I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 674 They only listen to me

Jingshu's arrival caused an uproar in the Red Threadworm Cake Factory. The sound of banging the bowls became louder, and many people even shouted: Boss, Jingshu! Boss, Jingshu!

Even in the middle of winter, these people don't mind the cold. Oh, to be precise, they have nothing to do.

Then I heard the voice of the loudspeaker: Everyone, please be quiet. The factory will start working soon. At that time, all the welfare conditions will be the same as yours before, and we will also reissue 1,000 virtual coins to each of you!

Who knew that the trouble would become even more fierce: We don't want you to waste virtual currency. Virtual currency can only do nothing, but can we eat eggs and rice? We only eat white flour steamed buns!

Even if we can't eat, you have to turn on the boiler for us, right? Turn on the heater? It's so cold outside, you're going to freeze us to death!

Even if there is no heating, we still have to be given hot water and bathing water, right? Why are all the previous benefits gone?

The newly appointed factory director Wang Dazhi almost spit out his old blood. To open a factory like this, you need to invite a bunch of big men to come, right? Still eating white flour steamed buns? You go and eat shit. People in the imperial capital are not pretentious. It’s good to have a full meal as a formal worker.

Moreover, he was very kind and opened a buffet with all-you-can-eat insect cakes. He originally thought that these people would eat with open stomachs in gratitude, but who knew that these people actually went on a hunger strike, and not a single person came to eat! The only group of people in the cafeteria who came to cheer were his own people he brought!

Look at those unpromising people, they are already eating so much!

Forget it, listen to the fact that these ignorant people still ask for heating? Heating has been out of service in the Imperial Capital for several years. Whose house has heating now? That requires a lot of coal and gas, which are limited supplies and are very difficult to obtain! And bath water? Do these people think that opening a factory is a charity?

He didn't even have such luxury, and the life he lived before Tangtang was airborne was not as good as these workers.

It just so happens that the previous factory may have treated me this way.

The uncle showed a helpless smile and said: As you can see, the new employer is very generous. Even when the work is suspended, he will provide meals and wages, and also provides a free self-service insect cake meal. Unfortunately, the workers' mouths have long been eaten. In the past, When we started working, as long as we worked hard and steadfastly, we could drink soy milk and eat eggs as long as we wanted, and people from outside were trying to get into our factory.

Now? the uncle said contemptuously: The strong dragon has not yet defeated the local snakes. The supplies of Xishan and gas are all out of stock. Our insect cake factory has nothing except some insect cakes in stock.

So when the uncle came to greet Jing Shu, everyone shouted Jing Shu's name excitedly, which made the new factory director Wang Dazhi very unhappy.

Jingshu waved her hand and the scene became quiet. She said casually: Something happened. I just came here to see what's going on in the factory.

Boss, you are finally back!

Boss, we miss you so much...

Wang Dazhi gritted his teeth and greeted Jing Shu with a smile that he thought he didn't care about the new owner of the smile: You're here, it's a long way to welcome you! It was as if he really became the master. In fact, he was just a helper. Just a lackey running business.

You're welcome, don't worry about me. I'm just here to see how the factory is doing. Why did it stop working when it's working well? This is Wucheng's livelihood. We can't delay it for too long. If you encounter problems, you can ask the old employees for advice. Jing Shu said with a smile.

There is really something I need your help with. Wang Dazhi grimaced, not caring about the matter of face or not. He felt like he was being roasted on the fire.

If this matter is not resolved, Pills, oh no, their entire series will be doomed.


Wang Dazhi is worthy of being an old man in the business circle. He has helped manage many factories and clearly understands the importance of factory operation and its soul.

So he can lose face even more.

In fact, he may have realized that he had jumped into a pit, oh no, that his master had jumped into a sinkhole.

Wang Dazhi found someone to buy some flour and eggs at a high price. After first appeasing the employees, he took Jing Shu and others to the red worm production factory.

The production plant is right next door to the processing plant.

Jing Shu couldn't help but sigh as she walked on this familiar yet unfamiliar road. In just two years, she didn't recognize the transformation of the insect cake factory. Large warehouses have tripled their size.

And her share of insect cakes has already been transported to the reserve cave of Wucheng City Government. The insect cakes produced by the insect cake factory every day are divided into many parts, one part is sent to Xishan, and the other part is sent to Wucheng for digestion. Two copies were sent to the reserve cave for storage of supplies.

Only mobile spare parts are kept in the warehouse.

So the three large warehouses were empty.

The processing plant has also stopped, and the distillation machine assembly line that has been rumbling has stopped.

Only the large pond where red nematodes are produced has a pool of red nematodes, while the green algae pond on the other side where red nematodes are fed has a few green algae floating there.

Wang Dazhi said in embarrassment: The red worm factory has stopped working because the red nematodes cannot reproduce.

Jingshu nodded but said nothing.

Otherwise, this person is stupid. Red worms can create dozens of tons of food value every day. This is equivalent to a money printing machine. Why don't you turn it on?

Wang Dazhi continued to say awkwardly: The green algae that can make red worms reproduce is this green algae. This evil green algae suddenly stopped breeding. We also asked all the employees for advice, and they said they were just cultivating it according to the process, regardless of this matter.

Jingshu nodded again.

Wang Dazhi was finally about to cry. Judging from his experience in the business district at that time, the extraordinary thing about this insect cake factory is that it has a unique method to cultivate red worms. So many people in the country have not cultivated it, but someone has cultivated it. Some method must have been used.

They bribed some people and went through the entire process before they realized that green algae was the key to reproduction. They summarized, analyzed, and stole methods for cultivating green algae. They thought they had found the method and trick.

Red thread worms have indeed been bred, very easily and easily, so there is a series of things such as subsequent death lists, pressure and buying and selling.

But they didn't expect that this method was useless after only one week. They were allowed to think of any other method, and even used it to decompose, analyze and study it, but they couldn't come up with a solution.

So, take a look, can you tell us why red nematodes and green algae cannot be bred using the previous processes and methods?

Jingshu said matter-of-factly: Of course it's because I am the only one who can reproduce green algae and red nematodes. They only listen to me. If I am alone, how can they reproduce if I am gone?

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