I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 946 Where are the disappeared Chinese people?

Okay, okay!

Set off!!

Jie, just show me the way here, the rest is up to you!

Jie nodded fiercely: I am very familiar with this journey. Now, let us attack their nest as fast as possible!

A large group of people headed to their largest fat sheep den this time!

The sky was slightly hazy, and a fishy smell filled the air. Everyone wore gauze or masks, and even had to put a layer of protective cloth on top of the mask.

The climate in the Middle East is much hotter than that in China. At the moment, Wucheng is already about 60 degrees below zero, while the South China Sea is more than 10 degrees above zero, but here in the Middle East it is more than 30 degrees.

It's so outrageous that even scientists can't explain why it happens.

Of course, anyone who has been in the desert knows that it is not only hot here, but also very windy and sandy. The sand rattles into your mouth when you speak, so at this time, everyone wraps up tightly and puts on the big white robes of the locals. , who can recognize who it is?

This is a pre-apocalyptic warehouse city with several logistics and transportation roads nearby. This location is also well-connected and surrounded by more than a dozen roads repaired by Saudi Arabia.

After the end of the world, this place was acquired by Dila and turned into its own storage and logistics warehouse. As for why it is here, it is naturally because it is a backup savings point for Dila. Whether it is the path to Lao Yi, Mas, Hans, etc. Places are all calculated at the center point.

It seems that Dilla's strategic intention is very obvious, which is to take the oil in the Middle East for himself and then muddy the waters in the Middle East.

Since this place is so important, the guard points here are naturally very powerful.

Smith is the supervisor here. He hasn't slept for three days.

Hearing that this place was about to be robbed, and that it was also a group of ability users, after receiving the news, he immediately mobilized all the surrounding guard forces to prepare for this battle.

This wait will last three days.

He didn't dare to close his eyes at all, I heard that those people in China are all gods of war, and they like to carry out sneak attacks, especially at night, so I got excited!

When Smith heard that Boss Dilla was actually coming with everyone, he put his vigilance in his throat and deployed everything that needed to be deployed.

He heard that these people were also capable of digging holes, so he directly planted a lot of landmines. As long as they dared to dig holes, he would directly blow up these people to death.

Wait and wait, wait and wait.

Will these people come? It only takes our people 2 days to get here from Hans, or 3 days at the slowest. Why haven't they come yet?

You can't get lost, right? But don't they have Smith with them?

After waiting for another two days, Lian Dila arrived with all the ability users, along with many other armed forces. It could be said that they were armed to the teeth.

With this power, it is possible to destroy a small country.

Queen Dilla's rule was very terrifying. After she came, she directly took over all the power. She frowned: Those Chinese people haven't arrived yet?

Smith nodded: Not yet.

Someone in the crowd said, I'm afraid people didn't transport all our things away, but you didn't know that, right?

Smith shook his head: We have eight shifts a day recently, and we inspect all the supplies every two hours. There is no mistake or omission, everything is there. I check all the supplies three times a day. Absolutely no one has touched them.

Dilla frowned, very angry. When she was angry, her tongue started to curl up, trying to pick up an innocent person at random. Fortunately, she held back, Then what happened? Where is Mojirai? She provided the answer Do you know the latest location of the Chinese people?

Smith said: The latest location is the location where it disappeared more than 100 kilometers away from here three days ago, but other parts of Mojirai's body are still changing.

Dilla was silent for a while, then scratched Smith's neck with her sharp fingernails. She licked her lips and asked again: Where is the location of our secret weapon? It has the most advanced positioning system.

Smith lowered his head: Can't find it, can't locate it. I don't know where it went.



The ability users around them didn't dare to speak.

Who would have thought that they came from far away from the United States and originally wanted to take over the supplies brought by the Chinese, but in the end, they failed.

The Chinese people seemed to evaporate in an instant, disappeared and could not be found.

Damn it, it's at this moment. I'll give you three days. If we can't find those Chinese people, we will start a war in Israel.

So, where did the people from the Huaxia group, who were supposed to be more than an hour away, go?

Jay, are you sure this is the right path?

Jay was very sure: I know it even with my eyes closed. I have walked this road many times.

Two hours passed.

Jie, are you sure this is the road? Why has our car taken so long and there is still no intersection you mentioned?

Mr. Zhou stood up at this time, patted Jie gently, and said with a smile: Jie, if you want to play tricks -

Jie immediately shook his head: Okay, to be honest, there are only two roads to the logistics point. I will never take the wrong road, but now we have reached the desert area with many forks. To be honest, I’m quite puzzled too.”

Jing Shu: Ahem, do you think it's possible that the road mutated on its own?

Jay: ?

Mamahas: Shu, what nonsense are you talking about? I've only seen people disappear across the road, but I've never seen people mutate themselves on the road.

Dahuang Ya, the old Taoist priest, seemed to have remembered something, and almost jumped up in shock: Quick, quick, quick, see if our signal is still there, are we entering a space like the mirror image of the South China Sea again?

Everyone looked at the satellite signals on their cell phones.

Huhu, there's still a signal.

There's a signal. Don't scare us. I'm scared.

What's going on? Could it be that Jay got lost and took the wrong direction?

Jing Shu sighed, patted the driver of the bus and said, Master, please stop. Let everyone stop. We should have won the prize and have entered an unknown folding space again.


How is it possible? We don't feel anything, and the most important thing is that there is a signal.

Jing Shu was also puzzled. She scratched her head and said, So I didn't raise any alarm at first. I was even chatting with my friends. Until just now, I let my bugs dig holes near us. The bugs were obviously The holes have been dug, but I can’t find where they are.”

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