I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 693 Mutated Carrion Worms Return

In order to be able to travel day and night, and not to catch a cold on the way, the Queen’s tent is very big and needs to be kept warm. It also needs to have everything. Besides, there are many eggs that are hatching, which are all precious treasures. Bring it.

By the way, there is a large straight-cylindrical insect whose mouthparts are connected to the back, which helped a lot this time. Although the speed is a little slow, it is really first-class in clearing snow and clearing obstacles.

The key is to be able to install it. Basically all the Zerg things depend on them. In the end, even the house was demolished, and the windows and doors couldn't be lowered. It was so plucked that not even a hair was left.

Three days later, the well-prepared group of people and Zhong set out on the road. Since Jing Shu had just opened the road, the return journey was easy.

After such a long period of breeding, although a batch of them had to be traded every month, now at Jingshu's request, the number has exploded to tens of thousands.

These are all mobile rations. Jingshu felt that Xiaowei was much more powerful than Zhang Lang. Cockroaches reproduce quickly and plentifully, but they are not as good as these bugs. The growth cycle is fast, and when one grows up, it will Hundreds of kilograms!

As everyone knows, Zhang Lang's eggs reproduce quickly and are of high value. They can produce hundreds of thousands of eggs at a time, which can be eaten in four or five days, and they are much larger than ordinary cockroaches.

Xiaowei is still a little uneasy, and Jingshu wants to comfort her from time to time. The best way is to give her some delicious food, and Xiaowei is also a girl who is easily satisfied. As long as there is delicious food, she will be fine immediately.

For the sake of so many mobile rations, Jingshu also had to treat Xiaowei well. She would send a portion to Xiaowei and discuss their accommodation arrangements with Xiaowei.

You guys should live over there at Wucheng Railway Station. The tunnel starts from there. It's convenient to live there. The old railway station can be renovated and some holes dug so that people can live there.

Whatever you need, it's easy to dig a tunnel. I've already shown you the location.

Xiaowei nodded: It's all up to you.

With Xiaowei's words, the next step becomes simpler. It is nothing more than living environment, water source, and food.

There are no other dangers on the road. With Jing Shu here, any troubles can be solved quickly. After all, Jing Shu is experienced.

Finally, a week later, I arrived at Wucheng Railway Station. It was completely covered with snow and was in a state of dilapidation after the earthquake and flood.

The tiny bugs directly dig out their own nests. They have a queen, and the division of labor is clear: those who dig the nest dig the nest, those who dig the nest, those who are responsible for looking for food, those who are responsible for protecting the queen, and those who are responsible for putting the eggs into the warm incubation room.

Jing Shu doesn't need to worry at all, they are a stable group. Oh, yes, Jingshu also discussed with Xiaowei the issue of remuneration for tunnel digging.

It doesn't cost much, the insects are just idle.

If you must pay me, the weather is getting colder and colder. We need the long hairy things you mentioned to make more daily necessities.

By the way, it would be even better if you give us some delicious food!

Look, how simple and unpretentious the requirements of the entire Xiaowei clan are? Jingshu agreed.

Compared with the food remuneration Jun Bao paid for letting so many people build the road, Jing Shu only had to pay for the food of dozens of people, and Chang Mao, who had basically no cost, was simply insignificant.

Naturally, the food is not provided from home, but from the cooperative project in Xishan. Starting from the next transaction, Xishan will pay twice as much for food and supplies.

Jun Bao has already urged Jing Shu several times.

Jingshu saw that Xiaowei had already dug the insect's nest and arranged where the tribesmen would live. She immediately took the people and excavated the first stop.

The mud mermaid is mainly responsible for digging holes. With its invulnerable body, it is easy to loosen the soil first, then let the bugs dig, and finally let the straight-cylindrical bugs transport a large amount of soil.

This time Jingshu learned the trick and dug an exit every mile, which was convenient for reinforcement and easy to collapse. Then continue digging the tunnel another hundred meters apart.

This digs faster. After all, every mile saves one hundred meters. Time is money now. Who knows how much of such a long tunnel can be dug during migration, so we can only dig as much as possible.

The previous digging was not wasted. According to Jun Bao's requirements for the tunnel, it was enough to widen it, and the speed was very fast.

After digging for several kilometers, Jingshu informed Junbao that they could start building the tunnel later.

This busy time is just another month.

After Jingshu made all the arrangements, she dragged her tired body back home, and it happened to be the Chinese New Year again.

The end of the world has finally entered its fifth year, which is known as the most tragic year.

The whole world has slowly officially entered the world of ice and snow. According to the latitude, the heavy snow in some places has turned into ice, and in some places it has started to melt as soon as it snows.

And the heavy snow in Wucheng didn't stop after it started falling.

Wucheng used to have four main roads, which were responsible for clearing heavy snow every day and clearing the traffic roads. After all, there were still people commuting to and from get off work every day, and there were also people transporting food, and they needed to go out for various things.

As the snow continues to fall, there is now only one main road left in Wucheng, making traffic extremely inconvenient!

The first sight is silver-gray, burying most of the buildings.

Jingshu grabbed a handful of snow, shaped it into a snowball, and threw it on the fat chicken who was looking for food with its butt sticking out.

The snowball scattered all over the floor with a pop.

The fat chicken clucked and screamed angrily. It was so frightened that one of its eggs accidentally dropped into the snowdrift and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Cack! My egg fell off!

The fat chicken turned around and dived into the snowdrift that was almost as tall as a man to look for eggs.

Jing Shu shrugged. She really didn't mean it. She didn't expect that the fat chicken wouldn't be frightened and would lay an egg when frightened. It was an egg after all and couldn't be wasted. Jing Shu ran over to see where the egg had gone.

Cuckoo? The fat chicken called twice.

Jingshu took out the shovel and shoveled away the snow. Then she saw a dense pile of long black worms that had eaten up all the eggs.

The fat chicken became even more angry. He roared loudly, picked up the worms and swallowed them. It took a few minutes for the chicken to eat all the worms.

Just when the fat chicken thought it had finished eating, many more appeared around.

It's the mutated corpse worm that's back! Jing Shu said in a condensed voice.

The carrion bugs in the first year eat everything, eating up many people's food. They grow faster than maggots, but the adults are very small. They have many natural enemies: such as frogs and birds. Their biggest natural enemy is maggots.

Where there are carrion worms, there are maggots.

But the carrion bugs in the sea have no natural enemies. After four years of changes, they have returned, not only getting bigger one by one. Now that the land is so cold and other animals are extinct, they have no natural enemies!

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