I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 680 A lot of bones were dug up

Those who purchase this building must have a Wucheng household registration, and if it is used for business, the sale or rental price cannot be higher than the market price, and the tax rate is 10%.

The starting price is the equivalent of 8 million virtual coins, and loans and installment payments are not accepted.

But the buyer can change the location of the building at will if he has the conditions. The premise is that you have the ability, you can get it anywhere. Wucheng is such a large area, and the city is deserted.

These conditions alone restrict many people. Wucheng may be afraid that the building will run away again, so it pays water stamps, and it is also afraid that buyers will use it to flip houses and make huge profits. After all, such a large place needs to be renovated and a partitioned private building is needed. The space is much better than the basement.

But so many conditions were obviously overthought. Although the building was empty before, at least the decoration was still there, and many hard furnishings were there. Many things could be used after being pulled down, and the preservation was considered complete. After all, the grade was still there, and the functional facilities were also there. complete.

But after the mud mermaid attack this time, even the handrails of the stairs were chewed up, and there was nothing left.

After Wang Miao said these conditions, he also felt blushing.

If Boss Lu had been here before, this building could have been auctioned for at least tens of millions. Although the previous location was in the suburbs, it was not far from a district or town government. It housed factories, research commerce, etc. It could be rented as an office building. go out.

Now? .This location is right next to the red worm processing factory, and there is nothing else around.

But even so, the town government has no intention of selling it at a lower price. Although many people were invited this time, many people did not come.

Director Wang, what if this building cannot be auctioned? Why are there so many restrictions?

For 8 million, who would buy it now? It's so broken and dirty.

Hurry up and let us determine the damage!

There were bursts of sighs from below, and it was hard to survive. Everyone who had lived in the building had a shadow, and the ghost wanted to buy it. As soon as they came here, they felt that the monster was still following him.

Wang Miao held the loudspeaker and said: It doesn't matter if you can't sell it. The town government plans to build this entire supply station, which happens to be a neighbor of the insect cake factory. It is possible that refugees who escaped from surrounding cities will be accepted here, which will be convenient in the future. The Insect Cake Factory shipped the goods for treatment.”

Jingshu shuddered, but come on, she didn't want to be neighbors with the town government.

8 million virtual coins, if no one wants it, I'll take it. Jingshu finally held up the sign. Wasn't the 8 million number just a coincidence? Did the town government know that she had just won 8 million virtual coins and deliberately set the price?

How do you know she wants to buy this building?

Not to mention, Jin Tianci really knew about this. At that time, he said: Just sell it for 8 million. She can take it if she wants it, and it is useful if we don’t take it back.

What can you do with 8 million to buy a shabby house? Many people are confused, and no matter how hard they rack their brains, they can't figure out what benefits this can bring.

But soon, everyone's attention was attracted by Wang Miao's damage assessment and compensation.

Jingshu also has two villas, and they all happened to be transported to a piece of land reserved for her behind the insect cake factory. She also asked people to clean them carefully and then sealed them up using the old method.

If nothing unexpected happens, these two villas will be the second cave of Jingshu's three cunning rabbit caves. They will be used in the future if the apocalypse is long.

The compensation from Greenland and the town government was in virtual currency. Liao Shengwuji finally had virtual currency in his account again.

Miss Jing, all the contracts for the building have been submitted to big data. You have become the owner of it. If it is used for business, it must be reported. Wang Miao tirelessly explained some details to Jing Shu. After finishing speaking, Then he took everyone away.

Jingshu called all the workers in the insect cake factory. Everyone looked at the building inexplicably, and many people covered their mouths and noses. The smell was too unpleasant, and it was too dirty inside. broken.

So what is the purpose of our boss buying this dilapidated building?

We don't have enough dormitories now, and we don't have the materials to build a house. I guess we want to use it as a dormitory building?

I don't want to live here, I'd rather be crowded with other people.

Isn't an 8 million dormitory building too luxurious?

Many people were talking about it, until the boss on the stage waved his hand and everyone became quiet.

Jingshu said: I bought this building for great use. I just want to ask everyone, do you want to follow me in this apocalypse to have enough food, clothing and sleep?


Would never dream of it!

After we stopped working for a while, I realized that the welfare benefits of our factory are so good. It is already known as the second stone garden in the eastern suburbs!

The First Stone Garden is naturally rich in money in Xishan. Who makes the conditions there unique?

I'm afraid the current Shiyuan is not as good as our four-star treatment. No matter how good Shiyuan is, can we eat meat now? Can we take hot baths every day?

Jing Shu nodded, and then shouted: Since you think about it, the first task for you now is to clean the building!

So, Jingshu waved her hand and sent all the thousands of people in the factory to clean.

For a while, the building was bustling with activity. The people shoveling shit, transporting shit, mopping the floor, and cleaning the walls were all working in full swing. No one was lazy, because now they work overtime, they get overtime pay, and there are also late night snacks!

There are repairmen who have started repairing the damaged areas on site, and there are also construction workers who have already taken measurements and will be able to restore the floor heating in a few days.

Now, even Xiao Liu, who has been following Jingshu for several months, doesn't understand what she wants to do.

Looking at the financial expenditures one after another, Xiao Liu felt a little distressed.

Boss, these feces smell really bad when they are dried, why don't we burn them? said the manager in charge, who has obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Dig a hole and bury it nearby. Jingshu said, although the feces is of no use, she has discovered in the past few days that her snakes and insects hate the smell. If I thought correctly, this thing can repel insect.

When they migrate, they can be dug out by others and taken away with them. This will avoid a sea of ​​carrion insects.

Avoid suffering.

No, no, no, we dug up a lot of bones under the soil outside the building!


Go and have a look.

Many people ran out frantically. It’s hard to tell what their psychology was, fear, excitement, excitement.

After the bones were dug out and placed in the building, everyone looked serious.

There were constant reports from outside that more and more bones were being dug up, and everyone became scared at this time.

This doesn't look like human bones, it looks like...

Xiao Liu stood up at this time and said: These are the bones of the mud mermaid. When we were wandering with the building this time, many mud mermaids climbed into the building to eat people. This is a very scary monster, but what about its bones? ..”

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