I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 988 Things are going wrong, arriving in Dubai, starting to organize things

At this time, along the coast, the original supplies of hundreds of ships have been replaced by hundreds of fully loaded oil. Although the number of ships has decreased a lot, their value has increased exponentially.

The ship's draft is also very serious.

On the official ship, Yang Yang led everyone on the ground and said: We are on the coast outside the Iranian border, and Dubai is on the opposite coast. We can also go to Dubai to sell some things on the way -

Everyone nodded, right? Now you only need to cross one coast to reach Dubai. The ship can even stay off the coast of Dubai. After selling, it is just right to return to the city from here.

Mamahas knows this area very well and enthusiastically introduces to everyone what good things Dubai has to offer: Dear friends, this city is a very interesting place, with only 10% locals and 90%... Vassal, but every local is extremely rich.

Moreover, this place has become a comprehensive commercial city in recent years. The commodities are very rich, so you can buy or trade whatever you want. It can be said that this is the largest material transaction in more than a dozen nearby countries. Ordered, the items are very complete——

Hearing what Mamahas said, some people were still a little regretful. They came here to purchase goods, and they were not trading on an equal footing.

But there is a saying in China that is good for the Chinese New Year. People are here for the Chinese New Year, right? Then let’s see what good things are there.

Mamahas continued: However, to be honest, the public security in Mamahas is very good, so if we want to lure the enemy, I don't know if we can succeed.

As soon as Mamahas finished saying this, other people's eyes lit up. Some people even said: If you can speak, just speak more.

Everyone reacted, thinking of Mamahas' crow's mouth, every time he said there would definitely be no robbers, but the next second he said there would definitely be robbers——

Yeah yeah.

What else is special about this?

Seeing everyone's emotions rising, Mamahas always felt a little strange.

Jing Shu couldn't help laughing on the side, Mr. Mamahas is also a wonderful person.

Yang Yang drank the raisin water from the thermos and nodded with deep understanding: Mr. Zhou means to take them back to China.

Jing Shu looked into Yang Yang's thermos and was speechless: How do you soak raisins? I'll give you some wolfberries and red dates another day.

No, raisins are good. Yang Yang immediately shook his head. He drank wolfberry and red dates a few days ago and got very angry every day. After all, he is a young man with strong anger. He is different from an older person like Mr. Zhou, but he can't bear wolfberry. .

Jingshu didn't say anything anymore. She took a thermos cup and drank it all in one gulp. Her thermos cup was filled with bobo taro pearl milk tea. Master Yang had made the pearls and bobo boiled with taro paste in the past few days to make a fine black tea. The pure milk mixed with it tastes mellow and fragrant.

Old Taoist Huang Ya also took a thermos cup and drank it all in one gulp. He had beer with honey in it. The honey was exchanged at a high price from Jing Shu. In his words, there are people who have half a foot in the coffin. More than a hundred zombies feed him, why can't he enjoy it?

In the bodyguard group, everyone has different tastes, but it is still very nice to drink what they like and do things with the same goal together without annoying people disturbing the scenery.

It was so beautiful that Jingshu didn’t want to leave when she stayed in the Middle East. There were so many good things here.

Just after crossing the coast, we arrived in the rumored Dubai in less than a day.

Unfortunately, it was too safe along the way, and there were no blind pirates coming, which made the people in the Chinese Bodyguard Group a little regretful.

Before the apocalypse, there was an eight-day tour to Dubai for 8,000 yuan, but she had no chance to come. After the apocalypse, she came here with dozens of ships to purchase goods.

Things in the world play tricks on people.

Far away, I saw the famous Burj Al Arab Hotel. The hotel was built on an artificial island in the Persian Gulf 280 meters away from the beach. It has 56 floors and is 321 meters high. But now it is in the end. After the high tide in the second year, it was soaked again. For more than half a year, the entire hotel looked dark.

But I heard that the inside has been almost restored.

Boss Zhou waved his hand: Before all the beer is sold out, we will stay in the Burj Al Arab Hotel! The boss will reimburse us!


Mr. Zhou is grand!

How domineering!

Jingshu was also sharpening her knife and was a little excited. Only the innocent Tank scratched his head: If we all live in it, who will protect the supplies on these more than a hundred ships! Why not live on the ship?

Hao Yunlai next to him covered his face: If we don't live in, who will rob us?

Tank blinked, and then said oh, he understood, that's how it is! !

Jing Shu also smiled and nodded. If the bait is not released, how can we enforce the law and fish?

The coast of Dubai is very lively at this time. It is worthy of being the trading point of more than a dozen small countries nearby. There are many ships coming and going. However, after the end of the world, such a large fleet has rarely come, and it is a search. A cargo ship with a full draft is coming.

At first, the nearby ships were a little curious, but when dozens of warships came to escort them, they immediately scared off many ships that wanted to deal with him.

Just when everyone was wondering where such a large fleet came from, Lao Yi's iconic tank came out, and groups of armed personnel got off the ship, and the familiar Chinese flag logo was also revealed. Come out——-


The New Year is over, it’s time to go to work~

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