I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 835 What? Is this big girl S level? Is that wrong?

Mr. Zhou waved his hand and asked Yang Yang to go over and introduced: Xiao Qi is a man with great strength. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the ceiling of our combat power in China. However, he is too straightforward. You regard him as a general. This is Yang Yang, just think of him as your military advisor.

Then, Mr. Zhou introduced the logistics area, transportation group, coordination department, special armed battleship team, etc.

Finally, when talking about the medical team, he said: Hey, it's strange, where is the little girl Ruan Ruan? I saw her jumping around just now... Forget it, if any of you have a headache, fever or discomfort, you must go to the medical department. have a look.

Jing Shu raised her eyebrows. It turned out that the woman before was from the medical department, but she was really not that good.

Zhou Xian pointed at the screen with a smile and continued: Okay, everyone, hurry up and take photos of the heads of each department on the screen. Identify their heads. Don't worry, they can't be found. Now, let's talk about it. Let us, our elite group, carry out this combat mission.

Finally it’s time for the main event, everyone is ready.

You are the elite troops selected from across the country. Each of you has some special abilities, or plays a major role in this mission. I hope you can make good use of this opportunity, perform well, and make important achievements with outstanding performance. Contributions will increase your internal authority.

Codename Seven has divided you into groups based on your abilities and characteristics. There are a total of twenty groups. Each group has about five people. There are attack and support groups. Each group is responsible for taking turns to patrol and protect all our ferries. If you want to arrange the shifts, you can go back and arrange your own.

When there is no war or situation, you are free to move around. Once there is a situation, you should protect the ferry as soon as possible. Don't destroy the ferry during the battle. These are just sacks for picking up money. How can you pick up money if the sack is broken?

The national elites sitting in the audience suddenly laughed and nodded in approval.

Oh, by the way, look at my memory. That Xiao Liu, take the permission badges of everyone evaluated above and distribute them. Everyone must wear this with them. Let me introduce my teammates to you. If you encounter difficulties, It’s better to help each other so that if something happens, we don’t know who to call.

And although what we focus on this time is team cooperation and making a fortune together, when chaos occurs, it is inevitable that there will be disagreements between team members and groups. At this time, whoever has a higher authority level will listen to whoever.

The eyes of the national elites below lit up. Did they not expect that everyone has an evaluation level?

According to Zhang Lang's S+ authority, he is indeed rare, but these new humans, who are among the best in the country's provinces, should not be rated low, right?

Soon, the assistant named Xiao Liu took out his mobile phone and placed the badges in the box on the table: Please call the elite bodyguards who have their names come forward to receive the badges.

Zhang Lan, C level, strong attack type, can be used as a stormtrooper.

His strong physique, bald head, and ferocious smile are impressive.

Zhou Mengyao, B level, new human mutation, strong attack and auxiliary type, can emit strong hallucinogenic gas and wield bone knives.

Even though her name sounds nice, she is also very beautiful, but her four arms waving in the air and the two extra long bones behind her make people instantly soften.

Xiangxi Zombie Exterminator, A-level, a new type of human with a large number of undead zombies, suitable for death squads.

A man with yellow teeth and half his head was bald. He came on stage with a smile and bowed to everyone. We are all old friends. Please give me your advice.

Four-eyed boy, B+, new human mutation, single target strong attack and long range attack.

The four-eyed boy with a serious face came to the stage to receive the badge and wear it.

Tai O Gambler, A-level, new human suspense, can attract a strong magnetic field to increase luck in certain events.

The middle-aged man wearing an old suit and glasses smiled slightly, revealing his gold teeth.

Hao Yunlai, A+, has made great contributions to the country twice in total.

Every time Mr. Zhou's assistant Xiao Liu recited a word, one of the national elites stood up and took the badge. By the way, he was introduced to everyone and brushed their faces. Everyone was satisfied with the score this time and felt it was fairly fair. .

And the elites who went this time were indeed very strong. Some people were beginning to be dissatisfied with their own ratings, but after seeing the very awesome four-eyed boy in the group, he could attack new humans like Erlang Shen from a long distance. The score was only B+, so I was relieved.

What is this manual? This shows that elites with higher ratings in the future will indeed be more powerful, which will make them feel more secure.

During this period, Ruan Ruan also came in quietly and received her badge, B+ level. She raised her head a little proudly. Among so many elite bodyguards, the most powerful ones are not as powerful as her, and the normal ones are not as powerful as her. Most of them are. It looks like a human being and a ghost.

So she still has a sense of superiority.

Xiao Liu continued to read according to the list, and he let out a sigh as he read: Wucheng Brand Cigarette Factory is recruiting agents, S level, confidential, confidential, confidential?? Please, who is the agent that the cigarette factory is recruiting? Come up and get your badge.


Jing Shu quickly stood up and glared at Yang Yang in the crowd. She was so embarrassed that the name Wei Mao reported to her was her WeChat nickname.

Who knows the embarrassment of reciting your online name in public!

The thing is, she's all about secrecy.

At this time, there were whispers.

I didn't expect this beauty to have S-level authority. If I remember correctly, she is the second S-level besides Zhang Lang, right?

Yes, isn't it said that codename Qi is the ceiling of human combat power? He only has A+ authority, why is this big girl S level? Is that wrong?

Maybe there was a mistake!

I don't believe it either.

How could I be wrong? But so far, there are nearly two hundred national masters, and there are only more than 20 A-level ones. I am more willing to believe that this big girl must have two skills, because she has a very strong aura.

I felt it when we were on the deck before. This big girl is not simple. What do you think, how about I go back to work in their cigarette factory?

Xiao Liu coughed, handed over the S-level badge with a smile, and then communicated with Mr. Zhou with his small eyes.

Mr. Zhou took a sip of wolfberry and red date tea and finally remembered. Even the officials didn’t know the information about this girl and her abilities. Whether she belonged to the New Human Race or not, but her abilities were appraised by Zhen Nantian himself. What was submitted for evaluation is absolutely true...so this girl really has an ability.

Just during her trip to the United States, she accumulated S-authority merits and played a huge role. Later, when the mud and rocks flowed out of the mission, she saved all the teams and the trapped people.

Ruan Ruan gritted her teeth, extremely puzzled. She was about to say something, but this time she learned her lesson and gave her licking dog a squeeze. The licking dog immediately understood, stood up and asked:

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