I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 970 The gift Su Marie brings to Jing Shu


Jing Shu patted Zhang Yicheng and said, Good job, add chicken legs.


Zhang Yicheng's tone increased by 8 degrees, fully expressing his joy, which was obviously different from the previous business-like business.

Of course, this addition of chicken legs does not really add chicken legs. In short, Zhang Yicheng got a raise, and Jing Shu was also happy.

As the cargoes of the ships were unloaded and transported away from the tunnel, the large troops also moved forward slowly.

Because there were too many goods, the battle line was stretched along the way.

Announcements from various locations continued to come from the intercom and the group chat.

The Huaxia team here also has to thank the Dilla team for sending them a dozen stealth machines, which are doing surveillance on various roads at this time.

Jingshu is waiting.

What are you waiting for?

Hao Yunlai is taking a batch of supplies by land and will be arriving soon. Also, the scrap metal transported from Saudi Arabia will be arriving soon.

It's not easy.

The land route is slow, and even if the bugs travel day and night, it is not as fast as sea transport. However, the good thing is that it saves money, and you can eat anything in the open air.

The most important thing is that no one is going to rob.

This journey can be said to be very smooth. After all, ordinary people have to go as far as they can after seeing so many monsters appearing.

As for ability users, they are actually very rare. There are so many people in the entire China, and there are only a few hundred elite ability users.

In the Middle East, which is vast and sparsely populated, and is basically a desert, those with abilities are even more pitifully rare.

Of course, Jing Shu felt that it was more likely that he had not been robbed, and there was something about Hao Yunlai.

These days, Hao Yunlai reports progress to Jing Shu in the group every day.

He and Zhang Lang expressed that they were very, very bored.

Hao Yunlai: Today, I didn't meet a single living person on the road, but I met a lot of other creatures. They looked pretty good. I'll bring you a mirror and take a look.

Zhang Lang: Today is another day of being carried away by insects, and another day of sleeping.

When Hao Yunlai saw how lively the group was every day, he was so excited that he wished he could have wings and fly over.

No, in his thoughts day and night, the bugs transported various supplies and finally arrived at the meeting point.

Live up to your trust! Hao Yunlai and Zhang Lang were dirty and hadn't taken a shower these days.

The most pitiful thing was that Jing Shu had eaten all the food she had brought for them on the way.

Before leaving, Jingshu was afraid that the two of them would not eat well, which would affect their enthusiasm for work, so she baked a lot of naan for them and brought a lot of fried noodles.

In the morning, wash the fried noodles with water, add some peanuts and various toppings, and you will have a rich bowl of fragrant paste.

You can have grilled naan for lunch, as well as a variety of air-dried meats and sausages. In the evening, there are some freeze-dried vegetables that can be eaten as instant noodles. They also thoughtfully packed more than a hundred braised eggs for the two of them.

This food is enough for an ordinary person for a month, but these two items were eaten two days ago.

Zhang Lang was shy and embarrassed to say, in fact, it was because of eating these that Hao Yunlai traveled day and night to speed up the arrival of the insects.

Looking at these mud mermaids lying on the ground like a puddle of mud and exhaling, you can see how tired these bugs are.

How miserable.

When Jingshu heard that it was so miserable that she didn't even eat, she immediately expressed her hard work and made another extra meal on the spot. After letting the two of them wash up and have a full meal, they followed the big guys. The troops move forward together.

Jingshu can’t wait to go to the destination, the meeting point, to hand over the task and get the reward!

Zhen Nantian had a headache.

I thought this time it was an ordinary mission point.

Although the heavyweight task of escorting nuclear bombs is considered extremely explosive and important to the whole country, he is confident and can challenge any danger on the road.

This is the confidence that comes from his strong strength.

Zhen Nantian is no longer the same Zhen Nantian he was three years ago. In the past few years, he has been constantly on missions, going to dangerous places to complete various tasks, and his abilities have also grown crazily.

There are countless dangerous missions.

So, this time, it was supposed to be just an ordinary escort mission.

But at this time, he had a headache. It was obviously related to another area of ​​his life.

Report, Captain! Our process may be a little slower this time.

Zhen Nantian asked calmly: Reason?

Because the big box you were carrying has grown a little bigger now——

It turned out to be a gift from the person named Su Mary to Jingshu.



after all--

Slow down, just slow down. It's not peaceful over there. I heard that they are trapped in the desert.

Zhen Nantian's team originally planned to arrive in seven days, but because the contents of the box inexplicably became larger and more numerous, they had to change transportation and the speed was a little slower.

Fortunately, the other party was also dragged down.

Then, I heard that the Chinese team was going to change their route. Then Zhen Nantian made a quick decision: Then let's gather in the Tarmu Desert of Iran.

Zhen Nantian's team continued to move forward.

Report to the captain, that thing has grown again. Now it is as big as a small car. It is really difficult to transport it.

Zhen Nantian has a headache.

What on earth did that young lady in China bring to Jingshu? Why do you still grow up?

At first, it was just a piece of black stuff like a box, but now it has grown into something as huge as a car. The key is that it is wrapped in a black film and the contents inside cannot be seen clearly.

Some team members were curious: Isn't it a dinosaur egg?

Zhen Nantian felt it carefully and shook his head: There is no sign of life, it may be some kind of plant.

The faces of the team members became weird, and some people wanted to ask: Now that it's like this, captain, do you still want to transport such a big thing and bring it to your friend?

That friend's name was Jing Shu, and they all knew that the captain seemed to care a lot about this person.

In short, Zhen Nantian has not given up this thing, so his team must take it with him.

After they sneaked around at night and finally found some large trucks, they transported the thing to the large trucks and finally took it to the Talmu Desert.

Zhen Nantian finally wiped his sweat rarely and said, Just put it here until the Chinese team comes.

Finally! Their nightmare is finally over!

This thing is really weird.

In just a few days, it has grown bigger than the house. What on earth is this? A giant black egg?

At this time, Zhen Nantian wanted to know what Jing Shu's expression was when she saw such a big thing.

Also, he was a little curious. As this thing grew bigger and bigger, would Jingshu bring this thing back home?

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