I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 564 Let’s face the blast

Jingshu waved her hand: Don't bother me. You don't need to kill me. Just keep an eye on it. From now on, just tell it, face the wind, that's it. This is the breeder's password. Emmm, Xiaowei is definitely still childish at heart.

Jingshu walked up to a huge gastropod and said to it: Face the strong wind.

Then, a shocking scene began.

A few seconds after the circuit was cut off, this ferocious bug raised its huge pliers as if it had received an order. With a few clicks, it cut off all its legs from the root, as if it was unaware of the pain. , and then clicked a few more times, using pliers to cut his huge body into several pieces, until finally, the pliers fell unwillingly and could no longer move.

The nerves were touching it and it was still rattling after death. Its fist-sized eyes stared at everyone indifferently, and it did not close its eyes until it died, leaving a silent and strange scene.

Although the pieces of meat are still quite big, they are much easier to handle this way. Let the chefs directly put these pieces of meat with shells and meat into the meat mincer and grind them into meat patties. Finally, according to the ratio of 10:1:1% Just add soil, flour, and salt in the right proportions. By the way, don’t let go of the insect heads, either the eyes or the yellow brains will be delicious!”

Jing Shu waved her hand and saw that it was just as Xiaowei said, these bugs knew how to 'commit suicide'. Not only that, they also knew how to cut themselves into pieces neatly, which saved a lot of trouble.

Hey, I have never seen such easy-to-use food. You can travel long distances from the mountains to the trading location by yourself, and you can slaughter and process it yourself. If necessary, you can still let the small business increase mass production, bugs We still have soil to eat now, but next year we will only have snow to eat. The most important thing is that the cost of these insects is lower than the cost of my red worms. Jingshu touched her chin and thought, completely unaware of the people behind her. People's jaws dropped.

Niu, Niu Bi!


What a hell, there is such self-conscious food.

Seeing the shocked looks of these chefs, Xiao Cai stomped his feet: Why don't you quickly record the test food? Why are you standing there in a daze! Hurry up!

The chefs then came to their senses, weighed the meat worms on the ground piece by piece, and shouted: Total 428 kilograms!

One is so heavy and can last a long time.

“This food is reliable.”

Even Qian Duoduo exhaled quietly, it was a little more than expected!

He quickly threw the gastropod meat into the meat mincer. Qian Duoduo and a group of shareholders looked at the busy chefs preparing the insect meat, at the army of insects waiting there, and at the other time. Jingshu, who kept eating something in her mouth, felt very excited for a moment. She was looking forward to passing the test this time, and the one she saved was the second phase of the stone garden!

More than a dozen chefs were busy working just to test how much food could be made from one insect. Soon the exciting moment came. The chefs rolled out rice buckets that were half a person high. Xiao Cai said excitedly:

After our testing, one insect can be minced and mixed with soil and a small amount of flour to make about 800 kilograms of stuffing, making ready-made wet cakes without loss. Calculated based on the minimum consumption of 200 grams per person per day. Can feed 4,000 people,

If it is dried into dry cakes and stored, it will only weigh about 700 kilograms, and then soaked in water to make porridge, it can save 6,000 people from death.

Xiao Cai personally took a pie made of insect meat mixed with soil and handed it to everyone to try:

That is to say, one worm can feed 4,000 people. Only 13 worms, soil and flour are needed to feed 50,000 people every day. Why don't you try the taste first? Although the smell is very strong, it is also a bit salty. The taste is not good when eaten wet. If it is made into scones, it will be crunchy and crispy, so I think it will be better.

Jingshu was ready long ago and was smiling on the side, but she didn't expect that the side dishes were even more cruel than her. They only gave 200 grams to each person every day, and they were still cakes with a lot of soil. They would definitely not be full, but this In this era, eating was unthinkable. If she could eat food, she would be alive. In her previous life, if she could have 200 grams of food every day, she would probably wake up laughing.

According to this algorithm, 390 bugs per month combined with a large amount of soil can just feed so many people. However, you must know that the food source is not only this, but also a complete reward and punishment system, not only bug meat, but also painting Cake, rice and steamed buns are also required to be hung in front of them. Otherwise, these people can only eat every day and not work because of the subsistence allowance. How can the stone garden operate and generate benefits?

So it seems that her agreement with Xiaowei is to produce more bugs, not only to feed the 50,000 people in Shiyuan, but also to store a batch.

Some shareholders were curious and carefully tasted the meat as small as a fingernail, and then immediately vomited it out.

It tastes so bad, it's even worse than pig food!

Ugh! None of my chickens will eat such disgusting food!

A strong fishy smell filled the air, and some shareholders covered their noses, disgusted with the food that was not as good as pig food. However, Jingshu stepped forward, pinched a piece, put it in her mouth, chewed it, and savored it carefully.

It is salty, rich in protein, meets the minimum needs of the body, and can keep people alive.

very good.

Even if it is unpalatable, she has already developed the habit of not wasting any food after experiencing the apocalypse for ten years and swallowed it all. The taste is not as good as the red worm cake, but it is much better than the carrion worm. That is the real food. It's hard to swallow, but being able to eat and survive without starving to death is probably what I can do for you.

Jing Shu thought silently, but Qian Duoduo squinted his eyes and said, No matter how unpalatable it is, it is still food, and it is also food that can save people! After saying that, Qian Duoduo also ate a big piece, nodded and ordered : The proportions are as follows. Although salt is precious, it is indispensable in the body. No matter how light it is, you won't be able to taste it.

Jing Shu smiled, no matter why Qian Duoduo did this, he must be very capable to do this.

Okay, let's make arrangements to beat all these bugs into pies first, bake half into earthworm cakes, and half into wet cakes. In the next few days, prepare to receive a large number of people to move into the second phase of the stone garden.

Then someone asked: Did you start preparations so early? Can this happen?

The sooner the better. Zhengfu is eager to lighten their burden. I believe that anyone who is not stupid will agree to this deal. Okay, let's break up the meeting. Jingshu, let's go and go to Zhengfu.

After confirming the matters here, Qian Duoduo immediately took Jingshu to Zhengfu to discuss the matter in person.

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