I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 993: It’s time to spend money, it’s time to save the province, pick up more rubbish from Dub

This is also the time to run away in the middle of the night when no one is paying attention. Otherwise, if you run away during the day, the distance between the two sides will be too close and it will be difficult for Lao Yi's missiles to hit.

In the original plan, there were not so many ships, but now there are dozens more ships. The speed is a little slower, but it is not a big problem.

In the middle of the night, one by one was called to the official ship for a meeting. Some older people couldn't open their eyes, but young people like Jing Shu had wide eyes and were very energetic.

Mr. Zhou drank wolfberry tea and waved his hand: Hurry and finish dividing the things. I have to catch up on my sleep. I'm older and it's better for you young people to stay up all night.

Hey hey hey.

I didn't stay in Dubai for long at all this time.

It's not bad. I got a meal for free and a hotel. I took out everything in the hotel.

What? Are you so shameless?

Old Zhang, do you still have the nerve? You took off all the gold bricks from the pond. Don't think I didn't see it. Lao Wang next door also brought out the bed.

Jingshu: ...

These teammates are really like wild geese now.

There were more than thirty ships of oil. Jingshu and the official wanted to share it. Jingshu took less than seventeen ships of oil, and the rest belonged to the official. These bosses took out two more ships to share with others. According to the This time the contribution was distributed to other people, each of them had a few hundred barrels, which was great.

Yang Yang added official oil to the official ships, saving ten ships, which could save a lot of fuel.

Where’s Jingshu——

He directly followed all the newly added oil ships around his several ferry cargo ships, and then let the groups of mud mermaids pull and push them away.

In terms of power, it is indeed not as fast as a speedboat, but it saves fuel. Such a long distance and how much fuel must be consumed by so many ships? This is all money!

Jingshu even asked the crew of the ferry cruise ship to reduce the horsepower, using the lowest power and the most fuel-saving method. As long as it was started, the mud mermaids under the sea would do the rest.

Zhang Yicheng was able to make the crew members on these ships stop moving without expression, and as expected, the ships would 'move' on their own even if the ships did not move.

After distributing the oil, Yang Yang briefly talked about the problems that would be faced next, and asked everyone to be ready for battle at any time, and then the meeting ended.

Make up for the sleep you need.

Work that needs to be done.

When Dahuang Ya was sleepy and about to go back to sleep, he found Tank and his Situ Xiaoye twisting iron chains with their bare hands. And there are mountains of iron piled next to it.

Dahuangya stood still, unable to react for a moment, and asked: What are you doing?

Tank: Twist the chain.

Jing Shu came from the side and nodded: I'll let you twist.

She asked Tank and Situ Xiaoye to twist the iron chain. These two people were very strong and could twist the iron chain very fast and well with their bare hands. I believed that in just half a day, they would be able to twist out an iron chain large enough to pull a large ferry.

Dahuang Ya pondered for a moment: What are you doing twisting so many iron chains?

Jing Shu said: Take it back to China and sell it.

Where did so many come from?

It was piled all over the boat, and it wasn't there when he got off the boat yesterday.

Jingshu blinked: At the dinner party in Dubai in the evening, I asked someone to pick up a luxury car that no one wanted in the city.

After hearing this, Dahuangya looked like he had missed 10 billion: Girl Jing, why didn't you call me when you went to pick up garbage? I still have more than a hundred zombies to dispatch at will!

It was an impromptu idea, it was an impromptu idea. Jingshu said with a smile. In fact, she was about to leave at that time, but thinking that she could not come to Dubai in vain, she let the bugs take advantage of the night to pick up rubbish. Sure enough, they picked up a lot of rubbish.

Now, there are still many bugs still picking up rubbish in Dubai, but they will only join the large army later.

So to twist the iron chain, naturally put it on the ferry and let more mud mermaids below pull or push it, otherwise there will be no place to bear the force.

Once she finishes twisting the iron chain this time, she can pull all the boats away with the mud mermaid. I wonder how much fuel she can save.

But when I arrived in China, I sold the iron chain and got another sum of money, which was a pleasure.

Dahuangya was so sleepy, it was almost dawn, and his brain was not that good, he just muttered, just take it back and sell it, why do you have to twist it?

Situ Xiaoye twisted it very seriously. When he finished twisting it, he could get many small dried fish, which was his favorite snack.

Jingshu also went to catch up on her sleep. She always felt that she might not have time to sleep next.

A fleet of more than a hundred ships sailed quietly in the sea. Each ship had a very heavy draft and was running with increased horsepower. Unfortunately, the speed was a bit slow after dragging heavy cargo.

By the time the second prince and the eldest prince reacted, the Chinese people had been running away for several hours.

The second prince smashed everything in the room to pieces, but those Chinese people took his oil and ran away. If the other party was within Dubai, he could still have a way, but if the people ran away, what would happen to your forces on land?

The eldest prince snorted coldly: My stupid brother sent people to chase him? Then we should be ready.

The servant next to him said with a trembling voice: Do you really want to use missiles?

The eldest prince's voice became colder and colder: He went after the Chinese and was killed by the Chinese. We used missiles to kill the Chinese to avenge our brother. Isn't this natural?

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