I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 548 Swallowing worms to cure diseases

But these bugs look so fierce, won't they bite out his intestines? Think of live insects crawling into your mouth and crawling through your gastrointestinal tract.

Wang Dan was extremely surprised: Oh my God, Jingshu, you are so powerful. Where did you get so many bugs? In order to find something to eat these days, we have dug all over the mud, not even an earthworm.

Li Dayou gritted his teeth. He was about to die anyway, and he could die in any way. Let's treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor. He turned to the team members who looked at him dryly and said: Whether I am dead or alive in a while, I will never die. I can't blame Miss Jingshu, she is also doing my best.

Wang Dan said: Captain, just eat it quickly. I don't think Jingshu will make fun of it. I believe her.

Li Dayou took the bowl of worms. It was strange to say that the worms in the bowl were full of worms, but they didn't run out. They just crawled densely in the bowl, as if something was restraining them, but just looking at them made him excited. People's scalps were numb because Li Dayou had never seen this kind of bug before. Their mouthparts were sharper and flat.

'Drink' directly into your mouth? Li Dayou confirmed again.

Jingshu nodded: Just open your mouth. They will crawl in, so don't bite.

Li Dayou finally swallowed his saliva and put the bowl to his mouth. Then he saw these bugs rushing into Li Dayou's mouth crazily, turning over his tongue and crawling across his throat.

It's so itchy! It's so uncomfortable! But Li Dayou didn't dare to move. He shed tears of itching and didn't dare to move. It wasn't until three to five seconds passed that all the bugs crawled in, and Li Dayou took a sudden breath. , scratched his throat hard, and felt his chest was so itchy!

It really feels like there are millions of bugs crawling into your body!

The bugs began to clean up the soil. As long as the soil blocked the digestion of the intestines and stomach, the bugs would eat it cleanly. All the way down, if some places were too narrow, they would line up in an orderly manner and squeeze in one by one. After a while, Li Dayou hugged his belly, and his belly began to tremble crazily, which was like a needle that was repelling the invasion of foreign objects.

Li Dayou broke into a cold sweat, gritted his teeth, and began to pound the ground. He saw that the people around him had given up completely because they had been unable to digest the food during this period.

Li Dayou held his stomach in pain like a pregnant woman about to give birth.

In fact, in Li Dayou's situation, you can wait until the rescue goes out to contact the doctor, perform gastric lavage or other measures, but you have to wait at least many days. Who knows whether Li Dayou can survive such a big belly? She couldn't eat anything anymore and was suffering all the time, so Jingshu used this simple and crude method. She suffered a little bit, but the effect was quick. Compared with death, it was like giving birth to a baby. Well, it’s not too much to suffer what all women in the world will suffer once, right?

Seeing that everything was OK, Jingshu waved her hand and said, About half an hour. Just drain out the bugs in a while. I'm going to cook. She left lightly.

Once again, he left a look of admiration and looking up to the big boss, quite worthy of being a big boss. After just a short contact, Wang Dan's admiration for Jing Shu was no longer a simple surging river. Now it has Rising to the sea.

Jingshu carried a big box and a backpack and returned to the kitchen with Fat Chicken. She closed the door tightly and made sure that no one was watching. Then she took out the cooked food she had prepared a long time ago from the space: grilled sirloin and T-bones. Beef steak, grilled oyster sausage, beef roll with enoki mushrooms, and vermicelli scallops were devoured.

The bones of the T-bone steak are thrown to the fat chicken, and occasionally a few pieces of meat are thrown to the chicken to improve the meal.

After drinking another large pot of white mushroom cream soup, adding rich cheese cubes, and eating a few apples, bananas and oranges, I took a slow breath and felt full of motivation again, and started to make dinner.

God knows it's been a long time since she's had such a big bone. She doesn't have any real private space at all. Everyone is so shrewd that Jingshu doesn't dare to show off her tricks at all.

“So what can we eat next that is both filling and delicious?”

The smell of hot pot gradually came from nowhere. Even the people in the valley who had just drank a lot of water couldn't help drooling when they smelled this smell. Although the smell was very light, I didn't know how to smell it. So delicious.

It must be an illusion. How can there be a spicy hot pot smell at this time?

Aunt Wang took a piece of cake that had just been baked and came to the ship to report to Wang Dan. However, she saw the people in the fleet sitting around a bonfire. The bonfire revealed that each of them was holding a bowl of floating food in their hands. The rich-flavored milk tea seems to contain soft oatmeal soaked in the milk tea. The oatmeal is swallowed by the milk tea in one sip, and the oatmeal that fully absorbs the milky aroma releases its fatal temptation.

The people in the fleet carefully blew the steaming milk tea and took small sips, fearing that they were dreaming.

Aunt Wang swallowed her saliva. Not to mention milk tea, she hadn't even drank milk in several years.

Outside the bonfire was a kang that had just been built with earth. From Aunt Wang’s angle, she could just see it. The inner wall of the kang was lined with balls of almost-baked brown bread, with fragrant sesame seeds sprinkled on top. At this moment, she could smell the roasting. The aroma of the bread.

There was a large pot above the bonfire, which was bubbling. Aunt Wang saw various vegetables that she had not seen for a long time, and even meat. The rich aroma of meat and hot pot spread far away from here. below.

In fact, this is just a simple one-pot stew.

Just adding spicy beef jerky and spicy rabbit dices, and adding large ham meat, the soup has a strong aroma, and then adding various dried vegetables to stew in one pot, Jingshu did not expect such an effect. Okay, it tastes so good.

Jingshu handed Li Dayou another bowl of milk tea: Drink more milk tea after your stomach is empty. Then put pancakes on the table before eating. Eat more vegetables and less meat, otherwise it will be difficult to digest.

Jing Shu was sincerely grateful to Li Dayou. Without such a responsible captain, her seed would not have ended so well.

Li Dayou nodded sheepishly, his stomach growling from time to time, obviously he was hungry.

Jing Shu just said that if you don’t come into contact with greasy and meaty food for a long time, you must drink more milk tea, eat some pancakes, and then eat the pot of stew.

After Jingshu prepared such a good meal, everyone felt that the trip was worthwhile.

Aunt Wang? Wang Dan shouted several times before Aunt Wang responded. She swallowed silently and said: The earthen cakes made according to the proportions you mentioned are baked. Do you think it's okay? If possible, we will do it on this scale in the future.”

Wang Dan scratched his head, he didn't understand this thing, and called Jing Shu to take charge.

I haven't been feeling well these past few days, and I have an appointment for a colonoscopy in a few days, which is scary to think about. . .

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