I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 519 How much food is left at home?

Jing Nai said several good words in succession, My granddaughter is still thoughtful.

Li Zhu felt a little regretful, but when he heard that he wasn't going back, he actually accepted it.

There was no rush to dig ditches, but Huo Huo RV Jingshu would never be able to let someone who didn't want to enter the RV, so she would rather spend some money than let someone like her second uncle enter the RV, let alone It's hard to say if the second uncle's family gets together again.

Okay, then hurry up and pack up and leave. Mr. Jing's old face was also very worried. Why is this so evil? There are constant disasters year after year, and each disaster only lasts for one year. This I'm afraid the muddy water will not end easily. It may be like a flood, it will flow for a year. You should make a decision quickly.

After all, Jing Nai felt very distressed when she pulled her eldest daughter. After a while, she looked at her second daughter, who was a little thinner than her eldest daughter, and her heart softened. But she thought about the family she was marrying and got angry again. In the end, she said :

I'm going to bring you some oil tea noodles. If you're hungry on the way, just drink some fried rice and eat it. If there are other people in the car, eat it secretly. Don't reveal your wealth, but don't let anyone see it. If you have any news, you must give it to us. talk!

Jing Nai asked Jing Shu quietly: How about getting some milk powder for the child?

Jing Shu smiled and nodded. Milk is not valuable in the Jing family because it is troublesome to make milk powder, but milk powder is a good thing outside.

Still feeling sorry for Xiao Shuen, Jingnai stuffed a can of homemade milk powder after asking Jingshu, and she didn't dare to stuff more. I still have a lot of this milk powder at home, but my family rarely eats it except as a gift or as a favor. After all, I can’t finish it just by drinking milk.

So although this thing can be stored for a few years after vacuum treatment, it won't be a problem, but after a long time, the family will not be able to eat it all, so it cannot be sold. After all, it is not good to store it bad.

Jing Nai was originally worried about whether Li Zhu and his family were staying in the community and would not leave, but she didn’t expect that after Li Zhu went over and told the situation, Li Zhuniang was more anxious than anyone else and shouted to go home quickly. It seemed that she was afraid of hiding. Got some good stuff.

The truck carrying worm cakes came, and there could only be two people in the front. The rest of the people were squeezed into the truck. As expected, Li Zhu pulled a whole family over. Fortunately, the truck was big enough, otherwise it would have been crowded even though there was a trolley. Don't let so many people in.

Seeing Li Zhu's family also squeezed into the truck, Jing Nai rolled her eyes and said fearfully: Fortunately.

Yes, otherwise the RV might have to be stripped of its skin. How can they take advantage of this van that has nothing? Jing Shu smiled proudly.

But Jing Shu didn't know that the truck driver called in the afternoon and said thank you.

Jingshu had a question mark on her face. After listening to the truck driver's explanation, Jingshu was speechless for a moment.

It turned out that Li Zhu and his family had cleaned up all the insect residue left on the walls of the carriage, even the smelly insect residue, making the entire truck much cleaner.

Look at how polite you are. Thank you, sister. Your family is so hardworking.


Jing Shu seemed to be able to imagine the scene where Li Zhuniang led everyone to take off the residue bit by bit and go back to stir-fry.

No matter how you say it, it can be regarded as a good thing that happened by mistake.

After sending away the two families, Master Jing went to the backyard to clean up the backyard. He wanted to improve these cumbersome things. What should he do if muddy water spreads over one day?

Jing Nai sighed and said, Oh no, no, no, now we really have no land to grow food. We have to save some rice and noodles at home. We only have a big bag of flour in the past ten days. No one eats like this. of.

This is not unknown. It’s a big jump after calculation. Although Jing Nai can’t read, she calculated on her fingers. According to the speed at which her family eats white noodles, she would eat a big bag in half a month. One bag weighs 40 kilograms. It's been a few years, how much food does the family still have?

There are many people in the family, so she can scoop out three or four bowls of flour. When she wakes up, Jingshu can eat half of a large bowl of noodles.

The key is that they don’t just eat white noodles, sometimes they also eat rice. There are also various meat dishes, pickles, braised products and bacon.

I remember that when she lived with Lao Jingtou and her little daughter, they would eat a bag of flour for half a year and a bag of rice for two months. After moving to the villa, wouldn't they only eat a bag of flour for half a month? Rice eats faster and is gone in ten days.

Jingshu replenished the supplies from time to time. Over the years, Jingnai had the illusion that she could never finish whatever she ate. But no matter how much her granddaughter stocked up, she would eventually finish it.

So, Jingshu saw Jingnai in the kitchen struggling with whether to cook one or two pots of rice, and the first thing she said to Jingshu was:

Granddaughter, there is mud and water everywhere now. We can't grow food anywhere else. We are growing vegetables in our yard. There is no place to grow rice and grains anymore. You can't buy food outside. Just give me milk. Tell me, how much rice and flour do we still have? If not, we will make less milk in the future, and we will eat more of what we can grow, as long as we are not hungry, but we cannot just sit back and have nothing.

I don't know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive. Now the situation is getting worse and worse. Even the land can't be planted. Jing Nai is starting to get anxious. She has even made preparations. She will have to cook and make dough in the future. There is only so much room for maneuver here. When it grows older, it saves food and is full.

No, Nai, didn't you say it two days ago? Our family will do it as usual. Nai, come with me. I'll show you, but you can't tell others.

For the quality of life of herself and her whole family, Jingshu could only give Nai Nai a check on her savings, so as to calm Nai Nai's young mind.

So Jingshu took advantage of the fact that there was no one at home, and brought Jingnai to her small private storehouse. Of course, the private storehouse did not have much rice and flour. Rice, flour, etc. are prone to insects, even if Jingshu put in dried Sichuan peppercorns and the like. The deworming food doesn't taste good if left outside for a long time, so now it is stored directly in her space.

At this moment, I just put it in when the door was opened.

A gust of cold wind kicked up some dust, and Jing Nai coughed twice. The basement was a bit cold!

Turn on the light, and you’ll see rows of three-story shelves in the basement filled to the brim. What you can see are bags of flour and all kinds of rice, stacked high, filling the shelves to the brim. If you walk further in, you’ll see There are pieces and boxes of dry goods again. These are sweet potato vermicelli, longkong vermicelli, dried fungus, dried yellow flowers and so on.

Further inside are boxes of sugar, salt, vinegar and various seasonings.

The most dazzling thing is the 5L barrels of 5S pressed peanut oil. Although it has been used a lot in the past few years, there is still half a wall, not to mention that Jingshu also brought back a lot of olive oil and various kinds of peanut oil from the United States. Canola oil.

There were also a lot of supplies scattered on the ground, which Jingshu could store for a long time after returning from the United States.

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