I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 585 Testing Medicine

Jingshu shook her head and said, Let me do it. It's okay to use ordinary medicine like yours to treat those big men today. But if you treat these people, the effect is not that good.

The bodhisattvas of people like Danai were all transplanted by Jingshu at that time, and there was no spiritual spring to water them later, so they will definitely not be able to achieve the effect of the bodhisattva that Jingshu brought out from the space today, which has a 99% suppression effect. The best Bodhisattva.

Ohno scratched his head and smiled: That's right, then we won't waste the medicine, but we will treat those with mild parasitic infections later.

Jing Shu nodded, and Minister Zhao became excited, and even the chief referee's breathing quickened.

Previously, the efficacy of Wucheng Pharmaceutical Association was obvious to all, but it was only for mild cases. Even the drugs they developed themselves can have good effects on mild cases, but these severe cases have been delayed for a long time, especially if they use Bodhi hanging every day. It can be said that the condition of the children who are dying is getting worse day by day, and because parasites share genes and evolve, once drug resistance occurs, all the curative effects will be greatly reduced.

Now, let’s see how effective Wucheng’s medicine is!

Then Jingshu carefully took out a finger-thick glass test tube from her trouser pocket. Jingshu gently shook the liquid inside and kept rolling. It looked like this was much more serious than the spray she took out in the morning.

But, it’s too mini, right? It is estimated to be only a few dozen milliliters.

Jingshu casually pulled out the cork, and a strange fresh fragrance instantly filled the air. The people around her even felt that they were much more awake, and even the disgusting stench seemed to have been purified. Erqiu, who was sweating in pain, felt much relieved.

There's a show!

This medicine feels so powerful.

Minister Zhao asked with some surprise: What's in this?...

Jingshu shook the test tube again. The liquid kept turning and felt like it was about to shake out at any time. Minister Zhao quickly stretched out his hand to catch it. What if it leaked? This thing doesn't look simple.

Jingshu handed the test tube to Minister Zhao: This contains the concentrated essence, the original solution of Bodhi. I purified it a lot to achieve this purity. Today's spray is just its scraps. Thanks to Jingshu, I learned the purification and refining method from Jun Bao, otherwise I really wouldn't have been able to complete this step, thanks to Jing Shu's saving grace.

Minister Zhao shook his hand and almost spilled the liquid. What a prodigal, a prodigal! The concentration of this liquid is so amazing. How much wasted to make it?

Just take one drop of the original solution and inject it with 250ml of normal saline. How about two balls? Do you dare to be the first person to test the medicine? I can declare that this medicine was taken out without doing anything.

Erqiu opened his eyes wide and looked around before saying, According to my observation, Miss, your medicine is the most reliable among them.

Jing Shu smiled unexpectedly and said, How did you observe it?

Erqiu sighed softly: Because, the way my grandpa looks at you, and then look at Uncle Zhao's eager look, how could he be so eager if he wasn't a little sure?

Jing Shu laughed. He was really an observant child. He knew so much at such a young age. Such an observant child was destined to be sensitive. The more sensible a child is, the more distressing he is.

Two balls, this medicine may produce some very violent reactions.

It's okay, little sister, come on!

I want it too, I want to test the medicine too! Tiedan was not willing to show weakness. As long as it was done by Erqiu, he would follow behind and follow suit. He couldn't show weakness.

Jing Shu nodded, and Minister Zhao quickly made arrangements. Finally, he chose Erqiu and Tiedan to test the medicine first, and hung up hanging bottles for them according to the method.

tick tick tick

The tense atmosphere made the entire hall quiet again, and you could hear the water in the bottle dripping quietly.

The faces of Erqiu and Tiedan gradually started to shed big drops of sweat, and their expressions began to become completely ferocious. First, Tiedan finally couldn't help screaming and even started to roll.

Quick! Press and hold!

The adults around them immediately held them down to prevent excessive movement from causing the needles on their bodies to fall off.

Erqiu finally shouted, his veins bulging and his lips turning purple.

Put on the oxygen mask, put on the oxygen mask, I'm hypoxic!

The beeping sound of the electrocardiogram was extra harsh at this time. Jingshu frowned, not expecting such a big reaction.

Do you want to continue? The situation seems to be bad, the reaction is too great.

Minister Zhao was hesitant. The key was that this was not his grandson. He looked at Chief Referee Zhang.

Continue! I, I can do it! Erqiu's voice sounded, a little hoarse. His eyes were red and bloodshot, as if they were about to burst out at any time.

Then continue. He sighed.

Erqiu and Tiedan's resistance became more and more serious, and the noise they made became louder and louder. Other drug associations who came from far away thought that there was a fight here.

Suddenly, as if they had agreed upon it, dense parasites were sprayed out from the corners of Erqiu and Tiedan's eyes, noses, mouths, ears and other places!

We can't say jetting, it should be scrambling to escape from the host's body.

You must know that parasites will never leave the body of the host, because once they leave, they themselves cannot survive, unless they are mature bodies that are about to mature and reproduce. There seems to be an element in Bodhi that can inhibit the mature growth of parasites. This tranquility Shu is not very clear.

The parasite leaves the host frantically, and I'm afraid the host won't be able to survive either! Not to mention how many human organs will be destroyed by such a violent method, it is as cruel as randomly stirring things inside your body.

This phenomenon made the scene a little panicked, and the person doing the compression was instantly frightened. Everyone screamed and stepped back. This was completely subconscious.

Jingshu took a big step forward, as if she had no reaction at all to these sprayed bugs, and was not afraid at all. She pressed down one person with both hands, and completely controlled a group of them with ease. Only two people can press.

Just when the screams sounded, an even more shocking scene appeared!

The parasites that were sprayed out like a tide seemed to be imprisoned by something terrifying. Just when the parasites were all sprayed out, they were pulled back crazily.

You can see this astonishing scene: the parasite ran away frantically, but was dragged back forcibly. Finally, it was completely eaten away by something, and the insect head swayed back and forth unwillingly, seeming to neigh.

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