I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 628 Auction of Jinhua Sows

Jingshu looked at Xiao Liu again. He was working in finance. He was actually a young man in his twenties. He was gentle and quiet. It could be seen from the fact that she had to call after being scolded just now. This young man was quite famous. own thoughts.

There is a future. Jingshu took a sip of coffee calmly, and then frowned slightly. This was Nescafe coffee that used to cost one yuan a pack, and it tasted a little astringent.

To be honest, it is incomparable to the top-quality coffee brought from the United States at home, but it is not easy to get coffee at this time. Since it is already so exaggerated, Jingshu does not want to force her taste buds, so Silently, he took out the milk bag from his arms, squeezed the milk into the coffee, and the taste became more mellow after drinking it.

Xiao Liu silently praised Jingshu. Look, he is worthy of being the director of the factory. He is awesome.



Have a strong character.

Hurry up and give Xiu'er a seat.

Jinbaba said dissatisfied: Master Lan, how did you do this? Didn't you say you wanted me to enjoy myself comfortably today? In contrast, the coolness is almost gone. Look at this person, the chair he is sitting on has a blanket, There was a tablecloth on the table, and I was eating snacks with my legs crossed, and there was a bodyguard standing next to me.

Looking at myself again, I have completely lost my appearance. Damn it, I have already lost twice today.

Mr. Lan nodded awkwardly: I'll make arrangements right away. Damn it. Where is there anything to eat in this shabby place? This gentleman would be so poor that he would lose his pants, otherwise he wouldn't lie to his college classmates for free. of hired workers.

Jin Ba Ba muttered extremely dissatisfiedly, but the celebrity meeting had already begun.

Good afternoon, gentlemen and ladies, I am Xiaoshuai, the host of this celebrity meeting. Without further ado, we are all our own people in this celebrity meeting, so let's get started. A man in black Cotton-padded jacket, covered in mud, said the unscrupulous host.

It’s really because the organizer is too poor and has a limited budget, so

Xiaoshuai patted the microphone. He had to hurry up. He didn't know if the battery could last until he finished hosting, so he spoke faster: Okay, I know what everyone is expecting. The first item to be auctioned is ours. The Jinhua sow that is so awesome today and is about to become extinct, go to the sow!

When you buy a sow now, you get a boar as a gift. Can't you find high-quality seeds after breeding? Are they too expensive? Are they being manipulated by others? Now you don't need them anymore. This directly saves you the trouble of breeding again. No worries, we will serve you directly at your doorstep.

If the sow and the boar are brought home, they will give birth to piglets next year, and the piglets will give birth to piglets the year after that, and the piglets will run everywhere!

As Xiaoshuai spoke passionately, a waiter brought up two pigs. Not big, a little thin, but clean.

It’s not that you don’t want to get fatter. It’s impossible for you to have no feed if you have pigs. This is actually the current situation in the apocalypse, just like the geese raised by the Imperial Capital Grain and Oil Bureau. There are good things, but they are all caused by the environment of the apocalypse. Jing Shu even wondered if there were some unknown gases or elements in the air that could harm all living things.

There were exclamations of exclamation all around the audience. The pig at this time is not a pig, but a Ferrari Maserati walking with two heads. No, no, they are two gold mines that can make money from money.

Okay, the auction of Jinhua sows that are about to become extinct has begun. Virtual coins and false auctions will not be accepted. We have dedicated people from the town government to check your assets on site. If the auction is false, your property will be confiscated directly. So before the auction decided.

Once again, the nature of this celebrity meeting is special. We only accept physical materials of equal value. In front of materials of equal value, we have the right to decide which party’s materials to use.

Okay, sows are worth 10,000 virtual coins, and the auction has started!

How terrible would it be when virtual currency can’t buy anything?

Soon someone made a bid. This pair of pigs has great investment potential. No matter how you buy them, you won't lose money.

Cloth worth 20,000 virtual coins!

Oil worth 25,000 virtual coins!

“By the way, in order to save time and maliciously raise prices and make noise, each person can bid at most 3 times for each auction item. Everyone must think carefully before bidding. Each auction item has a traceability code. If you bid on behalf of another auction item, If you want to transfer, you need to pay a 2% handling fee. Xiaoshuai rolled his eyes and memorized the rules of the lines without emotion. In his heart, he even scolded the organizer for being shameless and going crazy for money.

It's very simple. It is said to prevent price hikes, but in fact it is clearly marked. One person can only increase the price three times for one item, which is even better than secret bidding.

In general, the meaning is: don’t increase the price bit by bit, be more quick, just buy it at the same price, double it and double it. If you need someone, you can also find someone to buy it for you and just pay a handling fee.

After the entire hall was silent for a few seconds, no one increased the price. It was not until several seconds later that someone shouted:

Food worth 200,000 virtual coins!

Materials worth 400,000 virtual coins!

The hall became lively again. Such a high price directly dispelled 99% of people's fantasies about sows. Are they really here to pick up leaks? The stuff is good stuff.

It even caused a group of students behind Jingshu to scream, what do the hundreds of thousands of virtual coins represent? Now a whole house only costs tens of thousands of virtual coins. These students' families are not bad at all. In this end of the world, they are all living in single-occupied houses, but that's it. The one with the higher salary It only costs a few hundred virtual coins per month.

700,000 supplies!

The hawking sounds were even quieter. It’s not that these people didn’t have money. Those with money had a lot of virtual coins. They were all ‘forced’ exchanges issued by the town government at that time, but now it’s a bit distressing to have to exchange so many supplies.

Sow soon stopped shouting. Just when Xiaoshuai was about to make a decision, Jin Baba shouted: One million yuan of supplies!

This shout made the whole place boil again. A pair of sows were exchanged for supplies worth 1 million! How many cars will it take? Is it worth it? It doesn't pay off at all, even if the pigs give birth to piglets, and the piglets give birth to piglets, it won't pay off! An ordinary pair of pigs is not so expensive!

The host, Xiaoshuai, yelled several times and no one raised the price, and then said: One million yuan of materials has been sold! Please ask for on-site transactions and ask professionals to hand over. Please wait for a minute. If it is false, we will have to re-auction.

Wow, Brother Ba is so awesome.

Brother Ba, it's one million. You just bought it when you said you would. How awesome.

Did I hear that right? Brother Ba really spent one million to buy a pair of pigs?

Professional people soon came to check and accept it, and two waiters came with two pigs. The two waiters were college classmates. They winked and looked very excited.

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