I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 893 The robbers are really here?

That's right, after arriving in the Middle East, Jingshu's first small goal has been completed, so wherever she goes, Xiaowei's wormhole will be dug.

It would be okay if no one caused trouble today, but if someone did, hey, not only would she have transferred the traded materials away without anyone noticing, she would also be able to trick the troublemaker again.

Of course, at the trade fair, Jingshu was still the eldest lady of the Zhou family. She took Mr. Zhou’s arm and said, “I want this too.”

Mr. Zhou had a smile on his face and said, Buy, buy, buy. In his heart, he just scolded me for being a prodigal girl who wants to buy everything. I have no money, so I have to buy it myself. Isn't it nice to get good things?

However, Miss Zhou naturally bought whatever she wanted, which made the people present more and more jealous, and there was no doubt about them at all.

It directly dispelled the suspicion of the last few people. Such a prodigal son is definitely not pretending. What must be done properly is the fat sheep from China.

How to divide the cake and how to make people disappear into the Middle East without leaving a trace are all things they have to consider.

Let's arrange it, find a few people to contact them, and then find a way to trick them out of Mas first. It's not easy to do anything in Mas.

Report this to the United States. I think they should be very interested in these people.

The trade fair has entered its final period, and the fair is bustling with excitement. Mr. Zhou and his silly sons have made many new friends. However, Miss Zhou is quite arrogant. She doesn’t like this or that. .

When meeting people, he just nodded respectfully, but this made those around him more and more excited. The more silly and innocent he was, the less scheming he was, and the easier it was to deceive him.

Dear Mr. Zhou, I am really honored to be your friend today. This is a little thought from me. I hope you will accept it. A lady held many boxed gifts and gave them to everyone. She looked very A generous look.

This is a very popular gold key here, which means opening the door to wealth, and every key is made of pure gold.

Although gold is not as valuable as before the apocalypse, it is still valuable, and the people in the bodyguard team accepted it.

Of course, in addition to these, there are other messy gifts. Things given by the upper class are always so flashy.

All in all, today was a fruitful day.

The first time Yang Yang touched these things, he frowned, shook his head at Mr. Zhou and others, and made a gesture of sealing his mouth.

Everyone understood that there must be something fishy about these things, so they stopped talking about important things.

Ladies and gentlemen, this trade fair has come to a successful conclusion here! I believe everyone has left their contact information. If there are any subsequent transactions, please do so in a place guided by the official guidance of Mas, otherwise there will be safety hazards. We don't care about the problem.

Please rest assured that Mas is a place where peace and safety are paramount, and there will never be any violence. As long as you stay in Mas, we can guarantee your absolute safety.

Mamahas clearly said this to Jingshu and others. In order to trap this fat sheep for consumption in Mars, he also spent a lot of effort. He even thought about whether to pull a few people out. In Mas place, you can feel the chaos outside and the feeling of bullets and bullets, so that people like China can stay in Mas honestly.

At this time, as soon as Mamahas finished speaking, as if someone was going to deliberately slap him in the face, the entire trading hall exploded with a loud bang, and the entire building shook violently.

The originally bright hall suddenly became extremely dark, and various screams were heard.

Mamahas shouted: Don't panic, don't scream, the army will protect us outside! It doesn't matter, everyone squat down with their heads in their hands! Go slowly to the basement! The bodyguards will protect us -

Before he finished speaking, another roaring sound came from outside. Half of the wall of the trading hall was blown away. For a moment, everyone in the hall was fleeing out.

Everything was a mess outside and inside.

In the dark hall, only Jing Shu watched with cold eyes. Some people were really panicked, while some raised the corners of their mouths and said something into the microphone next to their ears. Some people wanted to take advantage of the chaos to steal the money that was just on the trading desk. Exhibits.

Mr. Zhou was tightly protected by the bodyguards around him. He couldn't help shouting: Protect my daughter, my daughter is the most important thing.

Jing Shu: ... She is really a good actress.

Sure enough, after hearing this, the bodyguards around them tightly protected Jingshu in the center and escorted them to escape.

Mr. Zhou and a group of people were originally sitting in the front row of the trade fair. The door was at the back. It was impossible to go out for a while. The door was already blocked by people, so they had to return to the trading platform.

There are a lot of good things on the trading table here. Some people wanted to take advantage of the chaos, but they were all stopped by the bodyguards brought by Mamahas.

Mamahas found Mr. Zhou and Jingshu in the chaos, and immediately asked a few people to come over, Oh, don't worry, dear Zhou, we will be safe and sound, and Mas's army will protect you - —”

As soon as Mamahas finished speaking, someone from the crowd shouted: Take that woman away first! If you take her away, you won't be afraid of the fat sheep running away. Hurry up!

Half of the wall was missing for air leakage, and someone was sneaked in at some point. With their night vision eyes, they saw Jingshu shining brightly at the first sight, and immediately started to move towards the target.

A giant steel mesh shroud was launched.

Mamahas: ...

Damn it, someone just slapped me in the face today, right?

He said that as soon as he went out, someone came to rob his fat sheep in an open and honest manner, ah, no, his customers, what does this sound like? !

Mamahas shouted at the top of his lungs: Protect Miss Zhou!!

Swish, swish, the bodyguards fired into the air. For a moment, even the trading hall was filled with bullets. Countless screams made the sound even more terrifying. People blocking the door ran wildly out, and some people yelled angrily.

This son of a bitch, isn't Mars very safe? My collection, I must protect my collection!

Why can these people come in when there is an army outside?

Is it possible that these people were originally in the trading floor?

Some people saw that the target of these people was obviously China's big fat sheep, some were worried and some were gloating about their misfortune.

But the huge wire mesh opened instantly and caught several people inside.

Miss Zhou's flexibility and the desperate protection of her bodyguards made it okay. Many of her 'brothers' and bodyguards were taken away.

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