I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 669 Ace’s life-saving trump card

This function is so practical.

In the past two months, Jingshu came up with the idea of ​​using electricity to electrify the mud mermaids underground to take away the white energy. She also did experiments at that time: she caught some mud mermaids by touching them for experiments, so as to teach her a thorough understanding of this. New species in the apocalypse.

But after the mud mermaid eats the white energy, it is considered a product of the dimension.

Unless you touch it personally and put it into the space, it won't work.

The most awesome function of the upgraded milky white space is that it can be within 1 kilometer of the diameter of the space. Whenever there is a mud mermaid, it can be received into the space and then released unexpectedly.

This distance is not dead. The next time the Rubik's Cube space is upgraded, it will be 11*11*11=1331 cubic meters, so the diameter of kilometers will also be expanded.

In other words: the milky white space is also equivalent to the summoning door.

Within this range, as long as Jing Shu thinks about it, she can continuously summon countless mud mermaids at any time. Of course, the premise is that there are mud mermaids in this range.

Maybe it’s not limited to mermaids, but other dark creatures.

Just like now, there are endless mud mermaids in the mud sea. Jingshu casually summoned a giant mud mermaid. After feeding it diluted milky white liquid, it also laid eggs like cannonballs.

From now on, I will have an inexhaustible supply of mud mermaids! Jingshu clenched her fists and was floated to the isolated island. The shadow of being destroyed finally disappeared at this moment. go.

In this apocalypse, Jing Shu has another trump card in her hand, which is also Jing Shu's life-saving thing. It can be said that as long as a nuclear bomb is not attracted to hit her, nothing can do anything to her.

At worst, he secretly summons a steady stream of mud mermaids.

To put it bluntly, such a large mud mermaid is not afraid of bullets or physical attacks, so it is a very good human shield.

Of course, Jingshu had to think carefully about how to use this trump card secretly, and she had to reposition herself.

Jingshu thought again: The year of mudslides will soon be over, and this mudslide sea is not a place to stay all year round. In order to cultivate a secret trump card, the mud mermaid must be placed not far from you so that it can be deployed at any time.

Then all the white energy in the underground must be taken away. Although the mud mermaid can survive by eating anything, it must also replenish a little white energy regularly. If you want to reproduce, you need white energy. The advanced body of white energy is white. Lotion.

But the white lotion in the space is too precious, so before leaving, it is best to collect all the white liquid into the space, otherwise there will be so many mud mermaids, and one of them will die.

Therefore, it is necessary to stay in the mud sea for a few more days and take the opportunity to collect all the white energy.

Jing Shu's face became weird again. Previously, the building seemed to have entered a whirlpool. It kept going in circles for more than two months and finally entered the center.

According to Jingshu's secret induction, everything was a good thing done by the bug in her neck. The white bug was guided by the energy and came to the energy storm. The reason why the milky white space can directly absorb the white energy may be the reason why the mud mermaid was summoned. The ability of the white bug, but now that the white bug is gone, the building will stay here.

But she never expected that all this would be easier for Jing Shu now.

Jingshu touched a small mark on her neck and was lost in thought. Junjia brought a group of people and found Jingshu. In this cold world, he was able to break out in a sweat. not easy.

Listen to Jackie Chan, you found something edible? What is it? Don't be shit. There is nothing else but shit in this empty building. What else can you eat? Is it just dirt? That dirt is also No, I killed a lot of people before... Junjia kept talking as soon as he arrived.

Jingshu took people to the room where bone meal was made and said, Eat bone meal. Add bone meal to those supplies and cook it into a paste. It should last another seven or eight days.

Junjia saw a room full of skeletons, and it was difficult to express his mood at the moment in words: Can it be eaten? I'm afraid it's harder to digest than dirt, right?

He had heard that if this thing was applied to the bite wound, it would immediately turn to stone.

Jingshu didn't make any publicity about the little experiment she did at the time, so she said, It's edible, and it's also very fragrant. I originally planned to take it back as a rare condiment in the apocalypse, but I didn't expect that it was all gone. Then she took the little test again. All told about the experiment.

Things made from bone meal have a special fragrance. Jingshu previously thought about getting more bone meal, not only as AB glue, but also as a precious seasoning in the apocalypse, and then added to insect cakes to sell.

At the worst, Jingshu even thought that if the sales were nationwide, then eating carrion insects and sprinkling some bone powder would not be so hard to swallow, and people would not starve to death. Saving some people was considered to be what she could do.

Junjia's eyes lit up. He was trapped in this place and had a higher hope of surviving for one more day. Since he could eat it and it tasted good, he waved his hand and said happily: That's it, Jingshu, you are really good. It’s really another meritorious service.”

If you are so hungry that you may eat bones, let alone bones, but who would have thought that bones are not easy to chew, so you can just grind them into powder and eat them?

It’s no wonder that Jing Shu got rich in the last days. This woman, simply, tried everything to see if she could eat it. She must have suffered from hunger, and there must be food in the box that she always kept with her, and she brought it with her wherever she went. It's obvious that she doesn't feel safe when she's eating, but she's so particular in these last days, it's hard to understand.

It just so happens that we can take this opportunity to promote bone meal and directly open the door to the market. We can even conduct a large-scale trial. It will be no problem for people to eat bone meal. The more he thought about Jingshu, the happier he became.

After having a big worry, Jingshu's heart calmed down, and she was frantically collecting the dense white energy in the ground while thinking about how to go back.

Suddenly, the countless mud mermaids underground gave Jingshu an idea: why not use these free labor to bring the building back?

The sled needs to be pulled by deer, and the boats in the sea can be pulled by fish. Although the building is a bit bigger, there are countless mud mermaids in the mudslide sea. Wouldn't it be enough to let them transport the building below?

Just in time, Jingshu wanted to go to different places to collect white energy. If she missed this village, she would miss this store, and by the way, she could collect all the wild mud mermaids.

In a place where others could not see, countless densely packed mud mermaids swam around the underground of the building, put their heads on the ground of the building, and began to swim slowly in one direction.

It was slow, but the building did move.

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