I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 659 Jingshu was shocked

You can't abandon the building unless you have to. Taking a step back, Jingshu doesn't want to have another mudslide and walk back to Wucheng.

No matter how heavy the snail's shell is, it is still home.

Jingshu's thoughts wandered far away. Later, they discussed something else, but they didn't understand it very well. It was estimated that they couldn't discuss anything under such limited conditions, until Principal Wang gently patted Jingshu's shoulder. , Jingshu came back to her senses when she was talking about the touching story of taking a photo with Jingshu at the last graduation ceremony four or five years ago.

This time, I'm here to bid as well. Who knew it was such a coincidence? The old principal lamented his bad luck.

Jing Shu came to her senses and asked, What are you bidding for?

The old principal seemed to have no money or power.

Um, the superiors agreed that I would auction off the last batch of wooden tables, chairs, and door panels here. I could also support myself in exchange for some food, and use it as a salary for teaching online classes. Principal Wang was very ashamed. Strictly speaking, they also belonged to In the education department, he could be considered a regular worker, but now he is reduced to selling school supplies.

There is nothing we can do. Nowadays, students do not pay tuition fees to go to school, and there are few supplies allocated by the government. The most important thing is that their physics teachers have learned to develop APPs, and their Chinese teachers have to learn how to grow vegetables and correct their homework on APPs.

Even he, a math teacher, has to keep pace with the times, which is difficult.

Jing Shu nodded. Apart from being a bit talkative and fond of coaching, the old principal was a good principal who was in charge.

Has the stuff been sold?

The old principal shook his head: It's not my turn yet.

Send it to me later? I'll exchange it for you with insect cakes.

The newly expanded insect cake factory needs some tables and chairs, and the staff dormitories also need door panels.

The old principal agreed excitedly.

The atmosphere in the building is a bit cold. The food these days is pure insect cakes boiled in water. Even the green algae and other foods are gone. It can be seen that now we are really resting on our laurels. If the insect cakes are finished again, it will be really bad. nothing left.

Li Yuetian increased his workload, and after dealing with a few people who didn't want to work, he became quieter.

Jing Shu seemed to see the numbness of this group of people, living as unchanging as the walking zombies. They did not know that at this moment, they were in great danger.

Even the university classmates who had been chattering became much quieter. A lot of work kept them exercising in the cold weather. Hungry and fatigue occupied most of their lives.

Because of this, they don’t have time to think about so many things.

Except for the annoying thing Jin Ba Ba.

Every day, he held two Jinhua pigs that became energetic and talked to himself in the lobby box on the first floor. He kept stroking the pigs with gentle movements.

He also brought the sow with him when he entered and exited the place, giving up the little bear he had previously held.

Jingshu thought Jin Baba had some special fetish for pigs, until one time she saw his saliva kept flowing out, and she hurriedly wiped it off after seeing Jingshu.

Only then did Jing Shu realize that this child was greedy for meat, so greedy that he almost went crazy and his eyes turned green.

Look at this poor kid.

That night, Jingshu roasted a suckling pig in her own space and satiated her craving. This was a new method she invented, grilling it directly in the space.

The disadvantage is that the smoke and smell during baking never go out, which wastes 2 cubic meters of Jingshu. You can put it out in an open place later.


Jingshu, who had eaten and drank enough, had already gone to bed contentedly. Tomorrow would be a tough battle for her, but at this juncture, the snake that was released informed her of the news.

It's Daji. If he doesn't sleep well, what does he want to do? Jingshu yawned and got up to pack her things, leaving the comfortable duvet. Jingshu shivered, it was so cold.

Ever since she suspected that something was wrong with Daji, Jingshu had placed an informant around him. She has been relatively honest these days. Except for occasionally going to the underground tunnel to steal some of his hidden food, Jingshu doesn't like it. Naturally, No matter.

The little snake followed Daji out of his single room and went up to the seventh floor of the building, Boss Lu's territory.

Since the invasion of the mud mermaids, the building has been patrolled 24 hours a day, constantly. But maybe it was Daji's good luck that he made it all the way to the seventh floor without encountering any patrols.

Jingshu followed quietly, she wanted to see what Daji was up to.

Apart from the sound of snoring, there were very few other sounds in the whole building. There was so much work to do during the day, not enough food to eat, and no entertainment activities at night, so everyone slept very hard.

Daji tiptoed to the first room, a conference room transformed from a hot pot. He went to the original kitchen and started searching on the wall, patting here and there and knocking there.

Jingshu followed in and picked up a relatively clean mandarin duck pot in the corner. She planned to have hot pot with spicy and mushroom soup flavors later.

Although there was darkness everywhere because the building had no resources, the darkness could not block Jingshu's vision. She could clearly see that Daji had a clear goal.

He's looking for Boss Lu's sealed room with no cracks. That room is behind that wall! Jingshu looked a little strange. She originally planned to just go back to sleep. After all, that room never opened the door. Her bug After Zeng Jin searched everywhere, he couldn't find a place to get in.

Let bugs dig holes? I don’t know what kind of material it is made of, but it’s probably stainless steel bars that even bullets can’t penetrate?

Who knows, just when she was thinking this, there was a strange movement in the building. Then, Jingshu heard a rustling sound. Then, under Jingshu's shocked eyes, a mud mermaid fell from the ventilation duct. down.

One, two, three.

These mud mermaids were a little smaller than the previous ones, but not much smaller. Their purpose was clear, and they crawled towards the invulnerable room one by one.

Jing Shu was already extremely shocked.

Holy shit, shit, can this person control these mud mermaids? While he was thinking this, a frightened scream came out.

Don't come here, ah~~ help! Daji's screams echoed throughout the building. He was so frightened that he squatted in the corner on the other side. At the same time, the sound attracted the patrolmen and people from Boss Lu's side.

Jingshu clearly saw Daji's frightened expression and trembling legs.

What's happening?? Jing Shu was shocked. It turns out that Daji can't control these mud mermaids?

Crack! The mud mermaid bit the wall with its big mouth, eating a large piece of the wall and exposing a bit of the steel building inside.

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