Just got it like this?

Zhao Mu looked at the sword fairy fragment, which looked ordinary. He felt that it would be regarded as garbage if thrown on the ground.

Baotongshen smiled and said: "Lucky, although this fairy sword fragment is not big, it contains a lot of sword intent laws. I can find a way to extract it."

"Refine the sword intent law? What is the use?" Zhao Mu asked.

"Of course it is useless to me, but if you absorb this sword intent law, it can bring a good improvement to your sword cultivation. Maybe you can take this opportunity to comprehend your own sword intent."


"You are the lady's favorite man. How dare I deceive you? Moreover, I also know a lost secret method that can safely and quickly extract the power of the law in the magic weapon into the human body. With my assistance, I can ensure that the process of absorbing the sword intent law is smooth and worry-free."

"Mr. Bao is so kind!"

Zhao Mu was very happy. He was embarrassed that he had taken advantage of this.

"Young man, if you can say a few good words for me in front of the young lady in the future, it will be the greatest reward for me."

"Of course."

"Let's start now without delay. Please enter meditation."

Zhao Mu sat cross-legged immediately after hearing this, emptying his mind and body.

Bao Tongshen held the fragments of the immortal sword in his hands, put his palms together, and gently pinched them. Only to see the brilliant light overflowing, and a ray of light reflected towards Zhao Mu.


There seemed to be a sound of sword ringing in his mind.

It seemed like a snowy field.

All was silent.

Zhao Mu held the sword alone, facing the wind and snow alone.


A chilling sword intent surged out from Zhao Mu.

In an instant, the entire underground dark lake was covered with a thick layer of ice.

Baotongshen praised: "Young man, you have a good understanding. Normally, even with the help of this old man, it would take several days for a normal person to comprehend the sword intent. But you only spent less than a quarter of an hour to comprehend the true sword intent. However, this old man is a little puzzled. Isn't you a scorching sun god body? Normally, you should comprehend the sword intent of the strongest and most yang. Why is it the sword intent of the extremely cold and yin?" Zhao Mu suddenly opened his eyes, and the amazing coldness slowly dissipated. His eyes were also a little confused. "I don't understand." Zhao Mu really didn't know. He also felt that if he could comprehend the sword intent, it would definitely be a masculine and domineering sword intent, but the result was an extremely cold and yin sword intent, which always felt a little inconsistent with his temperament. "Could it be that the sword intent contained in this immortal sword fragment is of Yin-cold attribute?"

Baotongshen shook his head: "This is a thunder-attributed immortal sword, which is consistent with the young man's physique, so I let the young man absorb the sword intent law, but the result... I can't figure it out for a while."

Zhao Mu shrugged: "Then don't think about it, at most it's a waste of time, anyway, I don't have any loss."

"No, no, no, young man, you are wrong, you comprehend the extremely cold sword intent, in fact, it is considered to increase the advantage."

"What do you mean?"

"Extreme Yang and Extreme Yin are mutually restrained, and generally they will not appear on the same body at the same time, but the young man now has both the extremely Yang Fiery Divine Body and the extremely Yin extremely cold sword intent. Although these two powers cannot appear at the same time, as long as you master the order of attack, both powers can be blessed."

Zhao Mu instantly understood what Baotongshen meant.

The mutually restraining forces cannot be released at the same time in your own hands, but they can appear at the same time on the enemy's body.

First, burn him half to death with the Starfire Dharma.

Then use the Extreme Cold Sword Intent to cool him down.

Repeat several times, even gods can't stop it!

Thinking about it this way, this Extreme Cold Sword Intent may really be the best choice for Zhao Mu at the moment.

For the next half day, Zhao Mu didn't go anywhere, but practiced the Extreme Cold Sword Intent in the underground lake.

He also gave the Extreme Cold Sword Intent a new name.

Chihan Sword Intent!

It matches Zhao Mu's own temperament very well.

Seeing Zhao Mu's increasingly proficient control of the sword intent, Bao Tongshen sighed, "Miss, your vision is indeed good. My son-in-law's cultivation talent is definitely worthy of being called a genius even if you look at the entire world. Today's Xianwu Continent is a place that connects the heavens. Many strong people from outside are trying their best to get in. There are very few local geniuses. With the help of my son-in-law's good luck, he will surely achieve earth-shaking achievements in the future." After another half a day, Zhao Mu finally mastered the Chihan Sword Intent thoroughly. The Chihan Sword Intent was born from the fragments of the immortal sword. Combined with Zhao Mu's own comprehension, although it is not yet the top sword intent and is far inferior to the Sword God Qu Liu, it still has great potential. With time, Zhao Mu may not be able to grow to the level of the Sword God Qu Liu with this wisp of sword intent. Of course, Zhao Mu could still distinguish what was the main job and what was the side job.

Sword Intentions could be cultivated, but it was definitely not his first choice.

With a top-level physique like the Flame God Body, the fire attribute was more compatible with him at the moment.

Unless Zhao Mu could awaken a stronger physique.

The next day.

Zhao Mu and Bao Tongshen continued to search for the aura of the lone magic weapon.

It was not that Zhao Mu was only concerned with treasure hunting and was not in a hurry to go home, but the lone magic weapons were often concentrated in some ancient secret ruins.

In such places, the probability of teleportation arrays appearing would be higher.

But the two of them had bad luck afterwards. Although they collected a lot of various magic weapons, they did not see the shadow of the teleportation array.

After flipping through the map, Zhao Mu knew that he could not go on.

Further ahead is the core area of ​​the Burial Land, where you are very likely to encounter a powerful ghost clan.

Although Zhao Mu would not be afraid if he really encountered one, he still had to be cautious. After all, there were not only ghost clans in this place, but also powerful clans such as dragon clans, tiger clans, and lion clans nearby. Once there was a big commotion, it would be difficult to end well.

Moreover, Zhao Mu was still a thorn in the eyes of the demon clan, and there might be people searching for his whereabouts everywhere.

If you want to go home safely and smoothly, you must keep a low profile.

"Let's take a detour."

Zhao Mu made a decision.

Baotongshen nodded and fully cooperated with Zhao Mu without any objection.

In the next few days, the two of them wandered in various deep mountains and forests, dangerous places, entered caves, drilled caves, picked up magic weapons, and searched for secret realms. Finally, after ten days of hard work, Zhao Mu discovered an ancient secret realm with a damaged teleportation array.

After a simple study, Zhao Mu showed a happy face.

The teleportation array was not seriously damaged, and it could be barely repaired with the materials in his hands.

Although it can only be used once after repair, it is enough for them to return home safely.

"Master Bao, help me protect the law. Repairing the teleportation array is troublesome. It will take at least two days. No one can disturb me."

After saying that, Zhao Mu concentrated on repairing the teleportation array.

He had a bad premonition in his heart, as if he was being targeted by someone, which was why he had to race against time.

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