I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 960 Chasing troops? You are funny! That's it?

There are benefits to be had! Otherwise, why would she be so positive~

What does it mean if there are pursuers? That naturally means transportation, right?

There is a means of transportation here, regardless of whether it is a submarine, a small broken ship, or a battleship. In short, you can make any number of these things into your own.

It would be best if we could get a bigger boat or something, which could just alleviate the embarrassment of having too many things to transport. Even if it's not a boat, it would be nice to have a helicopter. Anyway, Jingshu is very short of transportation right now.

The submarine was very fast, and within an hour, it was more than a hundred kilometers away from the fleet.

At this time, in the submarine.

I haven't started working yet, so I naturally have to wait for a while. While listening to everyone's chatting on the intercom, I naturally have to adjust the height a little.

Jingshu took out the sweet potatoes and corn that had been roasted in the pit for more than an hour, carefully peeled off the black soil, and broke open the arm-sized sweet potatoes. The hot air blew in front of her, and the fragrant smell lingered for miles. The sweet potato aroma revealed the snow-white sweet potato flesh inside, and he handed it to Tank and Guotou.

After digging out other oversized corns, Sihasha blew twice, pulled off the corn husks, removed the corn butts with a click, and handed them to other members.

Jingshu herself also picked up an oversized sweet potato and gnawed it down, revealing the snow-white sweet potato meat inside. The white flesh of the sweet potato has less water and tastes sweeter and chewier, but the red flesh of the sweet potato has a more chewy texture. The soft and waxy ones are very watery and have different flavors.

The pot tip was so hot that it burned his tongue. He flipped it back and forth between his two hands and blew on it while eating. He couldn't help but give a thumbs up:

Not to mention, it's my first time to eat these white sweet potatoes. Boss Jing, what kind of potatoes are they? Why haven't I eaten them before? It's a bit like mashed potatoes, but it's so sweet.

Jingshu Sihahaha ate a big sweet potato and said casually: We don't know either. They were all seeds from the space seed base. There were more than a dozen kinds of sweet potato seeds, and she planted them at will.

No, after the last upgrade of the Rubik's Cube space, there were six more pieces of land. She first planted two batches of hybrid rice.

That thing was simply growing wildly, so Jingshu scattered a handful of seeds, and the entire land was filled with rice. If there was an AI painting, the screen would be filled with rice.

As for the output, it was even more amazing. Two batches of nearly a ton of grain were harvested from six plots of land. Jingshu had all taken care of it, feeding the shells to chickens and ducks, and then selling the rice.

But I don’t dare to plant it again. If I plant it again, it will take up all the space. Once I plant this thing, I have to free up several cubic meters to install it. Jingshu also plans to sell some of them to organizations to improve everyone’s food. .

So, I planted some sweet potatoes, corn, etc. No matter what the variety was, I ate them as soon as they were planted, otherwise the space would be full.

So these days, Jingshu's Hulk bugs are actually filled with these sweet potatoes and corns. When she has nothing to do, she grills them with her team members. They are so delicious.

Everyone gathers together to eat sweet potatoes, and the atmosphere is full of atmosphere. However, the contribution value is gone too fast. Even though Boss Jing is already at a discount, he can't afford to do this every day. It is really painful and happy.

Attention all units, there are suspected new ship activities at the locations of x934 and y-123, so be careful to screen them.

This is Team 6. They just wiped out a stealth aircraft at 12 o'clock. We didn't use enough force and the aircraft crashed into the sea. Please give me instructions. Do you need to salvage it?

Yang Yang: Salvage is allowed if there is no danger around, and all items are privately owned.

Someone in the group immediately said: Who is this? You don't know how to be careful. Such an expensive plane was annihilated directly. If it were captured alive, it would be great for our own people to use this plane.

Team 6: We also think about it. This team is all attack type. If there is control, it won't happen.

Tank ate the sweet potato in his hand and asked: Mirror, we have been here for so long and haven't met the enemy yet. If we meet one in the sea, that's fine. But if we meet one in the sky, won't we be blinded?

Also, Jingshu's current powerful hitter Hao Yunlai is gone, and the output of other team members is weak.

Jingshu gnawed on the corn and said, It doesn't matter. We belong to the outermost perimeter. If we encounter pursuers, we will be the first to encounter them.

In fact, she also spread a lot of mud to get the mermaids out. Anyway, there are a lot of them. They can be found far away in the surroundings as long as there is any disturbance. It can be said that even though they are just a small submarine now, they are searching. The scope is huge.

Just as she was speaking, Jingshu's brows seemed to have received something. The corners of her mouth slightly raised and she said, Let's go, get ready, it's time to live.

After saying that, he wiped his hands and licked his lips. Guotou wiped his hands vigorously and immediately went to the cockpit, ready for orders at any time.

At sea, there is a modified splicing ship, which is a pirate ship converted from a cargo ship, with some homemade weapons on it.

They are driving to a certain place accurately.

Damn it, do you really want us to take the lead?

Yes, what should we do? I heard that the other party also has many ability users, as well as hundreds of ships and warships. Otherwise, we can't transport everything in the warehouse over there.

But, we only have one ability user here, and he's not that powerful. He's just a bastard. I don't want to die.

We are told to disguise ourselves as ordinary merchant ships here first. It is impossible for the Chinese to attack these ships. When we are almost assembled, we can then encircle and suppress them together.

That's good, that's good.

Just as they finished speaking, several big men in diving suits suddenly rushed out from the darkness.

Guotou asked Tank: Did you record what they just said?

Tank nodded: It's all recorded, you can do it now, so you can take it back and know what they said.

Guotou gave a thumbs up: Brother Tank is really awesome.

These so-called vanguards were frightened half to death by the people who suddenly rushed in, and immediately put on alert, but the entire ship was eerily silent——

Half an hour later.

The ship was attacked, and Pidianpidian followed a submarine, pretending to be an ordinary passing merchant ship.

Tank washed his hands, and when his huge body sat down, the entire submarine trembled. He picked up the sweet potato that he had not finished eating before, continued to eat, and said:

The quality of these pursuers is too bad, isn't it? If they are all of this quality, it will be useless no matter how many they come.

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