I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 554 Black liquid collected!

Since arriving in the Tianshan Mountains, black liquid has appeared, and it can be found in mire. Although it may only appear a little after refining, it is undeniable that this black liquid can be said to be everywhere, but The question of more and less content.

The most she has seen is Xiaowei's underground lair, where there are probably dozens of kilograms of pure black liquid. Jingshu even has reason to wonder whether the source of the creation of monsters like Gastropod is because the Queen of Gastropod drank this. It became like this after planting black liquid, and the combination of Xiaowei and the Queen of Gastropods was also due to this black crystal.

If a new species of gastropod is created because of the black liquid, how many new species will be hidden in the Tianshan Mountains?

So here comes the ultimate question, the entire mountain range is filled with this black liquid, so where is the source of this black liquid? It wasn't until she came to the junction here, and allowed the bugs to enter the black hole that was constantly swallowing everything, that Jingshu couldn't help but become excited and doubtful. Could the source of the black liquid in the entire mountain range be here?

According to the last message sent by the bug, the entire black hole is filled with black liquid! So how many do you have to have? Jingshu couldn't help but swallow her saliva. She was not greedy. She would be satisfied as long as she got enough liquid to upgrade.

This place is about one kilometer away from the black hole. I can't get close. There are too many dangerous factors over there that are fatal. Jingshu cherishes life, especially after dying once. For all dangerous factors that are fatal, no matter how great the temptation is, She will not take risks. She will only take action when it is safe and certain.

Walking back and forth around the trembling earth, if you go further down, even a stone will be transported away by the crawler, and then collide with another crawler, forming a spectacle of waves colliding with waves, and then everything will be sent into the black hole, just like This forms an endless loop, and countless things around him are broken up by the waves and sent in.

Let's try it again with bugs! Why did we lose contact as soon as we touched the black liquid? Jingshu sent countless bug armies to line up into the black hole. Such a whole line would make her more powerful. Grasp received black liquid.

Since discovering this bug during the Xishan Crisis, Jingshu has developed and expanded them.

The bugs sent out were more than half of her inventory. It is estimated that these bugs will not come back.

No matter how much they are, it will not guarantee her future safety. These are the ones she has carefully raised. They can surprise the enemy in times of danger, help her explore the road and serve as scouts. They can swallow anything in an instant. As a new creature in the apocalypse, Species are very powerful existences, and they have always been a good trump card in Jingshu's hands. Even her family members don't know about them.

Except for the companions who went to the United States together and were exposed once or twice, they should know that there are many bugs around her. After all, in the next multiplayer team battle in the United States, she used bugs to instantly eat all the players in the competition, which shocked many people.

The insect army also carried a very long, thick and reinforced silk thread. Since the last time she used the long silk thread to steal the red liquid in the United States, she found it more and more useful, so she went back and prepared a thicker and better quality one. Good silk.

Its characteristics are that it is tough, light and thin, and can use insects to carry silk to places where it cannot go over very long distances.

Jingshu's Rubik's Cube space has this characteristic. If she wants to put objects (dead objects) into the space, she must use something she touches in her hand as a medium. As long as the insect brings the silk to the place, she can use the silk to move it. Black liquid is received into the space.

The insect army lined up one by one, biting the silk and stepped into the track, and then they were teleported away with ups and downs.

Jingshu watched the silk and the bugs nervously. When the bugs reached the end again, they were sent into the black hole. Soon the bugs at the beginning of the silk were submerged by the black liquid in the black hole.

This is the time, stop it!

When it came into contact with the liquid, the insects that had just invaded the liquid completely lost contact. What was disappointing was that the black liquid was not received into the Rubik's Cube space!

The black liquid is shining like an endless starry sky. They are constantly flowing in the black hole, as if they are alive and conscious!

They are like a whole, and they are like the composition of countless consciousnesses, making people feel the vastness of the universe and their own ignorance of the world.

Jingshu could sense clearly through the bugs behind that the first bugs did not die after they fell. They were still alive and sucking the black liquid crazily!

In other words, once entering the liquid, Jingshu lost control of them! No, the black liquid and the tiny liquid in the quagmire did not make the animals in her space lose control. Why was that?

Seeing more and more bugs losing contact, Jingshu began to worry. There were too many rules for collecting things in her space. She didn't know which one was wrong. Is it because the black liquid is a living thing? Or is it a whole? Or is it conscious?

Suddenly, Jingshu discovered that she would not lose contact at the first moment when these bugs swallowed the liquid. She would only lose contact when the bugs swallowed the liquid. And she had just received a drop of black liquid, and then she completely lost contact. connect.

This discovery surprised Jingshu. For every insect that grabbed the silk, Jingshu could catch a drop of black liquid that passed through the silk as a medium and was collected into the insect's mouth at that moment.

The bugs entered the black hole one after another, and lost contact with each other in large areas. What they got back was drop by drop of black liquid. As soon as they entered the space, they were absorbed by the Rubik's Cube space. Not a drop was leaked. Although each bug only had one drop, it was still silent. Shu's insect base was huge. Soon, millions of insects all crawled into the black hole.

A happy voice came from the Rubik's Cube space, she's about to give birth!

Jingshu gritted her teeth, not missing the opportunity. She once again sent out the last batch of elite bugs to go into the black hole to get black liquid for her, leaving only a few of the top bugs as seeds to continue. Reproduction, it's just that it costs a lot to reproduce to the current level, which she can completely bear in comparison.

This batch of bugs brought Jingshu a bigger surprise. Perhaps because they absorbed more spiritual springs and were more elite, they could resist the black liquid. Even the time to disconnect was a little longer. Jingshu felt that each bug You can collect several drops!

This instantly enriches the space of the Rubik's Cube.

Jingshu's consciousness began to fade. She gritted her teeth and persisted. She must persist and collect more black liquid, because after this time, she didn't know when she would be able to collect liquid again.

After the examination, the ordinary colonoscopy was so sour that I almost cried in pain. I hugged the doctor’s arm and refused to let go. Since the examination was done at the cancer hospital, if there is no tumor, there is no problem in the doctor’s eyes. Anyway, some inflammations and enteritis can only be treated General hospital, very depressing

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