

Shocking! A certain rich man wanted to buy Kaiselu at a high price in the apocalypse because of the unbearable pain there!

Shi Lei: Shocked! I learned the 108th trick to show off my wealth. When others raise chickens, I raise geese. When others let dogs, I let gooses!

Dr. Zhang left a message: Young people are very angry and understand. Don't be shy. Just inject light salt water there and fill the intestines. Remember, hold it for five minutes and block it with a cork.

Polygonum multiflorum: 666, what the master said is true, I have learned another trick, the master is mighty!

Butler Cai: Doctor Zhang is mighty.

Jingshu: ...emmmm.

Then the topic gradually changed, and what was even more outrageous was that her circle of friends was posted to the group again. Jingshu suddenly had a bad feeling.

In the near future, her meme will be spread all over the world, impulsiveness is the devil.

So Jingshu quickly added a picture of a big flower laying eggs, with the text: It has been solved, the eggs are safe, no need to open them, thank you everyone.

After a while, it was full of messages again.

I don't dare to comment now because I'm afraid that others will use the Qinglong Yanyue knife to peel my apples, use a nine-foot nail rake to thin out the middle points, use Fangtian Huaji to pick my teeth, and use 100,000-volt high-voltage wires to flick my apples. Ambush from all sides

Dr. Zhang cheated and solved Director Jing's constipation problem so quickly.

Doctor Zhang 666.

The more you describe it, the darker it becomes. Forget it, never mind. Anyway, you can only watch it on Moments for three days. Once the limelight is over, you will be a good guy again.

Of course, there were more than just these things. Another thing was that Hao Yunlai woke up. Yang Yang called Jingshu for help and said that although Hao Yunlai woke up, he had sequelae.

Sequelae? That's normal. What are the sequelae? Jingshu was just like when a doctor diagnoses and treats a patient, the patient says this is uncomfortable and that is uncomfortable.

It's abnormal to have no sequelae. I think back in the mountains of the United States, she was in pain for more than ten days and couldn't walk. She was carried out of the mountains along the way! This is like stepping into the gate of hell and dragging people up from hell. Your body will still continue to be tortured.

Hao Yunlai hasn't slept for two whole days. He said he didn't dare to sleep.

Ah? Jingshu was surprised. What kind of sequelae was this? Why wouldn't a grown man dare?

Yang Yang hesitated for a long time, and finally whispered: Maybe the sequelae are brain problems. It is said that as soon as he sleeps, he will enter the eighteenth level of hell and accept all kinds of horrific punishments. They are so real and effective that he once thought that he was It's in the eighteenth level of hell.

He also said that he spent the past ten days in hell during his coma. He once thought that he would be in hell and would not be able to get along with you, but he was still very grateful to you. It was you who brought him from eighteen. Pulled up from the layers of hell.

Jingshu dragged her chin and broke into a cold sweat. This damn thing might not be nonsense. It might be true!

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