I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 695 Opening a Garment Factory

This year's gala is still nothing new, but it is lively...and more sensational.

The noses of the older generation were sore when they watched it. Jing Nai was fascinated by using the fat chicken as a pillow. Everyone else was concentrating on eating!

After all, a meal with three Michelin stars in these last days is really rare!

Although it is a small amount, when will they be able to eat such delicious food?

Jingshu, I'm afraid this New Year's Eve dinner will cost a lot of virtual coins, right? asked the second aunt.

Is this something you can eat with virtual currency? Wucheng has virtual currency and now you can eat insect cakes. You know that other cities can't even eat with virtual currency. The eldest aunt shook her head.

Working as an outsourced foreman in an insect factory, my aunt has gained a lot of experience. Nowadays, you can’t even buy ordinary food, let alone a banquet with rice, vegetables and condiments!

Nowadays, food is so precious that it is impossible to grow it. Except for those in the top pyramids, who eats without water or insect cakes?

While Jingshu was dealing with useless chatting, she was thinking about the garment factory. Who would the factory director ask to do it?

The breeding of hairballs and protection from the cold in ice and snow will definitely become more and more important. When Junbao's food is developed and the country is no longer in short supply of food, protection from the cold will definitely be on the agenda.

So garment factories are even more important!

In addition, the cost of long-haired balls is cheaper, and they can be bred with mud mermaids. Instead of consuming part of Lingquan's insect cakes every month, Jingshu will gradually shift the focus to the garment factory.

Whatever is most lacking in the last days, we will build it!

Having said that, the director of a garment factory must be someone you trust and have certain abilities.

Just as Jingshu was thinking about it, the food director outside said he had something to look for.

I'll go out first,

She thought who was looking for her, but she didn't expect that it was the big boss Qian Duoduo. At this time, shouldn't the whole family be happy?

Mr. Qian.

Jingshu, I heard that you want to open a garment factory and hire some people? Qian Duoduo said with a smile while smoking a cigar.

Why am I bothering you for such a trivial matter? Jing Shu was a little surprised, but seeing that Qian Duoduo hadn't had a good rest these days, she seemed to be worried about what?

How can it be considered a trivial matter? Qian Duoduo sighed and took Jingshu to the second phase of the stone garden.

Jing Shu comes here often, and Xiao Wei’s bugs are processed here.

Do you want to recruit more people? Qian Duoduo asked.

Ah? Jing Shu hesitated, Why?

It's difficult to raise a staff in the last days. One person requires a lot of food, and she doesn't run a charity base.

I can't afford it. In the past two days, after the person in charge was changed, I was given two problems... Qian Duoduo was worried.

Then he whispered: I always feel like that person wants to cut my leeks.

Jingshu coughed twice. You felt right. The guy above really wanted to cut your leeks.

What problem did he give you? Jing Shu asked, Wucheng has not starved to death in this life, so why does Jun Bao always want to cut other people's leeks?

Recently, so many people have been brought in to dig tunnels, and I have been asked to arrange 30,000 people to dig underground cities. The key is that I have also been asked to hand over the shares I had before. It is said that starting this year, all resources in Wucheng will belong to The town government took care of it.”

Not even a dividend.

It's equivalent to direct confiscation!

Jingshu opened her mouth and wanted to pat Qian Duoduo. She sympathized with Qian Duoduo. In the past, Qian Duoduo made his fortune from oil.

Brother, that's not bad, at least it didn't kill you.

Jingshu reminded: Have you forgotten that you used to fight landlords and divide the fields?

I know, so I handed it over happily. Qian Duoduo had already had a premonition after living for so many years.

Therefore, Qian Duoduo was stripped of his skin this time. Not only did he lose oil and resources, but he was also arranged to support so many people. It was really miserable.

Then if I need to use oil in the future, won't I have to ask the town government to replace it? Jingshu also sighed. Fortunately, she had stored a lot in the space before, and even if she needs to replace it in the future, she won't need much.

No, I have to go back to Sumali to buy more natural gas. Otherwise, it will be difficult if her father is also raped.

Then I need to recruit more people this time? There must be people who can make clothes, relevant management talents, and more. Jingshu Balabala said a lot according to the plan.

No problem! Take more people with you! Save the old man!

So. When your garment factory makes clothes, can you first supply a batch to Xishan? If too many people die in this batch... There is an excuse to start trouble.

no problem!

Qian Duoduo left with satisfaction.

Jingshu recruited 1,000 talents of all kinds that day and is still living in Xishan for the time being. She will take over after the factory there is arranged.

This time Jingshu opened a factory and hired people, but she didn't advertise at all.

I don’t even dare to post it on Moments because I’m afraid.

Who knows how the news leaked out.

As a result, Jingshu was still harassed in various ways during the Chinese New Year.

A relative of Lao Niu's family, Jing's mother's boss couldn't refuse. She still had to work as a laborer to take care of two meals a day.

Relatives and friends of Lao Jing’s family

Relatives of the old Su family

I don’t know where the classmate got the news. He recommended his abilities and said that he had worked in a garment factory.

There will be a unified assessment on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year. Those who pass will come to work.

Jingshu didn't go through the back door, and simply arranged for Xiao Zhang and Xiao Liu from the Human Resources Department to conduct unified assessments on the sixth day of the lunar month.

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, Jingshu could no longer sit still and went to the town government to get a factory certificate, go through the formalities, and then borrow another sum of money.

In Jing Shu’s words, anyone who can borrow money must not pay for it!

Finally, I also bought a batch of clothing-making tools at a low price from Xinlan City next door.

The factories that used to make clothes have closed down. Can you think of a way to bring back more machines? There must be some that are not melted and can be used as raw materials, right? Jing Shu asked Jun Bao.

Jun Bao looked at Jing Shu: Have you found a way to reproduce hairballs?

Jingshu can make such a big move, recruiting people, opening factories, borrowing money, and finding machines. Now, except for the material of hair balls, Jun Bao can't think of any other material that can produce a large amount of materials in a short period of time.

The hairy ball is a dark object and is probably related to that energy.

Jing Shu raised her eyebrows and nodded, and she really didn't want to hide it.

This is a timely blessing. I have good news for you. The research on ZS880 synthetic meat has been successful.

Really?! Jingshu was surprised.

This news comes at the right time. You must know that many people died due to lack of food in the previous life.

If you invest this month, it will be shipped nationwide next month. Although it cannot be said to become a mainstream food, it can still make more money. Jun Bao said with a smile.

Just wait until the bacterial meat comes out, and it can be mass-produced.

Then the next question is to keep out the cold.

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