I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 921 Hurry up, I still have to have dinner after the treatment.

Mai Rui absorbed too much electricity at this time, and his whole body swelled. He also used conductive methods to conduct electricity out of his body, but there was always a residue.

Devil, really a devil. Mai Rui cried while continuing to absorb electricity, breaking through himself to the limit again and again, and then miraculously discovered that he seemed to be stronger——

Hao Yunlai suddenly moved his ears: They stopped attacking, and capable people are catching up. And it's a straight line distance.

Everyone knows what straight distance means in this winding tunnel.

Jing Shu frowned: You go on, Hao Yunlai, the two of us will solve it. Otherwise it will still be quite troublesome.

Hearing that Jingshu wanted to solve it personally, both Tank and Zhang Lang were a little worried. After all, Jingshu's strength has been revealed for so long. Everyone knows that her strength is scary, but compared to other ability users, strength is not worth it. Mentioned.

Can Jingshu do it?

Hao Yunlai grinned, Don't worry, the mirror will be safe with me here. After all, the whole family likes mirrors, and they will definitely ensure her safety.

Then they divided into two teams, Jing Shu and Hao Yunlai left in opposite directions.

They are very fast, a man and a woman, the man is fast and powerful, the woman is unknown. Soon, Jing Shu got their general information through the insects in the tunnel.

Hao Yunlai hummed, They should be here for you. It's Lao Mi's reinforcements that have arrived. They may have a large force arriving soon. After all, so much supplies have been lost, and they will definitely have to chase them.

Jing Shu said nonchalantly: Then just run away. Anyway, we already have the stuff in our hands. It's absolutely impossible to spit it out again.

The two of them thought of their days in the United States and couldn't help but smile at each other.

Soon, the man and woman caught up with them. They entered the tunnel instead of walking through a maze, but the man bumped into them directly.

No wonder it's so fast.

I don’t know whether this man is made of steel or cement, so he can hit it.

However, Jingshu didn't bring a translator this time, so when she happened to have a face-to-face encounter with the two people opposite her, the other person had a arrogant and sneering look on her face and started chattering a lot.

There is a saying that villains die from talking too much. Therefore, Jing Shu did not talk nonsense to them at all, but said to Hao Yun: You and I, just leave one alive. The two of them must have someone to rely on if they dare to come here, or they have There are missions that need to be completed, and one of them will be left for Yang Yang to interrogate.

Hao Yun looked at the man and the woman and felt that the woman's breath was very dangerous, so he took the initiative and said: Okay, leave this woman to me, and leave the man to you. Finish it quickly, we can still have dinner, by the way, dinner What to eat?”

Jing Shu didn't show off and nodded, Okay, let's make a quick decision. What else can we have for dinner? If it's early and we can meet up with Xiao Wei, we can heat up the large plate of chicken and braised pork ribs that we had for lunch, and add some noodles. Here, I’ll make some more soup.”

As soon as he heard this, Hao Yunlai felt a little hungry. The hand-made noodles made by Jing Shu were really amazing, especially the noodles mixed with potato and ribs soup. In one word, amazing!

Okay. I'll try to be as fast as possible. Hao Yun said.

Jing Shu snapped her fingers, and countless disgusting mucus surrounded them, instantly covering the two of them, easily dividing the battlefield, rolled up the man and left, leaving the battlefield to Hao Yunlai.

Then Jing Shu herself stayed away from the battlefield. After all, Hao Yunlai's ability was too abnormal. If she didn't stay away, she might be sucked into his magnetic field, and she might also be affected.

Speaking of Hao Yunlai, Jing Shu had a very intuitive feeling. Especially in recent years, he seemed to have been seriously affected by an energy. If he hadn't relied on her spiritual spring to continue his life, he would have been half dead, but that's right. It's because his abilities are becoming more and more terrifying.

After getting rid of this steely straight man, Jingshu held her chin: How can this person get rid of him?

In the slime wrapped by the Hulk, the majestic man was rushing everywhere like a wild bull. His impact was so violent that he could knock the underground tunnel sideways, and he squeezed out some roadless places. A road, at this time, the Hulk was hit and a big bag bulged out.

This big ball in the ground was just banging around, very violently. Jingshu thought for a moment, and then took out a pack of powerful drugs from the space.

This is different from ordinary intoxicants. It is some herbs grown by Jingshu in the space mixed with various plants with anesthetic effects from special years.

Originally, it was Jingshu who made Ma Bo Powder through research. God knows, she really configured various plants according to the proportions in the recipe book, but after extracting them...

Failed accidentally.

I came up with this kind of intoxicating drug that makes me fall asleep as soon as I drink it. After drinking it, I fall directly into a state of sleep and death, and I don’t even feel the pain when I cut my waist. Anyway, the effect is similar to that of anesthetics, except for the serious sequelae. So it's not like there's never been a chance to use it.

Tiezi, times have changed. It's not the time when you were bare-handed. Jingshu snapped her fingers and let the Hulk take a mouthful of mucus and feed it in with the drug.

One, two, three, four, five…

After Jingshu finished counting, she said slowly: Fall to the ground.

As a result, the straight man of steel survived.

Ahem! Jingshu looked around and saw that there was no one around, but it was not embarrassing at all. Just when she was confused, when she was feeding the family's flowering cow, she put it down and slept for three days and three nights, which made Jingshu scolded her for three days. Why is this man stronger than a cow? He was fed ten drops without falling to the ground.

Then, the majestic man fell to the ground.

Complete silence.

As someone who was afraid of the Death Star, Jing Shu was naturally very cautious and did not go forward in person. Instead, she let the Hulk fiddle with it himself, and then took out the steel iron chains from the space and tied him up layer after layer. Don't worry, in the end it was tied into a steel rice dumpling, and finally a head was exposed, and then he nodded.

If you have any secrets, take them back and study them.

After Jing Shu's side was tied up, Hao Yunlai's side was also finished.

When Jing Shu came with the tied man, Hao Yunlai was clutching something that looked like some animal skin and fell into deep thought.

Jing Shu raised her eyebrows and asked, Where are the people?

Hao Yunlai held up the thing and said, That's it. I caught it.

Jing Shu took a closer look and was speechless, so what kind of strange ability was this?

Forget it, just run away. At least I caught one, look.

If Jing Shu hadn't said that he had caught a live one, Hao Yunlai would have thought it was a dead head.

After seeing it clearly, Hao Yunlai said: ...

There's no need to tie it up like this, right?

Okay, there are no pursuers behind, and everything can be sorted out. Hao Yunlai looked at the leather in his hand and said hesitantly: How to fix this thing?

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