I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 919 Sorry, we also took away the explosives from the base.

Merry and Femme knew that vicious woman all too well.

That person is what she can't get and will definitely be destroyed.

Originally, they thought that whenever Jingshu left something for the base, Collison would not report it directly to the base and then blow himself up.

However, if the base is evacuated and Collison cannot survive, he will naturally report it——

Well now, everyone must die!

Die, die, you are meant to die.

But as they talked, several people felt something was wrong.

After the loud bang, there was no sound from behind.

Looking at it from a distance, just the sound of the explosion probably did not even blow up the entire villa area.

Mai Rui's heart was pounding, and he asked in a trembling voice: How long have we been running away?

The femme fatale said, It's been about five minutes, right?

Hammer: Maybe six minutes?

Murray continued: Could it be that Collison's time setting was wrong and it didn't explode yet?

Iron Hammer shook his head: The explosion of the fuse has come, and it should detonate the explosives everywhere. There are explosive packs hidden in every villa or other places. There is no way that if it goes off first, there will be no follow-up.

Mai Rui's heart beat faster. He thought of an impossibility, and then continued: Is it possible that the big boss of Huaxia cut off all the threads?

Darlene's current affairs translator told Jingshu that everyone was bad, which made Jingshu confused. She didn't even realize that this military base had a self-destruction system. Where was she going to cut the cord?

Iron Hammer shook his head again: You have forgotten that these self-destruction systems are linked to satellite radio. Only the headquarters has the authority to start from there. It has nothing to do with power outages and wire cutting.

Everyone waited for a few more minutes, and the Hulk slowly slowed down. Everyone was sure that the military base that was going to self-destruct would not explode.

Mai Rui was really curious: So, what is going on??

The corners of Jingshu's mouth suddenly raised slightly, Perhaps, we will know when we meet Xiaowei and the others.

Jingshu felt slightly relieved.

Although she didn't do a good job after the break, and she didn't even get the last bit of supplies, the good news is that she got the pink energy, so it wasn't a loss.

Soon, the Hulk took Jingshu and countless mud mermaids hidden in the dark to a place in the wilderness outside the city.

This is Xiaowei's 'old nest' these days. Jingshu asked the insects to bring them to this huge underground lair. There were countless insects carrying supplies to the boat on the seaside.

Jingshu also saw Xiaowei talking to Zhang Lang.

The shy and frustrated young man at that time had now become a man with explosive hair and green dark circles under his eyes, but the tentacles on his head were dancing happily, obviously commanding something.

Yes, this is a surprising place that Jing Shu discovered. She didn't expect Zhang Lang to have such a use.

Since Mirroring the South China Sea, Zhang Lang and Xiaowei have established a profound friendship, and only then did Zhang Lang discover that the tentacles on his head could actually signal ultra-long-distance electrical communication with Xiaowei.

It is similar to the communication between ants. Although they are far apart, their antennae can emit signals that their kind can receive.

Naturally, Zhang Lang can also send signals to command these bugs, but his role is much greater than Jing Shu's.

Therefore, after coming to Mars, Zhang Lang didn't have to be violent in front of others. After all, his half-human and half-cockroach appearance was still very strange. He would be recognized as a new human at a glance, so he commanded the bugs to dig holes, and then Tell the people on Jingshu's side the wishes of the bugs, and then tell the bugs Jingshu's instructions.

Plays a very important translation job.

This makes it easy for Xiaowei.

Sister Jing is here!

Everyone is here!

Several people saw Jing Shu and said hello. Zhang Lang's eyes lit up and he ran over quickly. He stirred his tentacles and then scratched his head: Jing Shu is here, and there happens to be a problem. Look.

As he spoke, he pointed to the underground warehouse of the transfer station and said, When the bugs were digging things this morning, Xiaowei found these messy instruments underground, which looked like weapons and ammunition, so he brought them back together, but They were flashing like crazy just over two hours ago.

I was afraid of danger, so I didn't transport it to the ship. I was waiting for you to come and take a look.

Jing Shu saw something in a cave, which was much bigger.

And the hammer that followed behind him knelt on the ground with a clang.

Mai Rui's mouth is very big.

Uh- Jing Shu blinked, as if she had guessed what this thing was, So, these things can't be those that self-destruct in military bases, right?

After being translated, Tie Zhui said excitedly: This, this is a new type of self-exploding explosive. Why is it here?

Jingshu coughed: I accidentally stole something back when I was stealing it.

Several people opened their mouths wide, not knowing what to say for a while.

Some of these were hidden underground and some were hanging in villas. How did they find them? The key is that they have all been dismantled?

Xiaowei's huge body straightened up: That's not because I don't trust these bugs, and I'm afraid they will miss something. After all, our purpose this time is to steal everything without leaving a hair behind, so I went on patrol. When I was walking, I always heard the sound of dripping, so I discovered them.

These satellite-linked explosives would receive signals and then feed back signals every few seconds. They were all independent batteries that could last for thirty years. They were well sealed and hidden, and even Jing Shu didn't notice them.

However, they were discovered by Xiaowei because they emitted a little radio frequency signal sound——

Who the hell are you looking for to reason with?

Jingshu gave Xiaowei a thumbs up: Xiaowei, you are really amazing.

Hao Yunlai, Tank and others all gave a thumbs up.

Xiaowei was even more proud: I just want to know if these things are worth it? Can I add chicken drumsticks to dinner tonight?

Jing Shu nodded: That must be worth a lot of money. Think about how much explosives can blow up the entire base. However, we seem to have forgotten one thing. There are signal frequencies on such things. Even if it is The WIFI is out of data and cannot receive the self-destruct command, but I remember there is a positioning system——

Iron Hammer immediately picked up Mai Rui and said: Hurry up and let Mai Rui destroy the current inside, or suck out the electricity from the battery, otherwise our position will be exposed!

Before I could finish these words, a sudden change occurred!

There was a rumbling sound in the sky, and in my ears, there was an explosion.

Fuck, you didn't get killed by the base's self-explosion, you're going to be blown up by the bombers! The majestic voice of the tank came: Mirror, you run away first, Hao Yunlai and I will cut off the rear!

Then what should we do with these explosives? Xiaowei asked urgently.

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