I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 501 The promised benefits, but you secretly...

Although there are many dead poultry, even if only 5% of the base owns poultry, it is still a very large group of people.

There were people hawking at the gate, offering chicken licenses, and giving away chicken doudou, chicken traction ropes, and a handful of chicken feed, which were of high quality and low price.

The reason why we came to the breeding farm was because we had to give the dinosaur chicken a rare license first, but this rare license can only be obtained by all mutated animals. Therefore, there is also a mutated animal research institute specially equipped for political corruption in the breeding farm.

Jingshu came to the research institute first. Compared with other places, there were long queues here, but it was much deserted. After all, there are mutant animals now, but they are very rare, and 99% of them directly turned into zombie viruses. Only 1% of animals evolve from darkness, and it’s unclear what they will evolve into.

Not to mention that there are poultry that can evolve. Either way, there have been dozens of evolutions since the institute was founded, and poultry only accounts for about 10%.

So when Jingshu followed behind with the dinosaur chicken and a few cubs, and even hugged the eggs, she was welcomed in like a VIP before she even entered.

This is the daughter of Director Jing. Today she made an appointment on Big Data to test these mutated chickens. Someone shouted loudly. After a while, more than a dozen staff members gathered around enthusiastically. Those who took the eggs, some wanted to catch the cubs, and some had their eyes on the dinosaur chicken. In short, everyone was very excited.

But these chickens just followed Jing Shu, not moving a step away. If they wanted to catch them, they would show fierce expressions and make sounds, looking very tough.

Don't touch them. Even though they are small, they are very powerful in fighting. These mutated chickens know their master. After breaking out of the shell, they will recognize whoever they see as their master at first sight. They will be loyal throughout their lives. Moreover, I think their IQ should be around 3 to 5 years old.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. A group of people were surprised. They had seen all kinds of animals for so long, but they had never seen a mutant chicken.

This, this is the dinosaur chicken mentioned in the data? Has it reversed evolution?

Jing Shu nodded, Let's put on the instruments. By the way, let's study all these eggs.

So, in a hurry, I started a series of research on dinosaur chickens, chickens, and eggs. The results came out very quickly. The dinosaur chickens were indeed the strongest genetic combination that returned to ancient times because of the bloody spiritual spring. .

If this thing were placed before the end of the world, it would definitely be a rare thing, and there would definitely be people fighting over it to study it. But in the end of the world, no one would care about any animals that cannot reproduce, or things that have no value to the end of the world. A lot of time and energy was spent on in-depth research.

This thing can't lay eggs, and there is only a 1/10 chance of hatching when paired with an ordinary hen. This dinosaur chicken can be recorded. When the time comes, we can find more hens and arrange them, and then we'll see what happens.

Dinosaur chickens are rare things, but in the eyes of this group of researchers, they may not be as valuable as these hatched chickens.

The researchers repeatedly studied chickens and eggs, and according to Jingshu's instructions, some eggs were likely to hatch and some were eggs that were unlikely to hatch. They did detailed research and finally came to an authoritative conclusion. Chickens They all have the genetic genes of dinosaur chickens. Although the offspring will become weaker from generation to generation, they are still very strong. As Jing Shu said, these chickens will grow up to be very fierce. They can not only look after homes and nursing homes, but also lay eggs for their owners. And the egg that was laid is amazing.

Eggs that can hatch can naturally reproduce. Even dinosaur eggs that cannot hatch have a trace of broken dinosaur genes!

What does this mean? Although nothing can be hatched, it is nutritious and has the effect of strengthening the body after eating. The most important thing is that these mutated chickens and eggs contain a nutrient called anti-dark hormone. The general idea is that if After eating eggs, even if you live in a world without the sun for a long time, it is still OK. It will provide a balanced element for your body.

However, there is no point in eating it once or twice. You have to eat it every day. The best way is to raise one in the family. It is reported that eating one-fifth of an egg every day is enough nutrition.

Therefore, the greatest value of these dinosaur chickens is that they can reproduce the next generation like domestic chickens and provide the nutrients needed in the darkness of the end of the world.

So these dinosaur eggs are edible? How to eat them?

Not only can it be eaten, but it can also strengthen the body, is rich in nutrients, and increases anti-darkness elements. It is comparable to a Weibao in this apocalyptic world. It is best to eat it raw to retain all the nutrients. The taste is very light and smooth, not a little fishy. It has no smell and no parasites. This is a rare delicacy, you’ve made it!”

Sent? ..Well, it looks like it has indeed been posted.

But why do you know the taste so well? Um? Didn't you wipe off the yellow on the corners of your mouth? !

However, dinosaur eggs can be eaten raw? Jing Shu has never dared to try it, so she will give it a try when she goes back.

So, this time, the most valuable thing is this dinosaur egg? Jing Shu never expected this, but to develop dinosaur eggs, this dinosaur chicken is still needed.

The dinosaur chicken was finally given the rare 3333 license plate, and by the way, these little cubs were given a smashing brand, while some eggs that could be hatched were left in the research institute. These researchers said they could be hatched using scientific methods. Come out and help Jingshu post a few precious items that she needs now.

Jingshu has always had the idea of ​​collecting various poultry. Now that there are such good cards, it is natural to change some things. For example, Jingshu priced a mutated hen that can lay dinosaur eggs at: At least a pair of Paired pigeons, or wild geese that can be paired, or Zhang Zi, yak, etc. If the requirements are lowered, then some mutant animals are also acceptable.

Perhaps, mutated animals can also use the blood spiritual spring to return to their strongest genes and create some kind of monster.

In short, the matter of the dinosaur chickens was settled like this, and was handed over to Jing Nai for breeding and reproduction. Master Jing opened a special place in the big yard to raise these mutant chickens in captivity. The mutant chickens were too powerful and not suitable for fighting with Other organisms are farmed together.

Milk, don't you want to raise more chickens? What's so good about raising ordinary chickens? If you want to raise more chickens, just raise more mutated chickens. Look at how big these eggs are, they are so delicious.

When she looked at the dinosaur chicken with license plate 3333, followed by so many chickens, and the dinosaur eggs that were laid that were bigger than her fists, Jing Naixiao couldn't even see her eyes.

The harem of the dinosaur chickens was established, but the hens were not having an easy time, and even the dinosaur chickens were having a hard time because the fat chickens went crazy.

What's the meaning of having so many hens secretly? It's not enough for me, right?

I didn’t want those words to hang on the front page, so I added a few chapters in the final manuscript and managed to squeeze out a chapter. Thank you, thank you very much, I have seen it all, thank you for the reward, I can’t repay it, I will update it together when I remember it!

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