I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 546 Do you want something to eat?

No, no, no, I'll do it. I brought food and fuel myself, which is enough for the few of us to eat. There's no need to save. The higher-ups will also send supplies. It can be said that the hearts of these people are An'an, Jing Shu felt After these people have worked hard for so long, it's time for a good meal. This is their reward.

Li Dayou said: Then do you want Aunt Wang to help you?

Jingshu frowned. If someone was around, it would be inconvenient for her to secretly take something from the space. Moreover, she didn't like outsiders watching her cook, as this would expose her food.

Just as he was about to refuse, a large group of people came sparsely. This group of people all had one common characteristic, that is, they were miserable, worse than the beggar gang. Most of them were men, with a few women and children. Jingshu only Saw 2, there were about 40 people in the group.

Li Dayou frowned and said, What's going on? What are you doing here? Didn't I say we'll cook a meal together in the evening?

Someone in the crowd shouted: We want to eat compressed biscuits, but we don't want to eat biscuits soaked in water!

Just now, another rescuer was dispatched from above. We all saw it. The man was carrying a lot of food. We were lucky enough to pick it up. That much food is definitely enough for us.

We want to eat the old hen! Are you going to keep that chicken for yourself?

The fat chicken trembled and pulled Jingshu's thigh, and someone noticed it.

One of the people on the opposite side stood up and shouted, Quiet. He pulled the messy hair on his shawl. He looked like an elder of the Beggar Clan. He said, Captain Li, you are not being kind. The higher-ups sent you Why didn't you say anything to us when you called the rescuers? Our people in Gashangou also need to treat them well. Oh, by the way, I am the village chief secretary of Gashangou. I am honored to meet you. I am here this time. Discuss important matters.

Jing Shu looked at these menacing people and could use her toes to figure out what these people were doing. She didn't come here to eat, so she tore off the head and used it as a ball to kick.

What's disgusting is that these people still want to eat fat chicken.

Jing Shu's eyes drooped and she said calmly: I think you are mistaken. I am not a member of the rescue team, let alone a person who proves corruption. I am just an ordinary person.

Could someone dressed up like this be an ordinary person in the last days?

The village chief pretended to be surprised. He pointed at Jingshu and then at Feiji, Then you are not a rescuer, so why did you risk your life to come down? You brought so many supplies, aren't you the one who rescued us?

I am the owner of these seeds. I came here just to see how the seeds are doing. I don't care about anything else.

As for these supplies, they belong to me personally, and how to distribute them is my personal matter. If something happens, you can wait for two more days, and the rescue team will come down. If you have any requests, you can tell them. It's useless to talk to me. Jing Shu said calmly.

Jingshu didn't have the consciousness to selflessly donate her food in the last days. She only brought so much food on the surface, which was barely enough to feed the people in the fleet. If so many people were added, it would be too much for each person to eat. Not enough to eat.

The village chief frowned, The chickens that landed for the first time and those compressed biscuits were always given by the rescue team above, right? You see, there are so many of us, old and weak, who have been trapped here for so long. We don’t have any food, Zhengfu should save our lives! You can’t just watch us starve to death, right?”

Jingshu said playfully: Unfortunately, this chicken belongs to me personally. As for these compressed biscuits, the rescue team gave them to the fleet transporters. They did not take into account the rescue of other refugees. The refugees have their own certificates and will be taken over. Others are We won’t and can’t control it, it involves forming cliques privately.”

The other villagers were dumbfounded. This completely disrupted their plans. In order to order more food, they thought of several plans, but what does this mean now? What is this operation?

The village chief responded quickly, and he said earnestly: To tell you the truth, little comrade, in fact, your boat of seeds was saved by me in the ravine. If it weren't for our rows of houses that just blocked your boat, your boat would All the seeds were smashed into the waves, are you going to watch us saviors starve to death?!

Jingshu said in surprise: I remember that Captain Li has violated the rules and gave you a lot of seeds to eat, right? One life is worth one life. Now I will not pursue the matter of the seeds being eaten by you. Do you know what you are eating? What kind of seeds? This is the country’s last remaining seed. It will become extinct in the future. You have eaten a national first-level protected species. According to the end of the world, you will be shot. If the higher ups investigate,

Wang Dan opened his mouth in surprise and secretly clenched his fists. Originally, he was worried that Jingshu, like the captain, would hand over all the food if the villagers made trouble. Unexpectedly, Jingshu managed to grasp this in just a few words. People, these people can't say anything yet, not even the bastard words you should give them.

There was a commotion in the crowd.

The village chief rolled his eyes, immediately knelt on the ground and gave the signal, and then started howling: There is nothing we can do about it since we have already eaten it. We don't even know if we can get out alive now. We can't be starved now. Are you going to die here? Look at this group of us, just be kind and not eat the old hen, but just give us compressed biscuits to fill our stomachs and make us full of ghosts!

Yeah, we're starving to death!

Give me something to eat!

The ground suddenly fell to its knees, and it seemed that there was still energy, at least the strength to howl.

Li Dayou sighed: How about...

Jing Shu waved her hands unmoved: No! If you keep howling like this, I won't care.

The crowd immediately fell silent, and the village chief said in surprise: Are you willing to take care of it? Give us food?

I didn't say that. These foods are for the people in the fleet. If they are willing, there is nothing I can do to stop them. Jing Shu said.

They are willing, of course they are willing, they have already agreed.

Jing Shu added: But it won't be for free. You know that people outside are no better than you. From today on, the people in the fleet will hire you to do things and obey the management of the fleet. Qualified people will be hired every day. There will be food distributed, but if you don’t do something, there will be no food, regardless of men, women, or children.”

There was another scream below, unwilling to do anything, and feeling restricted.

Jing Shu sneered: There are only so many compressed biscuits. The rescue team will come down in a few days. Those who are willing to do things can be counted by Wang Dan. Let's start working now. Those who are not willing can just scream here. Anyway, they are definitely late. No food.”

A few smart people in the crowd came over immediately, and the village chief was still howling on the ground. This was different from what he expected. Didn't this deprive him of his power?

Which one is Aunt Wang? Jing Shu shouted.

After shouting, another tall and thin middle-aged woman stood up.

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