Wang Dan's mouth was wide open, and his tongue seemed to be frozen and he couldn't hold it straight. He couldn't speak for a long time. You said it's the end of the world. Who hasn't seen the dead, especially People in their position often deal with people, but I have never seen them in such a brutal way.

The wailing sounds of several people became weaker and weaker, but in just a few minutes, they gradually lost their last consciousness. It can be seen that the struggle and resistance at the scene was very strong, but what does it matter? The chicken was like a demon, instantly pecking out several people's eyes, and one person even completely lost consciousness before he could scream.

Because he was unlucky, his head was pecked open, and a big hole was exposed in his head, and a pool of stuff came out.

The villagers took a few steps back again. They had not seen clearly just now, but now they realized that they were stepping on bloody water!

When Li Dayou saw Jing Shu coming so calmly, he became more anxious and stammered: It, it, it killed someone! It can actually kill someone? It, it's a chicken!

How can a chicken be so cruel? Is this really a chicken? Can chickens kill people? The performance just now? Oh my god, what did he go through just now? Is this a dream?

Jingshu snapped her fingers and revealed her chilling fighting chicken. After finishing the last person who didn't belch, it wiped its beak and its noble chicken paws on that person's back, and then this Then it swayed its plump butt and walked over in a silly manner. It knew that its owner liked cleanliness, did not like blood, and did not like it eating these dirty humans, so it followed Jingshu honestly. , also raised its head, as if asking for praise.

Well done. Jing Shu smiled, then turned to ask Li Dayou: Otherwise, how do you think such a chicken can survive until now?

Li Dayou swallowed a mouthful of saliva, as if something was stuck in his throat and was speechless.

Seeing such a ferocious chicken, and witnessing how this chicken had just killed all five people, the villagers moved further away. They originally thought this chicken was a delicious food, but who knew it was Honor the evil god! Who the hell dares to eat it?

This must be Ergazi. Ergazi is dead.

Village chief, the one whose head was pecked out must be the village chief. It's so pitiful. How can you just say he's dead?

What the hell is going on? How can you allow chickens to kill people? Will they kill us too?

There were whispers from the crowd.

At this time, Aunt Wang said to the crowd: Your brains are all made of pigs. It wouldn't be easy for someone to kill you? Why bother giving you food, making porridge and eggs for you to eat? ? Feeding you as food rations? Damn, it must be the village chief and these people who have done bad things. These people are bad people. Those children in Gashan Valley died and disappeared inexplicably last year. You should take this situation seriously. Do not know at all?

What nonsense are you talking about? How do we know?

Yes, we are also curious about what the village chiefs did and died... I, we are also afraid, what if this chicken kills people randomly?

Okay, be quiet! Jing Shu said, and the villagers immediately fell silent, suppressed by the pressure of Fat Chicken. Jing Shu asked Li Dayou: Captain Li, what happened just now?

Li Dayou calmed down for a while and then said: The village chief of Gashangou took these people on the boat and came to the kitchen to steal food. After opening the door and finding me inside, two of them restrained me. In addition, A few people were going to steal chickens and grab boxes. I left my wooden warehouse in the room without taking it with me, and they were controlled. What will happen next?

Li Dayou's eyes flashed with a strange look, I didn't see clearly what was going on. This chicken just killed all these people. You are all here too. That's what happened. What are the village chiefs planning to do? I’ll steal all the food so that I can control you. They might even use us as hostages when the rescue team arrives. This kind of person will deserve to die!”

Li Dayou saw it clearly! You can see it clearly! It was too bloody, and he couldn't tell it at all, and he didn't dare to tell it. Forget it, let it be a secret in his heart forever. He didn't want to leave a psychological shadow on others.

This is not a chicken, this is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Jing Shu then smiled slightly: Have you all heard that my chicken never kills innocent people indiscriminately? When so many of you caught it today, it just ran away and didn't peck you, right? So, as long as you don't beat it, you shouldn't be beaten. Idea, it will not provoke you, otherwise these people will end up. Even if this matter is stated on the certificate, there is nothing wrong, so everyone should disperse, Wang Dan, find someone to dispose of the body.

The matter was handled in such a light manner, and the villagers did not dare to say anything. This kind of stealing happened often. They had come to the boat to steal seeds before, but they failed and were caught and beaten. Forget it, the people in the fleet didn't do anything to them.

But this time the village chief and his people came to steal food again, and they died immediately. They died so miserably. They survived everything, but they were about to be rescued when they were trapped in this dark place, but they died unexpectedly. .

What they want to steal is not the chicken, but their own lives.

At first, some villagers didn't take it seriously, but they always wanted to prey on the little girl. The little girl was beautiful, rich, and brought plenty of food and even a chicken. Who wouldn't be greedy? Now I stopped thinking about it. I didn’t even protest when the dry and thin earth cakes were served for dinner. I ate them honestly and went back to work.

The cold atmosphere in the fleet did not last long. On the contrary, not long after, all the crew members became extremely excited, and they all shouted in unison:



There was such a loud roar every few dozen minutes, which made the villagers below wonder what happened on the ship, and why were they so excited? Didn't the chicken cast a shadow on them?

This sound persisted into the night, making the villagers unable to sleep well.

Jingshu dozed off, cleared out a clean area, placed moisture-proof mats, a private luxury tent with warm bedding, and put on earplugs. Those fools can count eggs if they want to. Hey, a bunch of country bumpkins. .

Facts have proved that no matter how big the shadow or no matter how ferocious the chicken is, it is not as practical as the function of being able to lay eggs. Those who were afraid of fat chickens in front of them, especially Li Dayou, said when Wang Dan said: Hey, I didn't just lay eggs. Have you passed the egg, why are you laying it again? After that, everything changed.

At this moment, Li Dayou was personally responsible for pouring water and finding food for the fat chicken. He was afraid that the chicken would be cold, so he burned firewood for it. Wang Dan personally gave the fat chicken a massage, and the people around him were not idle either. Some were stroking the chickens' feathers, some were manicuring the chickens' nails, and some were making fun of the chickens. They were as if they were living Buddhas.

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