I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 906 Mai Rui’s Ability

So, designation is a good thing in this big round house.

Don't worry about whether Jing Shu can use this thing, but if it is handed over to the country, she will definitely get a lot of rewards.

If a fisherman catches a missile from the sea, he will be rewarded with millions. If Jing Shu catches a big treasure from a hostile country, shouldn't he be rewarded with more contribution points?

Thinking of this, Jing Shu's eyes became hot.

She is bound to get this thing! !

When Guotou heard these things, he grinned more and more, Sister Jing, that is a good thing, how are we going to get it? This thing cannot be opened underground at all, not even burrowing insects. If we If you use force, I'm afraid it will arouse the alertness of those with abilities above. It would be great if I had the key at this time.


Jing Shu pondered, don't worry about this thing, at least there are three or four decryption keys and permissions, maybe you can also use anti-theft devices such as decryption projects.

She had just seen clearly in the virtual Rubik's Cube space that there were iron lumps all over her body made of a special material with no gaps at all.

The idea of ​​kidnapping important people and taking the keys is not an option.

I'm afraid it won't open even if I use force, so what can I do?

Although Jingshu didn't even know what was inside now, an idea told her that she had to get rid of it. This thing was already valuable.

I have to think about it, we still have more than ten hours, let the burrowing insects dig out the surrounding area first- Before Jingshu could finish her words, suddenly, the sound of insects came from the underground garage where she was locked. message.

Jing Shu hurriedly said: There's something going on over there. I have to go back. You should go according to the plan first. Remember, ask Wenjun if you don't understand anything. Also, be sure to protect Xiaowei. As for this Big lump, leave it to me to figure it out.

With that said, he hurriedly said goodbye to Guotou and quickly shuttled through the tunnel.

This 'military base' is already filled with all kinds of her informants. They are like a huge net, showing everything into Jingshu's head.

Then Jingshu drew a 3D route map, so Jingshu knew exactly how to quickly return to the tunnel of the underground garage in the tunnel.

Within a minute, she got out of the tunnel and returned to the underground garage. As soon as she put on her previous cumbersome dress and blocked the underground hole with debris, the door was slammed open.

Mai Rui's eagle-like eyes glanced at the messy-haired Miss Zhou in the corner, but she was still as beautiful as a fairy, pitiful and touching, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

He sensed something was wrong just at the door. He walked all the way in, just a few tens of seconds away, and walked for three minutes. Not only did he encounter the vicious woman Snake provoking him, but the wall of the bridge suddenly fell down. Blocked the way.

He thought the woman's father had sent a person with abilities to save her.

Although this villa is heavily guarded, if you really encounter someone with abilities, you will still be able to sneak in.

The boss is mainly responsible for guarding the secret weapons underground. Other items are too large and heavy-bearing, and no one can steal so many supplies under their noses.

Therefore, the goods will be re-inventoryed twice a day during handover, and 99% of the goods have been prevented from being lost. It has been uneventful for several years.

It doesn't matter even if a few people with abilities break in. Who can take away so many weapons, ammunition and secret weapons from the entire military base at once?

Mai Rui smiled evilly. He was relieved and walked step by step. He took advantage of the darkness to do something better.

He deliberately did not bring Darlene with him, nor did he tell anyone. Seeing the charming little cutie huddled in the corner, he felt even better.

As for what will happen after being discovered, Mai Rui is not worried at all.

If the boss is the well-deserved first person in terms of the status of this military base, then he is the second person in status.

Perhaps, he is not second in ability and strength, but in terms of role, he is definitely second. He is the treasure of the base. Even if he plays with this young lady, I believe others will not say anything.

After telling the two guards not to come in if they made any noise for a while, Mai Rui closed the door with a bang.

I'm sorry, dear lady, I didn't find the swan, nor the feathers, but if you want feathers, there are plenty of them.

Mai Rui chatted a lot.

As a poor student, Jingshu didn't understand what it meant at all, but it didn't matter. She could guess something by looking at his expression.

Hey, this blond sparrow is also a problem. How should we deal with it? Jing Shu pondered.

Should he be defeated or killed directly?

While Jingshu was thinking, Ma Rui had already laid the paving.

Then, Mai Rui saw the beautiful woman in front of him and smiled.

Yes, it is an innocent smile.

At that time, he still felt that it was so beautiful that he loved this smile to death.

But after a minute, he finally understood that this smile was the smile of a devil! !


One mouthful.

The smile of the beautiful woman in front of him disappeared, and instead a huge mud-like creature appeared. It opened its big mouth and swallowed him in one gulp. The foul breath came from the mouth, and Mai Rui almost spit it out in disgust.

In the blink of an eye, he was covered in all kinds of mucus.

Ugh~ Mai Rui was angry, and then realized that Miss Zhou might be a person with abilities.

The next second, Mai Rui's hair exploded all over, and countless black hairs sprouted out.

Yes, he is also a new human being.

In the past, he was a condescending collector of the white race and a playboy rich second generation. Until the end of the world, everything changed.

More and more strange black hair began to grow on his body, and it became longer and longer, spreading all over his body.

That exaggerated appearance was even more exaggerated than the green-haired ghillie suit in the chicken game. He became a monster in the family. He brought shame to the family, so the family abandoned him. When he was about to die, the organization rescued him. And he also has one more ability.

And his ability is electricity.

To put it simply, he became an electric man who can emit super-volt electricity, but he must conduct electricity through the long hair on his body, which means that the attack distance is 0.5 meters.

Of course, it can also conduct electricity through wires, power grids, water, etc., but it is not as brilliant as in movies or animations, where it can directly electrocute people to death.

In actual combat, he couldn't even defeat the femme fatale, because as soon as the femme fatale snapped her fingers, a group of snakes surrounded him, and he couldn't even touch the femme fatale.

He can't beat the Hammer Dwarf in close combat. His explosive power and the speed of the wheel hammer can definitely hammer him to death before he can generate electricity.

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