After all calculations, Zhao Mu never expected that this moon god would actually covet his body.

What kind of valet is he just thinking about the half a pound of fresh meat on his body?

I never thought you were such a moon goddess!

This unexpected change completely broke Zhao Mu's plan.

He had originally organized his language to analyze the harm caused by the Black Sun Clan's invasion of the Moon Clan from various angles, and then Xiao Zhi used reason and emotion to persuade the Moon God to initiate the sentencing of the Black Sun Clan. , in the name of the first moon god.

Now I'm fine, I can't say a single word that comes to my lips.

I don't know how to proceed at all.

To be honest, being favored by a god is a great opportunity to some extent.

If Zhao Mu had no system, he might have agreed immediately.

But Zhao Mu has his own confidence.

Besides, it was impossible for him to give up an entire forest for the moon god.

Just when Zhao Mu was thinking about how to reject the Moon God, the Moon God had already walked in front of him.

Seeing the breathtakingly beautiful face of Moon God, Zhao Mu almost agreed.

What kind of divine appearance is this.

For an LSP, being able to get a woman like Luna will have no regrets in this life.

He had never thought that a person's appearance could be so flawless.

Zhao Mu's aesthetic threshold has been tested for a long time and is much higher than ordinary people.

But as experienced as he was, the moment he saw the Moon Goddess, he could not describe her beauty in any words.

So much so that Zhao Mu even doubted whether the face of Moon God was fake.

Otherwise, it cannot be explained by common sense, how a person can have such a face with no blind spots and no flaws.

What's even more outrageous is that not only her face, but also all aspects of her figure and temperament, Luna has reached perfection.

Let's put it this way, if she had gained a little more weight or lost a little more weight, she wouldn't be as perfect as she is now.

Noticing the astonishment and wonder in Zhao Mu's eyes, Yue Shen was not surprised at all.

She is a god known for her beauty. Before she came to the Xianwu Continent, she was already known as the most beautiful woman in the world. There are women who can compete with her in terms of appearance. In the billions of stars in the entire world, You can count them on one hand.

When she was born, her earth-shattering beauty caused visions in the world, and this invincible beauty was not only effective for life, but also all creatures in the world, and even the laws of spiritual energy, were impressed by her beauty.

She doesn't need to practice, the spiritual energy elements of heaven and earth will actively approach her, eager to integrate into her body for her to use.

The best psychic treasures are vying to recognize her as their master.

Even the most cruel ancient gods and demons would bow their heads in shame when they saw her.

Wherever she goes, the wind and snow will subside, and dead flowers will bloom again.

There are light and dark, good and evil sides in the world, but for Moon Goddess, she can only see the light and kind side.

Because darkness and evil will actively avoid her and cannot bear to destroy her unique beauty in the world.

Everything the Moon God sees, hears, knows and feels in his life is full of truth, goodness and beauty.

And this is also the main reason that created Moon God's current kind-hearted and somewhat foolish character.

How can one recognize evil without seeing it?

But that's what makes people angry. If you put this matter on others, it would be foolish kindness and a holy mother bitch.

But she is the moon goddess, and she only needs to show her flawless face to settle everything.

When he was in the Great Thousand Worlds, there was a powerful person who commented on the Moon God in this way.

If someone could make the heavenly way and the evil way, which have been fighting each other for hundreds of millions of years, sit down and have peace talks, then this person must be the moon god.

Although the current Moon Goddess' strength is less than one thousandth of what she was at her peak, she can still solve most of the world's problems with this face.

After a long silence, Zhao Mu finally spoke.

"Dear Lord Moon God, I really want to agree to your invitation, but please forgive me for not complying."

It took a lot of determination and determination for Zhao Mu to reject the Moon God.

He didn't know how powerful the Moon God was, but after all, he was reluctant to give up an entire forest for a big tree.

There are many beautiful ladies waiting for him to save, how can he be restricted by the identity of a mere servant.

Even at the risk of offending the gods, Zhao Mu must refuse.

He had even planned that if the Moon God was really angry, he would use the Ten Thousand Miles Teleportation Talisman to escape first, and then go to the Black Sun Clan to hug him.

But the strange thing is that even though the words have been spoken for a long time, Yue Shen has not said a word.

Zhao Mu looked up at her curiously.

I saw an incredible look reflected in Luna's beautiful eyes.

She didn't seem to think that she would be rejected.

How could something like being rejected happen to her?

She is the moon goddess, the moon goddess who is loved by everyone and has flowers blooming.

Although she asked Zhao Mu to be her personal servant, she just wanted to tease him and see if he was worthy of training to become a divine envoy, but she didn't have much expectations for him.

But she was rejected, which was something she could never have imagined.

From the time she was born to the present, even though this face has caused disaster and had to hide in the Xianwu Continent, no one has ever rejected any of her requests in person.

Zhao Mu actually took away her first time!

This precedent made the Moon Goddess suddenly doubt her life.

Has her innate talent begun to lose its power?

No, she did not feel the disappearance of her power, and her beauty has never faded with the passage of time.

Then there is only one explanation...

Zhao Mu is not from this world!

Only in this way can he not be affected by the law and reject himself.

"Who are you?" The Moon Goddess stared at Zhao Mu with her beautiful eyes, as if she wanted to see through him.

Zhao Mu was confused.

This Moon Goddess's temper is really weird. Why does she always say something that people can't deal with.

Is her way of thinking different from that of ordinary people?

But even if she is a god, it shouldn't be so difficult to communicate.

"I am Zhao Mu, from the Shengyuan Demon Sect of the Xianwu Continent."

"What I'm asking is, who were you before you came to this world?" The Moon Goddess's eyes were burning, and the oppression of being a god came directly.

Zhao Mu's heart exploded.

What's going on?

Could it be that the Moon God saw through his identity as a time traveler?

But why?

Just because I rejected the Moon God, the Moon God suspected that I was not from this world?

This is too outrageous.

"Host, please rest assured that all your important information is absolutely encrypted by the system, and no one in this plane can detect it."

The system's prompt sound suddenly sounded in Zhao Mu's mind.

Zhao Mu calmed down immediately.

With the system's words, he had nothing to worry about.

"If Lord Moon God doubts Zhao's origins, you can investigate it yourself, even if you want to search my soul, but if it turns out that Lord Moon God is slandering me, I hope to get your apology, which is the minimum respect for a person."

"That's what I meant!"

The Moon God stretched out a hand, like a phantom, and directly probed into Zhao Mu's brain.

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