I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 897 Do you want to play something big next?

Major watched with his own eyes as they stripped off the piles of corpses and threw them into the sea, keeping their clothes and everything else they could use.

Major opened his mouth wide. Is this the same extravagant Chinese that he has seen these days? Why, you even have to sort out the dead man’s clothes? Could this be what the Chinese say about the plucking of geese’s feathers, leaving no hair at all?

The bodyguard who was originally his stupid son, the woman he thought was the bed warmer, was actually the leader this time. She said to him:

Pino is your main island, so there must be a lot of good things hidden there, right? I heard that you want to contact the buyers, and you usually sell stolen goods, right? Just in time, contact the buyers and ask them to come with the supplies.


These people must be crazy!

There are only five of them, but they want to take advantage of others? ?

But in less than half a day, we arrived at Pinoy Island, and Major had already contacted the buyer who often took off his clothes.

Buyers can also be considered a black-and-white type in the Middle East, and they hold a lot of power in their hands.

As soon as the ship stopped, Major and the Chinese bodyguards behind him got off the ship, and the people from the other party came over to hug Major enthusiastically.

The other party was a woman wearing a black lady's outfit, but with a submachine gun on her back. She looked very savage, Dear Major, have you brought everything? Is it true that there are so many good things as you said?

Major's expression was very unnatural. His mood had been ups and downs in the past half day. At this moment, he was very conflicted. He wanted both the partners in front of him to be eaten by him, and after all, he had been exposed to rain. You need someone else to shower you.

He also thought that the partners could kill these five Chinese people. In this case, he could at least slide down, but don't want this ship of goods. The interests of the partnership are based on equal combat power. The other party saw that he was gone. The strength will definitely swallow him up directly.

Moreover, he actually brought Chinese people over to trick his partners together. The tough woman in front of him might not only take her anger out on him, but also take him back to be her male favorite——

Thinking of this, Major's balance naturally shifted to China's side.

Dear Ellie, have you brought everything I asked for? Major tried his best to smile, his voice trembling.

Ellie pointed behind her and said, Bring them all. As per the old rules, let's check each other's goods.

Zhou Mengyao pointed at the lion dancer and asked him to check it out. These were the trophies of their team alone, and they were able to get half of them, so they were very positive.

Ellie frowned, Major, these people behind you are all strangers.

Major chuckled: They were the ones who helped me steal supplies from China. Many others died.

Ellie rolled her eyes and waved her hand: Go and inspect the goods first.

After the two parties inspected the goods, the lion dancer made an OK gesture to Zhou Mengyao. Although the supplies brought by the other party were not valuable, they were also hard currency. They were ordinary food here and crude oil, which was larger than the supplies on their ship. It’s more, but the value is about the same.

Ellie's men also came and said a few words into her ear, and then the corners of Ellie's lips slightly raised, Oh, old man, I heard that you killed many of your men to get this boatload of things. ?”

Major sighed and shrugged: As you may think, there are no more of me on the ship.

Of course, he couldn't hide it, and Major didn't want to hide it either.

Ellie laughed even louder: In that case, how dare you come to trade with me? She said and waved her hand.

The guns of the hundreds of heavily armed black men brought behind her were all aimed at Major in an instant.

Major smiled bitterly: Dear Ellie, I don't want to either, but I am also the one who was robbed.

Ellie frowned: Major, what do you mean?

Major shrugged.

The next second, a sound of snapping fingers appeared, and a huge bone knife stretched out from behind Zhou Mengyao. The bone spurs were clear and terrifying.

Ellie was shocked, Damn it, it's a new human being, aim at that woman!! Hurry up!! They are capable people! As she said that, she took out the submachine gun from her back.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

The hallucinogenic fog had been spread on the entire ship when they arrived. At this time, the guns of more than a hundred people were aimed at Ellie.

‘Bang’ ‘Bang’ ‘Bang’

Without any hesitation or any words, Ellie was killed instantly.

Then, it’s time to clean up the battlefield.

The previous scene happened again.

However, this group of Chinese people were stingy to the extreme. Zhou Mengyao didn't even waste another bullet. The other members of the bodyguard team personally killed everyone and let them die peacefully in their sleep.

These executioners were the most professional corpse-pickers. Not only did they plunder them clean, but they also kept all the weapons and ammunition on their bodies, as well as their watches and mobile phones.

Among them, there are also people who specialize in cracking mobile phone passwords and skillfully using various software to see if they can get some useful virtual coins from their mobile phones.

A few hours later, the body was put into the sea and the supplies were neatly stacked on the ship.

Major swallowed.

Zhou Mengyao withdrew the terrifying bone knife and walked over, Let's go and see if there are any good things on your island.

Pino Island is his home base and there are certainly some goodies there.

The lion dancer groaned: Captain, there are only five of us here, and we can't move too many things.

Zhou Mengyao's expression was complicated, and she looked to see if there were a few weird creatures emerging from the sea. It's okay. I said hello to Captain Jingshu before I left. She will send someone to pick us up and help transport our things. However, the things Score her 10%.”

It's a pity, but - it's the only way we can do it when we don't have enough manpower.

The lion dancer nodded. He couldn't keep any hostages. Who knew what abilities were hidden there? It was better for his own people to be safer.

After they finished searching Pino Island, Jing Shu's Wenjun had already arrived with two ships to pick them up.

When we arrived, there were five people, three sailors, and a Major. When we went back, it turned out to be a search for boats filled with various supplies. It was a really rewarding day.

Zhou Mengyao said: We will give some of the materials here directly to Jingshu's people to sell, part of them will be handed over, and part of them will be kept by us.

The lion dancer looked at the full supplies and realized the joy of making money. He said, Then we came here from Major's robbery. We can't just go back now, can we?

Zhou Mengyao smiled and said: Of course we can't go back just like that. Aren't I still keeping Mei Jie to catch big fish? Right, Mei Jie?

Jingshu smiled slightly as she heard her hand come down to report. Didn't this mean that the first order was successfully obtained?

So next, is it time to play a big game?

This Mas is not good, Xiaoli is stingy, who are you looking down on?

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