I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 912 So you are the biggest pirates in this sea area?

There is no way, they may not leave the sea area, but in the territory of Mas, if they hold so many supplies, they will be destined to be locked by the Mas official.

So after being targeted by Mas officials and competing with the robbers outside, they had no choice but to sneak outside to launder their supplies.

So the current situation emerged.

Are you all ready? The hoarse voice of the man in black robes appeared in everyone's ears.


Boss, all ships have been deployed!

Those turtles outside dare to stare at our things. Ha, let them have a taste of what we have in a moment.

Times have changed. We are different from those poor people who rob with their hands. We have a backing.

Compared to other robber pirates, not only do they have countless guns and ammunition, each of them is almost armed to the teeth, but they also have an entire team of new human ability users.

When the huge fleet left the waters of Mas, the surrounding ships gradually showed their fangs. They took off their camouflage, revealing their powerful cannon muzzles, aiming at the densely packed fleet in the middle.

However, when it comes to robbing supplies, there are also unwritten rules in the industry, that is, supplies cannot be destroyed, so try to avoid weapons of mass destruction from knocking supply ships into the sea.

So, this is just a declaration of war and a threat.

In this apocalyptic world, it is the unspoken rule of the industry to be a super-rich citizen during the day and do these sneaky things at night. Order, in this chaotic Middle East, is just a fig leaf.

And among such a large number of bandits, there was also a group of robbers played by Chinese people.

At this time, they were hiding among the big pirates like inconspicuous little robbers. They didn't even have a decent pirate ship, and were crowded out by the strict cannons around them.


If you can enter these dilapidated ships, you will find that these dilapidated ships are all filled with ability users.

If someone with a familiar face can still call them by name, aren't these the sons of a stupid rich man from China?

At this time, in the conference room of the ship, the leader was none other than Codename Qi. He was sitting calmly on the chair in the cabin with his eyes closed, not paying attention to the noise outside.

The deciphered radio set was constantly ringing with contact signals from surrounding ships, as well as various sounds from his own ship.

The entire situation is under control.

Dahuang Ya cannot be the son of a rich man because of his poor appearance and poor martial arts. He could still work as a clerk before, but now everyone around Mr. Zhou has been shaved off. Now he can only fight with Macau gamblers who have missing front teeth and a group of shady people. The bodyguards gathered here and acted as hidden agents.

At this time, he calmly drank the water from the thermos cup and asked: We have already left the Mas Sea area. Why don't these robbers take action? Isn't this a waste of time? Do you want us to help them?

Codename Qi opened his eyes and asked: How much supplies did Team Jingshu transport from the military base? What we want to do on this trip is to annihilate the black-robed organization, or prevent them from returning to the base.

Dahuang Ya then looked at Yang Yang.

Yang Yang said: Judging from the information sent before, it will take at least a day. There are too many things to move. However, in order to prevent accidents, all members of the Jingshu team are already at the military base. We are here to Keep other gangs under control, and according to the data, there is also a group of new humans from other countries hidden here.

Codename Qibian said: In order to prevent accidents, it is better to create chaos as soon as possible. Send people to be careful about our own goods. If a ship is sunk, the losses will be great. Also, don't forget what our purpose is.

The others all nodded, in order to plunder, oh no, to beg for more supplies.

The Macau gambler made a fortune. When his front teeth flew up and pointed in one direction, Big Yellow Teeth smiled and said, Xiaoye, go ahead, that's the ship. Let's sink that ship first and let the two sides fight. stand up.


I don't know if he shouted: The boat is leaking!! Someone is doing something wrong!

The scene became chaotic somehow.

Some big ships can still keep their composure, but other small ships cannot. The melee begins immediately!

The men in black robes brought enough manpower this time, and they started shooting directly on the ship. There are currently no ability users on both sides.

At this time, Mai Rui took Darlene and Jingshu to a safe cabin, while the others were about to start fighting.

Then why let Mai Rui protect Jing Shu? Well, the whole team is a team, but Mai Rui is life-oriented. If he doesn't protect Jing Shu, who will?

After all, Jingshu now knows the secret recipe for making beer!

After closing the door, a hint of sarcasm appeared on Mai Rui's lips, asking him to protect her? He can't protect himself now, and do they know what kind of monster the person they asked him to protect is?

Just now, he wanted to speak out several times, but not only was his throat blocked, but his brain seemed to be controlled. If he dared to reveal even a little bit, he could be killed instantly.

In the cabin, Mai Rui finally couldn't help but ask: Why do you seem to be so familiar with this ship? And how come this pirate-modified ship is on a ship that delivers goods?

After Darlene translated, Jingshu sat elegantly by the window, looking at the melee outside where the shells were hitting the sky, and smiled slightly: Because, this is my ship.


However, the style of this ship is obviously a ship used by pirates in the Middle East.

Jing Shu nodded, Yes, we came all the way from China for robbery. Didn't this ship come from robbery?

Mai Rui's mouth opened wide. He didn't know what to say for a moment. He suddenly thought that recently, there was a legend circulating on the sea. There was a group of very fierce pirates who were very rampant on the sea -

It turns out that these pirates are actually these Chinese people? ?

So, you are the biggest pirates on the sea? Then it's fake for you rich people to open a brewery, right? Mai Rui felt that his heart ached. If there was a little bit of luck before, now everything has been wiped out. .

Jingshu smiled and said nothing.

Mai Rui continued to ask: Then what are you going to do now? Why are you pretending to be a fat sheep for us to slaughter? Do you know how many pirates and other forces there are in this sea area? If you are playing like this, are you going too far? Still Yes, the most important thing.

Mai Rui swallowed, I want to live. I know you don't kill me because I am useful. I really want to live, no matter what I do.

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