I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 724 Su Mary wants to open a company in Nanhai

In short, the migration destination is still a familiar place in the previous life, which makes people feel much more at ease, and also allows people to have a part of the prophet. This can be said to be what Jing Shu relies on in the next few years.

The South China Sea is humid and prone to mold. It has been soaked in sea water before, and seaweed and mold are everywhere. Prepare some desiccant, preservatives, lime, etc. in advance.

It is close to the sea and has few resources. For example, Wucheng is rich in natural gas and oil, whether it is used as industrial fuel, raw material for artificial sun, or for daily life such as cooking, heating boilers, automobile fuel, and steelmaking. , chemical dyes, and natural gas play extremely important roles.

When we arrive in the South China Sea, we are not concerned with public affairs, but we are concerned with private matters. I am afraid that the quality of life will drop a lot.

I just hope that Su Mary will bring more CNG (compressed natural gas) at home. I heard that their home is going to open a gas pipeline. I don't know if it is true or not. If it is true, it would be too arrogant. Jing Shu shook her head. , in addition to the compressed natural gas that she had bought at a high price from Su Mary, Jing Shu also signed a contract with Su Mary to rent the Hulk.

During the migration period, provide 100 Hulks to transport goods for the Natural Gas Company (general name of Sumali Papa Natural Gas Company), no matter how long it takes, until it reaches the destination.

The Natural Resources Division provided Jingshu with 10,000 cubic meters of natural gas.

Sound like a lot? Do you think this natural gas is for the insect cake factory? In fact, this is not the case. The natural gas is completely produced by Jingshu for her own use, and it is very likely that it will not be enough.

10,000 cubic meters of natural gas is 50 compressed bottles of natural gas. One bottle is 20map natural gas, which is approximately equal to 200 cubic meters of natural gas.

Before the end of the world, 1 cubic meter of natural gas cost 1.4 yuan, which could be burned for 1.5 hours for cooking. If used for a modified villa heater, it would only be enough for 1 hour, and the consumption of hot water for bathing would be even higher.

On the migration journey, Jingshu will never wrong herself. How can she be comfortable? Can’t the RV be kept warm? Isn't it just for your own comfort that you do so much?

So a family needs 30 cubic meters of gas a day, and at least 900 cubic meters of gas a month. I don’t know how long the migration will take. When we settle down in Nanhai, we will have to cook and shower every day, right?

Besides, the natural gas company is definitely not losing money if it gives 10,000 cubic meters. A natural gas car can run 200 kilometers with 12 cubic meters, which is very economical. However, the cargo capacity of Jingshu's 100 Hulks completely exceeds the car, and the consumption is only one yuan. A pile of worthless carrion worms.

Of course, then again, natural gas is becoming more and more valuable and will not be supplied to ordinary people. Now it is a special supply. Jingshu can exchange for so much with the Hulk. It is a win-win situation for both parties.

With natural gas, the biggest problems during the migration such as the low temperature, lack of food, and lack of bathing were solved. Jingshu was even able to take a hot bath every three days.

Speaking of this, I still have to sigh with emotion about Su Mary's wealthy life. The six townhouses in Su Mary's side are already almost empty. Su Mary herself has already taken a plane to Sichuan and is waiting to slowly migrate to Sichuan. luggage, and by the way, we will visit Sichuan and Sichuan for a while.

And I want to buy a mobile villa in the city closest to Nanhai, and then transport it to Nanhai as my home.

If ordinary people just walk there step by step, and rich people drive around in RVs, then the super rich just fly their own planes to the next place and wait, and have already started arranging their own accommodation.

Of course, the rich can also go directly to the destination - but the destination is still deserted at this time. The state has arranged for the nearest city to provide support and build iron-sheet resettlement houses. Once the Wucheng people move there, it will be almost done.

The group of classmates wanted to have a farewell party, but the richest Su Mary was not there, and the most mysterious Jing Shu didn't have time. Only then did they realize that Su Mary had become so entrenched that she was beyond their imagination.

Wang Chao: Boss, is it true? We only found out that the migration destination is Nanhai, but you are already in Sichuan? I really envy you. You have even planned a villa in Nanhai and moved. You should invite us to take a look.

Shi Lei: Yeah, it's great to have a private plane. I guess I won't be able to see my classmates during this migration. When we get to the South China Sea, let's get together together, right?

Liang Xin: Okay, okay, let's see what Mr. Su Mary said. By the way, how about Shiyuan? @Mu Xiaoxuan, as the manager of Shiyuan, you don't know everything about it. , are Shiyuan’s welfare benefits still as good as ever?”

Mu Xiaoxuan: As a company, we are the second batch of relocation. We have the same benefits as before, three meals a day. During this time, we in Shiyuan rushed to work on a transportation called a 'slate cart'. At least we don't have to use all the transportation on the road. Let’s go, you can take turns.”

@Boss Jingshu introduced more than a dozen students from our class to come in. I really envy you.

Wang Chao: It's really hard work. This time we have many people staying to guard the stone garden. They have to ensure production, ensure transportation lines, and have to run back and forth on the migration road to transport supplies.

Su Mary: I am leaving in a hurry this time and I don't have time to treat everyone to a meal. When we get to the relocation place and everyone is settled, I will treat everyone to a meal. At the same time, I want to open a company of my own. If you are interested, come to You can apply for the job when the time comes.”

Xie Zihao: Wow, the boss wants to open a company, I will definitely go.

Yao Zizhen: Go away, Xie Zihao, you are doing your job at home, don't compete with us.

Boss, what company do you run?


The class group became active again. At this juncture of migration, everyone discussed mostly topics about migration, as well as issues of survival food and various supplies. They often envied those who had everything.

Mary Su chatted with Jing Shu privately again: I'm starting a company, do you want to take a share in it?

What kind of company should I open? Jingshu thought for a while, and now all the money she could make has been taken up. In the last five years, she has her own development path.

I won't tell you now. I'll tell you when we get to Nanhai. Hehe, it's definitely a big market. Su Mary was very mysterious.

Jingshu thought about it again, Su Mary was extremely lucky. She always had her thoughts formed. Whatever she wanted to do, she basically got it done. Don't tell me, it was really annoying. I thought about it this morning. Eat crayfish, she gave me crayfish seeds in the afternoon, tell me


Okay, should I take a shareholding, materials or virtual currency?

It won’t be a loss anyway.

Materials and connections. When the time comes, you will have to rely on your connections.

Okay, it's settled then. We'll talk about it when we get to Nanhai. Jing Shu didn't care.

Then I'll set aside a piece of land and plan it first.

What kind of company do you want to start mysteriously?

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