I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 839 The harvest is so greedy

And they also specially dispatched an elite expert who can be invisible to follow behind, holding cell phone videos and recording current events live!

If something happens, can the people in charge of the team here, and the rows of big guys with small benches watching, come up with an idea? Hi, actually everyone is curious and wants to see the scene. Then just watch.

Even Jingshu was sitting in the corner watching the broadcast on the big screen, chewing the big bubble gum that Zhang Lang gave her and blowing bubbles from time to time. She squinted at the picture above. In fact, she had been absent-minded for a long time. Out of heaven.

Naturally, there is no signal at sea, but the ship has its own satellite transmission signal frequency, so when the two teams arrived at the scene in their own fleets, the teams in the elite group also watched attentively.

In fact, the picture on the screen is about 30 seconds slower. Why do you ask Jingshu to know?

That's naturally because Jing Shu said she didn't like these small ships, but in fact, she secretly sent some mud mermaids to follow them. In fact, she didn't want to steal other people's victory, she just wanted to see them. See if she can pick up the tatters that others don't want.

This is the same as when you go to the supermarket and don't buy anything, just look at the few words your boyfriend said to you: If you don't kiss, just touch his little hand.

Therefore, there was only one screen view in the hall, but Jingshu had a full view. At this time, the members of the second and third teams had already boarded the opposite ship.

Yang Yang shook his head above: The ship looks like a merchant ship, and it looks like it comes from the United States. The pirates are not in the mood to make the ship very luxurious, and their two armed artillery ships have been professionally When it comes to modifications, pirates usually use finished products, so it depends on what the next step will be.”

The elite bodyguard team was a little regretful that the first person they met was not a pirate. It was a little regretful.

The view of the screen always stayed at a place where five large ships were not far away from two small ships. Everyone was waiting for the results of the discussion between the team members on the opposite ship. Just when everyone thought they were going to return without success, no one reacted. Only three boom-boom-boom sounds were heard.

The two warships on the opposite side fired their cannons directly at the two ordinary ships of the elite team. With just one round of cannon fire, the ships that our elite team bought at a high price were in pieces.

The other side had already prepared the big ship and drove it directly into it. The purpose was self-evident!

Naturally, this big ship looked down on these two small broken ships, and if they were damaged, they would be damaged.

But the captain of the big ship saw that the ship had no armed force at all, and the individuals who had just asked for help were all dressed in clean clothes and looked innocent and innocent. He said that there was no fuel, and actually offered to exchange a large amount of food for fuel.

Darling, you actually gave me food in exchange?

After all, this is the end of the world, and food is so scarce, how can we still provide it in large quantities? Don’t you know you can’t show off your wealth at sea?

Okay, they look like little fat sheep at first glance. Let’s teach them how to behave today. Give these people a lesson and let them be more cautious in their next life.

So while the captain served these people drugged drinks, he directly sent people to raid their hometowns. Although these little fat sheep didn't look good on the ship, they brought a lot of food.

Oh, by the way, you have to give a treat. Just fire two cannons. Don't sink the boat. Although they don't need a boat, the food will not taste good if it gets watery.

Just when I was thinking this, I saw the little sheep in front of me, and they suddenly laughed.

The captain and boss all showed puzzled expressions: What?

Eagles, eagles, take all the photos, they did it first.

A voice came from the intercom: They were all filmed. They were the ones who started the attack and destroyed both of your ships. We must fight quickly or the ship will sink.

What are you afraid of? If the ship sinks, they will be driven away.

But if the ship sinks, there will be no bait next time.

Upon hearing this, the elite teams of the two teams stopped hiding.

Meng Yao, activate the illusion and deal with them with one move. Zhang Lan, go outside and stop them from getting on the boat before they can escape. Ka Zi, you and Dagang will lead the people to count the supplies!

Therefore, when the captain was still confused, he saw that the lovely woman wrapped in a black robe in front of him suddenly transformed. Her clothes burst open, and four super large telescopic joints leaked out from behind.

Then, a hallucinogenic gas was emitted.

Although the people in the boat reacted, they were stunned for a second, so they fainted before they even had time to fire their guns.

Although the piercing alarm sounded, it was of no use.

The battle is simply one-sided. In the past, the crews of the five ships were all part-time pirates and were quite skilled in the business. However, the difference in strength was so great that they were not even given a chance to shoot.

The two elite squads with the highest armed forces in the country simply used a dragon-slaying knife to kill a chicken.

It only took 30 minutes to capture the escaping people and take over five large ships amid the scattered fighting outside.

The rest of the time was spent with two elite teams and their own people counting the goods, distributing the loot, and taking over the five new ships.

Oh my god, it was the first time that I had done this kind of thing, and the people in both teams were so excited. The people in the other teams who were watching in front of the screen almost drooled with regret when they looked at the goods and materials they cleared.

Although the strategic materials here have to be handed over, other daily necessities and every material are damn precious, okay?

The main supplies of these merchant ships are some electronic products, clothes, daily necessities, etc.

Electronic products such as mobile phones, rice cookers, stainless steel pots, iron and other strategic materials that have been discontinued and pulled from the dead must be handed over, as well as all food and fuel.

As for the large boatload of clothes taken from the dead, and the various daily necessities found in the dead people's houses, except for the iron bowls and pans, these can be divided. Individual ones are definitely not valuable, and if they are sold, only a few Virtual currency, but this ship is a lot.

Then someone asked, can these messy things still be sold for money after coming all the way by boat?

Is the fuel cost enough?

Of course, you have to know that in foreign countries, these things don't cost anything at all. They are all picked up for free. They are collected on several ships and shipped over.

In other countries with small populations, there is not much demand for these products and the selling price cannot be high.

China has a large population base, and mobile phones and other products are no longer produced for a long time. What should we do if they break?

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