I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 706 Considering Migration

Jun Bao shrugged: You don't know the enthusiasm of those people at all. Just because 1,000 kilograms can be exchanged for 1 insect cake, those people are crazy. They all want to exchange more and store grain. Now who dislikes too many insect cakes? ?So, your factory often runs out of stock, and then other people feel that there is a shortage of food, and everyone goes to dig up carrion bugs.

Jingshu: .

So is this a chain reaction?

No, no, the point is, these people are so enthusiastic that they have hollowed out the entire city of Wucheng? How many carrion insects are stored in this?

The key is how much does she owe? ?

Jun Bao knocked on the table again: It's okay if you don't want to pay back the money. I know you have no money. Otherwise, I will keep those carrion insects. When you need them in the future, I will sell them to you? Or do you still have them? One option is that the money for these carrion insects will be transferred from Wucheng’s public accounts, and Wucheng will help you pay it out, but this new dark creature you developed...can Wucheng get some shares?

Jingshu was in a dilemma.

There will be no shortage of carrion worms in the future. They are everywhere on the ground. You can collect them whenever you want. But the important issue is time, cost and manpower. The relationship between these three.

Now is the time in the last days when manpower is the cheapest and food is the most valuable, so 1,000 kilograms can be exchanged for one insect cake.

After a while, when giant meat is mass-produced, everyone will be able to eat, and manpower will be more expensive, and no one will work hard just for a bite to eat, unless, you give it The food is delicious.

If water flows to lower places and people move to higher places, then what people pursue most is real food, such as natural food such as rice, noodles and potatoes, rather than tasteless synthetic food.

Therefore, now that Jingshu has no money to pay back, she will suffer a loss if she buys these carrion insects in the future. Moreover, no matter how good the relationship is, Jingshu still wants to keep these things in her own hands.

But Jingshu is also a little tangled in the second choice. With the participation of Wucheng Town Government, the interests are shared, and she will not be afraid when meeting someone with a background. Moreover, the important thing is that in the future, she will indeed need the approval of the town government to do some adult things. things that can be done.

The question is, how many shares should I hold?

If you give too much, you will feel bad; if you give less, you will feel embarrassed.

Seeing Jingshu's entanglement, Jun Bao smiled and said: Wucheng will not take advantage of you, and once you can train you, it will be more a matter of 'honor' and it will also serve as a model in the country. Wucheng needs this aura, so Wucheng only holds 10% of the shares and can also provide you with technical and strategic support.

Moreover, the town government will pay for all the carrion insects you acquire next, which has many benefits.

What if it fails?

Failure is impossible. Didn't you come back this time to bring good news? Otherwise, you wouldn't have finished the factory in such a hurry. If you were only a little sure before, now it is 100% certain. That's all. Jun Bao said with a smile, Jingshu didn't fight an uncertain battle, and he didn't fight one either.

If he had taken over the carrion insect matter before Jingshu set off, he would have required more than this amount of shares. After all, Wucheng would also have to bear the huge risk of failure.

But now that he has taken the corresponding risks and returned successfully, he comes back to take care of things. He only follows behind to drink soup, and asks for some shares to deepen the cooperative relationship.

Okay, that's settled.

It is quite pleasant to work with Jun Bao. Although this man was a tyrant in his previous life, he gave people a very bad impression and his methods were very ruthless. On the surface, he appeared to be a gentle and gentle gentleman, but in fact he was extremely evil at heart. But what I have to say is, Knowing how to advance and retreat, and knowing people's hearts, no one can do it better than him.

Jingshu only believes in friends who always share the same interests.

The tunnel should be dug faster. Jun Bao said.

Jingshu nodded, she also wanted to hurry up, the insects were already traveling day and night, and she didn't want to take the same old path in her previous life when migrating. It would be best if she could take a safe place like a tunnel.

To give you an idea, in two months, 80% of the people will be migrating.

Jing Shu was a little surprised and said: Is it settled? How is the construction of the underground city going?

It's not decided yet. The documents above won't be approved. They say we need to hold on a little longer. In the past, a disaster would have passed in one year, but it would have passed in half a year if we persisted. If there is a large-scale migration, too many people will die on the road. Some people will be left to continue the construction. Underground city, guard supplies. The key is that the underground city can only house tens of thousands of people.

Jing Shu nodded. To build a city underground, all aspects of living systems and sewer pipes must be carefully considered. It is indeed very troublesome and cannot be built overnight.

As for holding on? It's going to drop to minus 70 degrees. It's really a freezing temperature in the ice and snow.

I know, I will make preparations. Jingshu wanted to appreciate it, even if she knew it N years in advance.

Don't make any noise. In the next month, giant food will be mass-produced. First calm the hearts of the people, and then let them feel the true power of nature. They should leave willingly.

Let me give everyone a sweet date first so that they will not become numb to death in despair.

First gather people's hearts and morale, then the team will be easy to lead.

Jingshu returned home, and the family held a small meeting in the evening.

In two months, we will probably be migrating. The documents haven't been issued yet. The route is the area where I am responsible for digging tunnels. We will follow the road before the apocalypse. There will be service stations every dozens of kilometers.

Jing Shu has never revealed this kind of news, but has been preparing silently. It was not until today that she revealed it.

Everyone in the family was surprised, even a little incredible.

Migrate? My dear, we live a good life here and have food to eat. Why move? No matter how cold it is outside, we can burn the boiler and air conditioner at home and it's still calm. If we want to move, what will we do along the way? ? Jing Nai's expression was the worst. In times of disaster, the most feared thing is migration.

Wandering, homeless, rushing day by day, the road is not peaceful, anything can happen, it is too dangerous!

The third aunt was speechless and said: Except our family has a boiler, who else has one? That garbage station burns garbage every day, and everyone hides there to warm the fire. It's too cold outside now. I don't know how cold it will get.

Jing's mother frowned: No wonder... there has been a new move above recently, and they are anxious to collect grain. Commander Niu also quietly told me to make more preparations recently and store more dry food.

Dad Jing asked: Where is the destination of the migration? Are we not coming back? What about our villa in Wucheng? We have too many things to bring, such as furniture and daily necessities. You can’t even take them away, you have to take away everything you can eat!”

Mr. Jing pointed to the poultry in the yard: All the live ones must be taken away. This is the seed and cannot be killed. It is also our hope for the future.

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