I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 983 A tree that produces dark energy?

The atmosphere at the scene relaxed.

A woman wearing a local black robe, a nose ring, and a wealthy and fat lady covered in gold jewelry stood up, waved her hand, and asked someone to bring them black dumplings that were bigger than a basketball. After they were pushed aside, there were finger-long balls. particle.

She sent these black particles to the Chinese team.

The team members were confused as to what this black and charcoal-like thing was.

Only Jing Shu's eyes lit up: Is this a new variety of dried fruits after the apocalypse?

Sure enough, the next second the woman taught everyone to peel off the particles, revealing the peanut-like fruit. When you eat it in your mouth, a strong and sweet oily taste spreads instantly.

If I had to describe it, it would be like eating a handful of melon seeds and a handful of pine nuts all at once, with a long aftertaste that lingers in the taste buds for a long time.

Smells, it smells so good!

Eating one of these feels like I have carefully peeled all the melon seeds all afternoon and stuffed them into my mouth. Isn't it too satisfying?

“It’s delicious. I’ve never tasted such rich fat, texture and crisp aroma.”

The woman was very satisfied with everyone's performance. She handed the Huaxia team nuts of other flavors to each person, and asked Ah Nang to translate:

These are Afghan pine nuts that this lady planted before the end of the world. After the end of the world, they mutated and expanded several times in size. These are new products that taste like chocolate and cream. They are rare and high-quality food here.

Jingshu ate two more, and her eyes lit up. The texture and taste were, yes, a bit similar to the hundreds of kilograms of Brazilian pine nuts she bought before the apocalypse. However, this apocalyptic product was obviously larger, and one piece was as good as Finger thick and taste better and more fragrant.

And if it is fried and other flavors are added, the taste will be stronger. After all, there is still a difference in the taste of raw melon seeds and burnt fried melon seeds.

Ah Nang smiled and translated: I wonder if people from the Huaxia team are interested in these foods? Its value is similar to every 5 pine nuts can be exchanged for 1 can.

The Chinese people who were interested just now suddenly turned off their lights and shook their heads.

Wucao, is this a robbery? Is it so expensive?

You only need 5 pine nuts to exchange for one can? Although these pine nuts are really delicious, aren't they too expensive?

Yeah, I originally wanted to exchange some for my family to eat. After all, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, but it's too expensive. We might as well exchange for more oil. Let's exchange for a few hundred kilograms of meat to eat after we return home.

Ah Nang explained: This pine nut is a new energy product. After eating it, it can strengthen your body, prevent you from getting sick, and reduce wrinkles.

It's the end of the world, who cares whether we have wrinkles or not.

Most people don’t want it, but there are a few who do:

Hey, if you don't buy it, then I'll buy 10.

Yes, I want 10 of them too.

However, what everyone wants is not much. This is just a taste, and it is unrealistic to expect that it will be enough for you to eat.

Although hundreds of pills were sold, the woman was still very disappointed. She said a few more words to Ah Nang, who then said:

Actually, it is a bit expensive to sell it alone. We are not trying to kill people, but this pine tree is the only one that has mutated in this lady's hundreds of acres of pine trees. Now it is the only tree that can produce pine nuts.

But this lady can't exchange for satisfactory food supplies around. If any of you can buy a tree, she can do it cheaper. She wants food and meat with a long shelf life, preferably something that can be eaten by children. Otherwise, she would have no choice but to take the tree with her to the Middle East.

Jingshu was just thinking about whether she could buy a tree to take home. After all, the pine nuts were so delicious. No matter how much you buy, there will always be a day when you run out.

They are not as popular as what you can produce.

I didn’t expect this woman to want to sell the tree? Still want a variety of food?

Jingshu stood up.

Wow, Boss Jing is taking action again.

Let me tell you, who in the entire team can buy a tree is Captain Jingshu.

Five pine nuts are just one can, so the tree would cost at least dozens of tons of cans, right? Isn't it too expensive?

But if you sell these pine nuts in China, you can make a lot of money. The taste is really delicious.

Ah Nang has seen Jingshu a long time ago. This woman has always been the core of this team, and she is also the one with the largest transaction volume in this transaction. Both the iron and the car belong to her. She is definitely capable.

So Ah Nang asked with a smile on his face: Ms. Jingshu, does she have a lot of canned meat? This lady is most in need of these.

This lady just auctioned off all the limited-edition canned meat, but she has a large family, so just a few thousand cans is simply not enough. And in the end of the world, there will only be fewer and fewer canned food.

Jingshu shook her head: I'm sorry, I don't have those canned meat items.

Ah Nang looked pityful. Among the foods nowadays, the most expensive thing is canned meat. Others are always less valuable.

He said: If it weren't for canned meat, then other things might not be enough to exchange for such a precious pine nut tree. This tree is an energy product of the end of the world.

Jing Shu listened and said a few words to Zhang Yicheng, who then ran out with a sigh.

Originally, Jingshu brought a big black box, but it was difficult to take out too many things. She understood that this woman wanted high-quality goods, so this was easy. She had the most such things.

So Zhang Yicheng went outside to fetch two Hulks.

Jing Shu said: Wait a moment, my people are going to get the goods. There will be what you want.

Ah Nangjiliwala said a few words to the woman in black robe. Everyone waited for a while, but the woman didn't understand Jingshu's strength and questioned a little:

I just want canned meat, energy-rich and nutritious food with a long shelf life. To be honest, my family is not short of food at all, and my family also has oil mines, but eating well and eating well are two different things.

I also want my children to eat better, to eat normal food before the end of the world, instead of eating black worms and red worms every day.

Otherwise, I would sell the pine nuts produced by this tree in pieces every year, which would be enough to buy all kinds of food here.

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