I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 833 If you keep chirping, I’ll throw you into the sea to feed the carrion worms!

Not to mention, as the boss Jing Shu who is the first person to be afraid of the Death Star, is there anything more painful than having to run slowly as an escape tool?

Therefore, Jingshu asked Shen Yuan to modify the ferry.

Add a few more accelerators and stabilizers to it, so the ferry's speed increases by about 20%. Although a little fuel was wasted, the province was worth spending, and Jingshu had never been stingy in this regard.

At Xuwen Pier, Jingshu's three super large ferries came over with a splash of water. They were extremely fast, and they were particularly awkward among the more than a hundred large ships and ferries.

Not to mention the official ferry, which is naturally the biggest and best, and there are also modified warships that can pull goods and have mobile artillery. Jing Shu also saw various launchers and other things, giving people Full of sense of security.

But the big ships in the master's armed forces following behind were not as grand as the official ones, nor were they as heroic as Jing Shu.

Although all the other fleets brought by the masters are also big ships, standing in front of Jingshu's ferry at this moment, they are as different as a mother and a child. But standing in front of the official, Jingshu's ferry is like a man. The majesty of a woman is as petite as a woman.

But the key is the ferry. You have to look like a ferry. Why is your speed almost the same as that of a big ship? Did you fucking modify the motor to run so fast?

What do you want to do by running so fast?

Many people with quick brains have already thought that the original disadvantage of the ferry is that it is large and difficult to escape. Now that it is big and difficult to be targeted, and it can run fast, then their big ship will not be used as a scapegoat behind their butts. ? ?

Many people have some regrets. Why haven't they been well prepared this month? These self-proclaimed masters believe very much in their special abilities and weapons.

Therefore, apart from bringing enough dry food and weapons, there is really nothing else to bring. Even the carrion insect fuel was brought with me just enough. I was afraid that bringing one more would be a waste of money!

After all, what they think is, we just went there to grab it, so it doesn’t matter if we don’t have it. When we get to the place, won’t we have everything?

Afraid of a der!

But now, when I really see their preparations, I feel regretful.

Jing Shu parked the three ferries behind the large force, and then took the transfer yacht with Zhao Yu and Zhang Yicheng to gather on the main ship.

The people on the main ship had almost arrived. Looking at the people boarding the ship, they all said:

Wocao, who is this from the group? Does anyone know? Personally, he is much prettier than Ruan Ruan, the flower in the group.

Quanhua Ruan Ruan is weak, gentle and affectionate, which is really pitiful. I can't find any other adjective for this person besides beautiful. Anyway, she is very beautiful, which is my favorite type.

At this time, a young man with a pale, zombie-like face, Situ Xiaoye, said lightly: This person is a recruitment agent of Wucheng Cigarette Factory, and he is the boss of Nanhai Cigarette Factory.

I didn't expect she was a beautiful woman! Misstep! No wonder her aura is so strong.

I originally thought that such a boss would be an old lady like Dong Meizhu, but I didn't expect that he would be such a young beauty.

The crowd praised him one after another. After all, this time he went to the Middle East and he had many capable female friends.

However, there are too few normal-looking female friends who are as beautiful as humans.

Most of them don't look normal.

Okay, you grandson, you actually know her, why didn't you tell me that this big girl is such a beautiful person? Xiangxi corpse exterminator looked after Situ Xiaoye sadly.

I don't know what such a beautiful girl is capable of.

Anyway, it's not a fighting type, right? He looks so gentle, gentle and frail. Maybe he's a support worker. By the way, Cockroach Wanzi, didn't he say he wanted to meet a beautiful woman?

Him? He is hiding and shy, afraid to see so many people.

Jingshu came up with the people, and the tank waved from all the way, squeezing away a bunch of people next to it. Its huge body directly bounced the Xiangxi corpse driver into the corner. I don't know if it was intentional or not.

Jingshu greeted Tank with a smile and patted him: Okay, I haven't seen you in the past two years and she has grown stronger again. How is your girl?

Everything is fine. Hey, this mission is very dangerous, but Yang Yang said you were on the list above, so I came. I know that with you, I can definitely save the day. Tank said with a smile.

Then let me lend you some good words. Jing Shu said, and said hello to the sleepy Hao Yunlai in the crowd. The ball next to him was a positive responder, and he was eager to try, knowing that Jing Shu's The place and the food are pretty much the same.

Yang Yang also came with his long legs. He was still dressed in the sexy leather boots and leather jacket. He raised his chin and said, We are almost here. We will count the number of people and set off. Let's have a meeting on the way to talk. How about everyone fulfilling their responsibilities? I think you are well prepared. If there are any difficulties along the way, it will still be up to you.

Jingshu laughed and thought to herself, isn't that right? We are going to the Middle East to pick up sacks and pick up money, so why don't we bring a few more boats and carry more things? On the other hand, he said humbly: Wherever there is, we help each other. If we encounter difficulties, we still have to rely on everyone to start a new agreement to solve them.

At this moment, a discordant voice sounded.

In the crowd, there stood a woman wearing a miniskirt and long hair shawl. There was a mole in the center of her eyebrow. She looked weak. She said with some worry:

Sister, a document has been issued from above. Each master who defends the fleet can bring his own forces and ships, but generally he is only allowed to bring one ship. You brought such a large ferry with almost no resistance, and brought three more. Ship, if there is an unexpected battle, will you protect everyone, or will everyone protect you?

After a pause, seeing the frowning and thoughtful expressions of the people around her, the woman continued to say softly:

Although it is said above that each fleet takes care of itself, it is impossible for everyone to ignore what really happens. After all, everyone is so reasonable and considerate. But sister, if you take advantage of everyone like this, won't your conscience hurt? ? After all, you are asked to contribute to this team, right? I’m sorry, I know I was a bit abrupt.

Before the long-haired weak woman finished speaking, Jingshu frowned and raised her fist:

Who are you? Since you know what you said is rude, why don't you shut up? What are you talking about here? If you talk to me like this next time, be careful and I will throw you into the sea to feed the carrion corpses. Bug! Also, why do you have the nerve to call me sister? Judging from your face, you must be 30, right? Remember to call me sister next time!

you you you you!

Christmas is here, but what I want to ask everyone is, have you got any sheep yet?

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