I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 928 Treat us to a luxurious dinner?

Mr. Zhou showed no expression at all at this time, and was even a little dazed and his eyes were empty, and he acted the stupidity just right.

Jie was a little disappointed. It seemed that it wasn't them, and it didn't even have anything to do with them. Their appearance there was just a coincidence.

After all, they were the targets of robbery that day. If it was really the Chinese who did it, then they would not be like this.

Someone just came to monitor them, but no one with abilities was found, and there were only so many people in total, they were just ordinary mercenaries.

Then, distinguished guests, please stay at Hans first. I have prepared a grand banquet for you.

Although Jie looks very cruel, he is still very generous in his actions.

He took Mr. Zhou, Jingshu and a large group of people to stay at the famous Burj Al Arab Hotel before the end of the world.

Although global power is tight after the end of the world, this does not exist in the Middle East, especially in Hans. Due to the geographical environment, Hans does not have much oil, but it is a transfer station, and oil is produced all around. .

Therefore, commerce is more developed and more prosperous.

Therefore, even though it is pitch dark at this time, the Burj Al Arab Hotel stands like a huge sailing ship in the desert.

And even a few years before the end of the world, when the temperature was extremely low, it was not cold here. But now that the temperature has warmed up, Hans has become even hotter.

But even in the high temperature of 40 degrees, most of the people here are still wearing thick white robes and a white cloth on their heads. If you have prosopagnosia, you can't tell who is who.

The Burj Al Arab has experienced the ravages of the last few years and has become a lot older, but it is still very luxurious. As soon as you enter, the height of more than 20 meters makes people sigh, even luxurious.

However, the people in the bodyguard team shook their heads. In such an empty place, the upstairs is still hollow. Isn't this the best target spot for setting up a gun?

Mamahas was very satisfied. Look, Miss Zhou was very satisfied this time and did not take out her staggering things again. Does that mean this place can still catch her eye?

In the hotel, not only is the central air conditioner blowing the wind, but there are also the flashing electronic screens and various lights, all of which declare that in this apocalypse, it is like the only rich man who is not affected.

This Middle Eastern oil tycoon is different. There is no shortage of electricity.

The air conditioner is blowing loudly. It's over 40 degrees outside and it's freezing inside. I really don't care about the electricity bill.

Who cares if someone has a lot of oil or money?

Inside the hotel, there are two worlds outside.

It's the apocalypse outside, but it's paradise inside.

The relaxing music, soft carpets, and the rows of waiters standing and bowing in salute made people feel the enjoyment of the top people in the world, and made the members of the bodyguard group feel elated.

Next, Jay took them to the top floor, where they could see the scenery of the entire Hans. There was also a cafeteria with a view.

Dear distinguished guests, please follow us to visit the beautiful scenery first, and then treat everyone to a meal. After everyone has rested, we will discuss business tomorrow.

Jay received everyone in a very warm and friendly manner. He not only visited the entire hotel, but also the main business projects of Hans. He also asked them if they were interested in investing.

After the visit, the food in the restaurant was finally ready.

This meal was a surprise to everyone.

I didn't expect Tuhao East to be Tuhao East. There is no apocalyptic feeling here at all. Even the food is so high-end.

At this time, Mamahas, Mr. Zhou and everyone were sitting on the oversized table here, and plates of rice mixed with the special sauce here were served.

In addition, there are fruits and dazzling oversized barbecues, which look delicious.

To be honest, this meal standard is much better than in China. It is the best they come here.

Mamahas showed an unexpected expression: Jie, you really give me face, hahaha.

Jie smiled boldly: I will definitely bring the people you bring to meet the highest standards. After all, we have to discuss business later. Okay, let's treat everyone to a meal.

Mr. Zhou calmly scooped up a spoonful of rice mixed with sauce, and nodded in surprise, it tasted good.

At the dining table, there was only the sound of eating for a while, and it tasted really good.

Jie also generously gave the entire Huaxia group free meals. Although the others may have been a little worse, it was still very good.

This made the people in the Huaxia Group have a much better impression of Hans and Jie.

It was also the first time for Jingshu to eat this kind of weird rice. It was a bit like pilaf, with carrots in it, but also a bit like curry rice, with potatoes and other vegetables. Finally, it could be eaten wrapped in large leaf vegetables. .

It seems like there's not much food shortage here.

Yeah, but this rice feels a bit old. To be honest, it's not as fragrant as the rice brought out by Boss Jingshu. After eating Boss Jingshu's rice, it won't taste as good as anything else.

Corpse Exorcist: Don't be a good boy when you get an advantage. You are eating such luxurious food and you are so picky. I am so greedy.

I'm so greedy too. I didn't expect their team in Hansi Mingmian to be treated so well. Hey, but I do think that the world is not good without reason. If someone treats you like this, they may have poisoned their food.

Don't be so talkative. Although we have secretly verified that it is not poisonous, we can't stand what you say.

In short, this is a good start for the Huaxia Group. Although the food at Burj Al Arab is a separate meal, it is not limited.

After Mamahas had eaten three or four plates, he and Mr. Zhou all had the nerve to eat four large plates, while Jingshu didn't eat much and only ate one plate.

After all, she thought it tasted ordinary and had a strange smell.

Others, after all, they only ate 80% to save face, that is, seven or eight plates. Otherwise, if they really opened up and ate, it is estimated that everyone in the Huaxia Bodyguard Group would have no problem becoming a big eater of food and broadcasting. .

Hiccup~ I feel so full.

“Who would have thought that the best meal in the Middle East would be someone else’s treat.”

Then let's go to bed early.

I'm a little sleepy just after eating.

Originally, there was a simple meeting to be held in the evening, but Mr. Zhou yawned, and everyone went back to their rooms to sleep, leaving only the secret night watch team.

Today, everyone slept very soundly and almost fell asleep as soon as they got to bed.

The Burj Al Arab is very quiet. Except for the flickering lights, everything is quiet and there is no sound.

In Jingshu's luxurious presidential room.

In the dark night, Jingshu Muran opened her eyes.

There's something wrong with this meal. Jing Shuna murmured.

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