I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 899: This fish is poisonous, why didn’t you tell me earlier?

In fact, his feeling was correct. Someone deliberately made everything go smoothly for them.

The traps are all laid out, just waiting for people to walk in. Can it not go smoothly? Even in order to make their journey smooth, the other party even removed the roadblocks in advance.

So, while Mamahas was still feeling that something was wrong, the group finally arrived at their destination in the desert.

At this time, Mamahas still had no idea that they had been made dumplings.

Desert, the reason why it is called desert is that it is endless, all yellow and orange sand.

There isn’t much else in the Middle East, just deserts.

Looking across, there are endless deserts and desert hills.

The road was not easy to walk on and my feet were hot.

Mamahas enthusiastically introduced: You have few deserts in China, right? The surface temperature before this apocalypse can reach 70 degrees. Now there is no sunshine in the apocalypse, but it is still over 50 degrees, and the body temperature is around 30 degrees.

Jing Shu smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth. It was a coincidence that there wasn't much else in Wucheng, only deserts, and the surface temperature of the Bull Demon King Flame Mountain could reach 70 degrees.

Of course, we are talking about the surface temperature, not the body temperature.

Mr. Zhou nodded and said with a smile: This temperature is enough to make dumplings.

Yang Yang said on the side: It's almost done, the dumplings are ready to be put into the pot.

Jingshu said, Wait a minute, the water hasn't boiled yet.

Mamahas: ... Although I can understand every word, I don't quite understand the meaning of the words together.

However, Mamahas was surprised when fish that could swim actually appeared in the desert.

The place everyone came to was a big pit. Mamahas said that this place used to be a lake. Lakes in the desert are very rare. It has become the habitat of various animals around it.

Animal world wars often occur just to snatch this water source.

But after the end of the world, the lake disappeared during the drought years. Later, it experienced rains that flooded the area. Later, there was a big earthquake. The desert is no longer the desert it used to be. It is also very dangerous in the desert, especially now that there is no position. ”

To be honest, our people have not explored this desert for a long time. As for the fish swimming in the desert, I have never heard of it. This must be a lie- Mamahas was still talking, quietly Shu then tugged on his sleeve.

Then show him where there was once a lake, but now it's a big pit in the desert.

Mamahas looked at that place in shock: Oh, damn, there are really fish in this desert, but is this fish really a fish?

This thing looks 80% like a fish, with fins and tails, and even the head is the same. This fish is somewhat similar to a scavenger. They have also grown four little legs and can glide freely in the desert. And a large hourglass-like mouth that can hold a lot of sand in its mouth.

Jing Shu squinted her eyes, It looks completely black, like a dark creature. I don't know if this thing can be eaten. It looks disgusting.

As soon as the topic of whether it can be eaten is brought up, the eyes of the people around him shine.

It is so precious to be able to find edible food in the last days.

No need for Jing Shu to say, someone quickly fished out dozens of strange fish from the beach.

The fighting ability of the strange fish is quite good. It opens its big mouth and bites whatever it catches. It makes a clanging sound when it clicks on the iron rod, which makes people's teeth hurt when they hear it.

Mamahas was dumbfounded. Just when he was still thinking that there were really fishes in the desert, which was so strange, the Chinese business group had already caught the fish and used more than a dozen cooking methods on the spot.

Fried, braised, steamed, sashimied, and some even go too far, mincing the fish directly to make fish balls.

After a while, a table of strange fish feast was served.

Mamahas: Huh?

Come, let's taste it first. Mr. Zhou picked up the braised strange fish first.

In fact, according to the real tasting process, professionals should conduct drug testing, extract experimental reports, analyze protein nutritional components, etc.

But now is obviously not the time to worry about these, so everyone skipped the steps and went straight to cooking.

Mamahas tasted the fried and braised meat, smacked his lips, nodded again, his eyes lit up: This meat tastes quite delicious.

The corners of Jingshu's mouth twitched slightly. The sauce made by the master chef she brought with her was delicious even when dipped in the soles of shoes.


This fish is pretty average. Jingshu took two bites but didn't finish it. The main reason is that the meat is not good. The master just said that there is too much sand in it. When cooking it, you have to get the sand out one by one.

Mr. Zhou also nodded, There is always sand in the fish balls to bite your teeth.

The other people who sat down to eat didn't have so many problems. They just swallowed it anyway. The fish prepared by the chef was really delicious.

Yang Yang looked strange, There is still the biggest problem——

Mamahas thought this was nothing, so he asked, What's the problem? As long as it's edible here, it's considered food. We don't care if we eat sand.

But before he finished speaking, his face turned purple and darkened, and instantly, his lips were swollen like sausages, Woo?

Then he stiffened.

Yang Yang continued: The biggest problem is that fish are poisoned by dark energy.

Mamahas: ... Why didn't you say it earlier! !

Mr. Zhou called the accompanying doctor, and after giving Mamahas a good treatment, all other parts of Mamahas were healed, except that his mouth was still like a sausage and it was very difficult to speak. At this time, he shook his head like a rattle:

You can't eat this fish anymore. You can't eat it anymore. It's really poisonous. But why are so many of you not poisoned after eating it?



A group of people blinked, yes, why.

Yang Yang also coughed and was looking for an explanation. The dark energy team in this fish is poisonous to ordinary people, but it is of no use to those with some ability.

Jing Shu said: That's because we in China eat poisonous things every day and have been immune to it for a long time. Don't you know? We in China eat everything.

Oh, that's it. Mamahas dismissed their concerns, and the others breathed a sigh of relief quietly. We can't tell Mamahas that all of us are new humans in the apocalypse, right? If you tell me this, won’t this dumpling have to be made?

Therefore, Mamahas could only watch eagerly as the Chinese business group finished the sumptuous fish feast. These Chinese people also went to the desert pits to catch many such fish.

Mamahas thought to himself, the eldest lady has almost finished playing, should she go back? At this moment, a mutation occurred, the sand pit in the middle exploded, and countless strange fish like this crawled out——

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