I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 888: Don’t be afraid to put on a show and make them a sumptuous dinner to satisfy them.

Although Mr. Zhou has never seen the world, he acted well. At least now he acts like it is normal. He even said to Mamahas with a smile:

I can't help it. My daughter has been spoiled since she was a child. She is not used to things from outside. She has to take them with her when she goes out.

So how realistic is his acting?

Look at these idiots behind them. They look like pig brothers who have never seen the world. They can't even perform role-playing well.


A group of people restrained their performances and soon became addicted to drama.

Mamahas smiled awkwardly. He just thought that the eldest lady was just showing off her wealth, but she was wrong. It turned out that the eldest lady really didn't like the things here.

Jing Shu is also very happy. She has always been very low-key in China and cannot be high-profile. The things she had snatched back from the United States had been hiding in a dark space and were almost going moldy.

Now, I finally have a chance to see the light of day again.

Moreover, she is still the kind of person who can be fair and aboveboard this time. After all, these things that were robbed in the United States have been cleared up above. Back then, she started packing big and small bags, dragging Hao Yunlai to escape with things that she had to protect at all costs. .

Therefore, no one dares to question her since she came from the right place. If anyone questions, the superiors will hold a denunciation meeting. After all, these are the trophies she grabbed in the United States. They can be regarded as bringing glory to the country, and the superiors will give her a banner.

Of course, to be honest, although these things do seem to be very precious, they are still objects after all, not precious materials such as food, so in the bodyguard team, they are probably not a big deal.

Jing Shu thought it was not bad, but Nannan saw it clearly. There were many top-notch luxury goods and foreign things in it.

After Mas left, Nannan started to make a report in front of everyone: Oh, Mr. Zhou, Captain Jingshu brought out so many good things, but it went beyond the rules. You may not understand this. What she took were some things from the United States. I suspect that she may have some connection with those people. Of course, I’m not doubting her, that’s it—”

Jing Shu was happy. Nannan, this little bitch, really didn't miss any opportunity to belittle her.

Someone in the team was not happy, Nanny, it's already great to have something good that Captain Jingshu can use for us. What else can you say? As long as we can get some light, that's all.

That's right, I was pointing at Captain Jingshu during dinner.

Seeing these people like this, Nannan snorted: What kind of glory do I have? She carried all those things to her presidential suite. Why should she live in a large room of more than 500 square meters by herself, but I have to live in 10 A small square room?”

Then Captain Jingshu said that there will be a big dinner in the restaurant tonight. Even though you are a maid, you can definitely have a good meal. Aren't you taking advantage of it?

Nannan snorted: I don't think you will be bribed by her, isn't it just a meal? I want to be a brave man of justice and expose the dark facts.

Mr. Zhou coughed: Then let me say something fair. Girl Jing, these things have been reported to the superiors through Minglu. She snatched them back from the United States and the Zhennan Tianyang Yangyang Team. Every day Every piece of furniture has a number mark on it, go and take a look, it is a personal trophy, and the country also gave Jingya a first-class meritorious service commendation.

Wo Cao, such a big diamond lamp, there is indeed a mark on it.

This gold mirror also has a seal on it.

Captain Jingshu is so awesome. He can get so many things back from the United States.

Nannan didn't expect that she was going to expose someone showing off their wealth, but she never expected that she was giving someone an assist. Instead, she exposed Jingshu's heroic deeds, which made the bodyguard team even more admired and jealous of Jingshu. .

To be honest, if this was Jing Shu's own thing, these capable bodyguards wouldn't be envious, but if it was stolen, the bodyguards would be envious.

I don't envy you as much as you have hundreds of millions, but you picked up 10 million scratch-off tickets on the road, which is as distressing as if I lost the money.

Jing Shu waved her hand, Be low-key, be low-key. This time we come to the Middle East, we will definitely get better things than these. Let the country lead us all to make a fortune together, and good luck.

Let's make a fortune together!

good luck!

The atmosphere has been heated up, so dinner must also be done.

The hotel lobby at night was booked by the Chinese business group. There were a lot of people in the hotel today, and most of them came to inquire about information and want to see how rich this fat sheep really was.

Unexpectedly, in the restaurant, I saw Miss Zhou giving instructions with her hands on her hips. The maid behind her was dragging her skirt. There was also a fruit feeder who was waiting with a towel.

Miss Zhou replaced all the restaurant with her own things, including the satin-like tablecloths, all-silver and all-gold tableware, comfortable sofas and chairs, and the bright and colorful blood-colored vines surrounding it.

Then one after another food appeared on the table as if for free, filling the entire table.

At this time, Jingshu, Mr. Zhou and his sons were sitting at the main table, and the others were sitting at the side table.

Needless to say, the food on the main table is all carefully selected by Jingshu, the kind of food whose fragrance can be spread for miles, such as the fragrance of cooking chicken soup, the fragrance of stewing ribs, and The aroma of roasted sweet potatoes is simply amazing, so fragrant it can make people drool all the time.

Of course, there is also a pot specially placed in the middle. The broth is constantly boiling and smoking. It just floats out, making those outside smell the smell and make their mouths water.

Nannan's saliva flowed again and again, and she wiped it again and again. Because she said she didn't care about Jingshu's dinner, and she had to do all the drama, so she could only follow behind her and continue to drag her skirt while watching the table open.

Of course, Jingshu still knows what should be shown off and what should not be shown off. This food actually just smells good. In fact, on a large table, except for the chicken soup boiling in the middle pot and the sweet potatoes roasting next to it, there is nothing else. Other out-of-the-ordinary foods.

However, today's meal plan is still very good. Everyone has a large piece of fried and fragrant synthetic meat, a bowl of custard, and a large piece of roasted sweet potato, which is piled on the table.

After eating all this, the rich chicken soup has been cooking for two hours, leaving the outsiders craving for it, and the people inside are also craving for it.

After finishing the food on the table, the sound of everyone swallowing was heard.

However, due to Mr. Zhou's power, everyone could only look at Jingshu helplessly. When the time came, Jingshu rolled out the noodles with smooth and strong hands, poured on the rich chicken soup, and shredded them into thin pieces. Shredded chicken.

Then sprinkle with green chopped green onion, and the flavor will come out immediately.

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