I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 661 Daji’s adventure ability

Anyone who tries to take advantage of his precious baby will kill Boss Lu! Especially at this moment, the doomsday fortress he carefully built suddenly broke into people, which meant that his secret could no longer be hidden.

Boss Lu's face was filled with anger. He wanted this man dead!

Daji broke into a cold sweat. He didn't expect that even if he opened the thing, there would be someone inside. He said with a sad face: Wait, don't kill me. This is a misunderstanding, listen to me...

He calmly pulled down the brim of his hat, touched the sarcoma around his neck, and shouted in his heart: Help, help, whoever comes to save me, can those damn monsters come to save me?

Jingshu in the darkness squinted her eyes and watched everything quietly. She wanted to take another look, but she always felt that there was something strange about this man named Daji. She had a hunch that maybe this unwarranted disaster and the mud mermaid had something to do with him. relation.

Maybe he really has a weird ability, but he just has to guard against it.

At this moment, several mud mermaids at the door suddenly hit the iron lump like crazy. Because the opening was too small and the mermaid's body was so big, the mud mermaid's big head was halfway stuck at the entrance of the hole, and it ferociously went in. He offered it while opening and closing his mouth.

I wanted to come in, but couldn't.

Boss Lu was also startled and almost dropped his weapon to the ground. However, seeing this situation, he slowly let out a breath. He looked at the intruder in front of him, squinted his eyes, and decided to solve the trouble in front of him first. Come on, no one can know the secret inside him.

People in the town knew that he had hidden things before, but they didn't know that he had hidden so much, and both parties wanted to use each other. It was okay to take a step back, but now if this was discovered, it would not be that simple. This is a guarantee for the rest of his life, and he cannot take risks.

Lift the gun slowly.

Daji's face fell, feeling sadder than crying.

Although Daji seemed to have predicted something in his heart, these monsters seemed to do something he particularly wanted to do, but the monsters in front of him couldn't get in, and he couldn't save him even if he wanted to.

Daji suddenly knelt down, began to beg for mercy, and began to say good things. He definitely didn't care about what was inside, as long as he let him go.

At the critical moment of life and death, Daji's memory was brought out again like a movie going on fast.

The weirdness of it all started on the day of the auction.

Daji is an outsider, to put it bluntly, he is a businessman who makes a lot of hard money by moving things around in the apocalypse. He moves around a few specialties of the apocalypse in several places, so he is careful and cautious in doing things.

So on the day of the auction, he checked every corner, and accidentally discovered this special place on the seventh floor.

He originally thought it was just a hidden compartment, but he wanted to see what was inside, so when he was digging into the corner, he accidentally dug out a white worm the size of a fist.

It startled him so much that he dug it in, and the white juice sprayed in his face. He unluckily prepared to throw the insect away, but he didn't expect that the insect was not dead yet. It jumped up and twisted its body, just like a shrimp. Jumping around wildly, it landed on his neck.

One bite hit his neck.


Daji stretched out his hand to pull the insect away, but he never expected that the insect went directly into his flesh. Then, the building began to shake.

After Daji was summoned to the lobby, he discovered that he had a tumor on his neck. No matter how hard he tried to remove it, he couldn't get rid of it, as if it had grown into his flesh.

Later, Daji discovered something different. When he had a strong wish in his heart, it would come true for some unknown reason. It would come true through various coincidences, and it would be related to that kind of monster.

Those who laughed at him and those who ganged up to bully him were all dead and bitten to death.

Oh, Yi Yi is not dead, but his lower body is gone, which is no different from being dead.

Daji tried three times, and all three times his wishes came true, except for the one time when he wanted to see what was in the woman's villa but failed.

I want to live, please help me, I don't want to die! Daji shouted in his heart. He squeezed the tumor on his neck hard. All of this was related to that white bug!


The mud mermaid at the entrance of the cave was scorched by electricity, and then another woman walked in under the faint light. It was her!

Daji's pupils shrank sharply: Help me, help me!

Who is it! Boss Lu took out a gun and pointed it at the people who came in. He is very sensitive now, and more and more people want to know his secret!

They should all be killed!

Jing Shu walked in slowly. It was dark outside and no one noticed it for the time being. However, it was no longer a secret that such a large secret room was exposed here.

Hey. I guess he will come over after the fight outside. Jingshu stared at Boss Lu, and then glanced at Daji on the ground with doubts in her eyes.

Don't be nervous, Boss Lu, it's me. Jingshu said softly, her voice full of tranquility and meditation. At her suggestion, Boss Lu was stunned for a moment.

In the darkness, a little liquid shot out, and a strange smell filled the small house.

In just a few seconds, the two little cuties in his hands had filled the entire room with their semen, and quietly transferred it into Boss Lu's body.

It has been a pity that Jingshu's two little cuties have no use for so long. It has the greatest advantage. It can completely control a person in a short period of time. It can kill people or be invisible. Even professional doctors can't find out the cause of death.

The biggest disadvantage is that you can only control one person at a time, and the distance is limited. You can't control Boss Lu if you are as far away as just now.

Although Jingshu's extra ability hints are also very useful, they can only be used for guidance and cannot be completely controlled. There is still a little drama that requires Boss Lu's cooperation.

The two cuties completely controlled Boss Lu, and Jingshu quietly exhaled. Just now, the mud mermaid suddenly rushed in like crazy, but was stuck, blocking her view, and she had to show up.

Boss Lu, who was being controlled, said in a bad tone: It's you, what are you doing here! It showed that the two of them at least knew each other!

Jingshu didn't answer, but asked Daji: Do you want me to save you?

Daji nodded frantically: Save me, I don't want to die! Daji looked outside. The monster couldn't get in. He had a gun to his head, so he could only place his hope on this woman.

Promise me a few conditions and I will save you. Jingshu used the hints from the Rubik's Cube space and mental interference to say to Daji.

Unexpectedly, Daji's ability, which has always been easy to use, hit a wall. His eyes were rolling around, and he didn't know what he was thinking. It was obvious that he was not being hinted or manipulated.

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