I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 944 I’m sorry, I’ll take everything the rich look down on

Of course, if we want to talk about which parts of the car are the most valuable, before the apocalypse, they would naturally be the compressor and gearbox. But after the apocalypse, since cars are no longer produced, the generators and batteries on them will be more valuable. of.

Repairs can also be used for secondary recycling. Of course, after eating dirt in the sand for so many years, some cars have broken down, so the only thing left is the iron leather seats and seats.

As for some cars that can still be driven, or relatively valuable luxury cars, if you transport them intact, you can still earn a little bit of oil, which does not affect the price of scrap metal, and you can also exchange for some oil.

In short, it’s not a loss, otherwise so many mud mermaids would have been raised in vain.

The dark roadside was always quiet in the past. At this point, most of them were sleeping. Those who are not sleeping now are the rich people who are still living the days of auctions and parties. No matter how bad it is, they are... These few rich people are figuring out how to make money from the poor.

But tonight, the surrounding streets were a little noisy and rustling, as if rats had entered.

Some poor people living in the bus would get up to see what was going on, thinking that a thief had entered.

At this time, especially children, if there is any sign of trouble, they will wake up immediately, stand by the window, and ask their mother: Mom, mom, look, why do these cars move by themselves?

Then you will receive a big blow, It's so late and you haven't gone to bed. What nonsense are you talking about? Go to bed quickly!

Then the child will cry loudly, Really, I didn't lie, these cars will all move by themselves and then disappear by themselves.

The adults were alerted, and when they looked in the dark, Emma, ​​the cars that had been piled up on both sides of the road and were almost buried in the sand were all gone.

It rustled like a mouse carrying something.

The adults covered the children's eyes and asked God for forgiveness. There must be something dirty to make this happen.

Sleep, sleep! Everything will be over when you wake up!

The adults drew the curtains, covered the children's eyes, and kept praying.

Until the sound gradually faded away.

And this scene happened in various places in the city, some in poor places, and some in places where rich people gathered. Those former luxury cars were like a pile of scrap metal, being mercilessly attacked by insects. After being squeezed and kneaded into iron lumps, they were carried away in lumps.

Some residents will only see that when they wake up the next morning, either the car that was once buried under the sand is no longer there, or the car under the sand only has the motor and everything else is missing.

I really don't understand, there are still people stealing these scraps of metal these days?

It can be considered a good thing. Those broken things placed on both sides of the street are very annoying. Now that there is no space, we can put some other things.

Of course, there were also a lot of cars parked in the rich area. Jingshu led people to find a very large underground parking garage. The entrance was almost buried by the sand. After entering, my dear, all the parking garages were full. All kinds of luxury cars.

Some are brand new cars that haven’t even had their car wraps removed.

If it hadn't been for the news she just found out that this was a wealthy man's private residence, she would have thought this was a parking garage for selling cars.

The rich man's private mansion has been emptied out, and the houses are dilapidated, but no one wants these cars.

Yang Yang analyzed several situations: Either after the end of the world, earthquakes and various natural disasters caused the roads to be damaged or covered by the desert. These are sports cars that cannot be used here at all, so they were abandoned.

Either the rich man ran away or died, and there was no time to deal with these things.

Everyone nodded.

Zhang Lang was very puzzled: Then why didn't you take so many cars with you when you ran away? Each of these cars costs tens of millions.

Yang Yang coughed: When you were very rich, would you take a few pieces of clothing worth a few dollars with you when you ran away?

Zhang Lang shook his head: I will definitely bring more valuable things, a few pieces of clothes. To be honest, I don't even bother to pick them up now.

Yang Yang snapped his fingers: Isn't that right? To the rich, these cars are just a few pieces of clothing in the wardrobe, or clothes that cannot be worn in the future. Why do they carry them?

Zhang Lang opened his mouth and felt heartbroken, old man.

Since the rich man may have forgotten this place, let's not be polite and help him clean up the parking garage to avoid eating dust.

While using his excessive strength to help the insects transport these cars, Tank asked innocently: Jingshu, since you mentioned the parking garage, why don't we go to the trading city where the cars are sold? The cars there must be There are so many.”

Jingshu scratched her head: Isn't it because I came in a hurry and didn't choose, just picked up whatever I thought of? The key is that I'm not familiar with this place, and we don't know where to sell cars around. If it's a small market, then There were only a few cars there, and they weren’t enough to waste our time.”

Crackling! Yang Yang's fingers jumped rapidly on the screen, and after a while he said: Two kilometers away from us, there is the largest second-hand car trading city in the local area. After the apocalypse, it became an abandoned city and was specially robbed. ——If we go there, there probably won’t be many complete cars left.”

Tank asked: Then there's no need for us to go?

Yang Yang snapped his phone shut: Let's go, let the bugs transport these cars away, let's go to this second-hand car market quickly. If my guess is good, there should be a lot of raw materials there.

Raw materials?

Yang Yang nodded: Yes, the second-hand market must have been raided back then, but there are also a lot of generators and batteries collected there. These are very valuable, especially in a backward place like Iran.

Jing Shu's eyes lit up: Yes, mobile phone factories no longer produce mobile phones now. After the lithium batteries of our mobile phones are scrapped, we have to replace them with lithium batteries from other places. In the black market, batteries and generators are Two things that never go out of style.”


Everyone rushed all the way to the largest second-hand car market in the local area. This was a small town that was once very prosperous. Just look at the abandoned cars that stretched across half of the city. Unfortunately, now, there is only a pile of scrap metal.

Jingshu shook her head when she came here. There was nothing to pick up. The place had been ransacked several times. The valuable cars were taken away, leaving only ordinary Mercedes-Benz cars filling the square.

The rich don't like it, the poor can't afford it.

I'm sorry, but the remaining ordinary cars are all cheaper than Jingshu's.

Jingshu asked Zhang Lang to direct the insect to dig a tunnel and then transport it.

Everyone went straight to the material warehouse, which was also the largest auto repair shop.

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