Chapter 1025

“Da da da da da…”

“Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

On this unknown wide wasteland, it was as if a war had started. No, to be precise, this is war. A war launched by the underground organization Jinzhipian League against Xie Ming personally.

But Xie Ming still has a little question, aren’t these guys afraid of being discovered by the consortium? Why did it suddenly become so vigorous? Destroy yourself?

Hearing the sound of ‘ping-pong’ from bullets hitting the shield, Xie Ming touched his chin and then shrugged.

Why do you care about them so much? Be a ghost?

However, Xie Ming was very happy with their opening. After all, he has always wanted to experience the bombing of the car bridge in this stereotyped TV movie. But it is purely a brain problem to blow yourself up, and there is no internal taste.

It is Xie Ming who really wants to experience this kind of villain who set up to blow up the car in order to get rid of his own eyes. Although it is powerful, it is not strong enough.

“Uh, it seems that there is something wrong with this kind of thinking…”

After spitting out oneself, the mental power spread out like a water pattern, instantly absorbing all the surrounding conditions into the Master’s brain.

The number of enemies, types, and people hiding in the dark were all scanned. More than two thousand trash fish mimics, blue-haired women and brown-haired men who are hiding in the distance watching the situation here, and…


During the mental power scan, a young girl who suppressed the star power that was about to explode in her body was standing in mid-air, with a frenzied smile on her face looking at the war below.

Naturally, Xie Ming would not recognize this young girl. To his surprise, he didn’t expect that this one would also be collaborating with the Jinzhipian alliance?

“No, it shouldn’t be.”

Lifting his head, the eyes of Forbidden Demon passed through the smoke, and looking at the expression on the young girl’s face, Xie Ming couldn’t help sighing: “Hey, Cunzhen is a joy to see the hunt.”

Xie Ming has seen many longevity species so far, and all the longevity species have almost one common characteristic, obsession.

In the endless years, they have witnessed the transformation of mountains and rivers, and they have witnessed the destruction of seas and rocks. How to spend these long years? There is only one answer. Hold on to your obsession and never give up.

Compared with other longevity species, Wanyou Tian Luo Fan Xinglu is undoubtedly the youngest Yaomei. But this does not mean that Fan Xinglu’s obsession will be worse than others.

If you take Xie Ming’s cognition, for example, there is an existence that is more similar to Fan Xinglu. That was undoubtedly the master of the Kingdom of Shadows in the Moon World, Skaha.

Skaha has cultivated generations of disciples, with the goal of cultivating people who can kill herself and end her eternal life.

Fan Xinglu cultivated generations of disciples, with the goal of cultivating powerful people to satisfy his desire to fight.

In other words, Fan Xinglu’s obsession lies in the desire to fight, or in other words, the desire to become stronger. This is a warrior, instinctive pursuit.

Both are teachers, but neither trains apprentices to pass on their own skills, but to satisfy their own selfish desires. But this is actually very normal.

After all, they are all ‘people’, ‘people’ with selfish desires. Is there anything wrong with people acting for their own selfish desires?

As if he had noticed Xie Ming’s gaze, Fan Xinglu’s pupils were burning with star fire, and he smiled slightly at the black smoke.

That is, the smile of the warrior.

“Ohhhhhhhhhh, you found the wrong person.”

Xie Ming scratched his head and sighed helplessly. However, Fan Xinglu’s appearance also made Xie Ming’s doubts clear. Why, the Golden Branch League dared to attack itself so drastically.

Because Fan Xing is exposed. The few hands he showed can deceive little girls and boys with little knowledge, but they definitely can’t deceive this demon fairy. Her fighting spirit, I’m afraid it’s already ablaze.

At this time, the Jinzhipian League approached her and told her that it could satisfy her desire to fight Xie Ming. The only requirement is to talk to the Consolidated Enterprise Consortium, and she wants to practice fighting in this place.

How could the Consolidated Enterprise Consortium disagree? You must know that Fan Xinglu’s long years of accumulation are not only martial arts and wisdom, but also the network of relationships all over the world.

The teacher is the father and also the master. If Fan Xinglu uses her own network, the whole world will shake a few times. How could the consolidated enterprise consortium not agree to this small request.

The reason why I am watching myself being beaten in the sky is probably because I want to move my muscles and bones, warm up, and face her in the best condition.

As for whether Fan Xinglu would consider whether this was a trap of the Golden Branch League, or whether it would put Xie Ming in danger, you don’t need to ask to know, she didn’t care at all.

These are trivial things compared to satisfying one’s desire to fight. If the Golden Branch League is so uninterested, Fan Xinglu wouldn’t mind shooting them to death.

Xie Ming also understood the true purpose of the Jinzhipian alliance. For it is his blood.

In their thinking, no matter how strong Xie Ming is, it is impossible to fight Fan Xinglu back. So inevitable, blood will be left behind. They only need to get the blood, it is enough.

In fact, Xie Ming really looked forward to fighting Fan Xinglu. Because the opponent’s superb martial arts is the best companion to hone his sword skills.

“If it is not open, it may be four or six open…”

Fan Xinglu six, Xie Ming four.

This still took advantage of his ability to control Wanyingsu and weapons. However, it is undeniable that a little flame was ignited in Xie Ming’s heart.

That is the flame named War Intent.

This battle with Fan Xinglu might make his martial arts and swordsmanship more refined.

“All in all, let’s clear the scene first.”

The thumb gently pushed the knife away, and the sky flames left a ring of pitch-black sword light in the air, which instantly returned to its sheath.

“Splitting Void slashed with a knife.”


The remaining smoke from the explosion was cut open, and the roaring and cracking battlefield turned into silence. The pitch-black blade light, like ripples produced by dots on the surface of the water, disappear after spreading.

The upper body and lower body slowly divided into two halves of the simulacrum with the highest number, and then fell to the ground and exploded.

“Boom boom boom boom…”

And in this continuous explosion like firecrackers, Fan Xinglu fell in front of Xie Ming, showing a happy smile.

“Xie Ming, a traveler, the old man is all heaven, Fan Xinglu.”

“Hello, senior.”

Xie Ming clasped his fists in his hands and gave a gift to the younger generation: “Before the discussion, I also hope that the senior can agree to two things. I don’t know the senior, can you agree?”

“Huh? To be old, promise you two things?”

Fan Xinglu raised the corners of her mouth and looked at the man in front of him with satisfaction: “This is the condition you let the old man meet?”

“Hahaha, senior said and laughed.” Raising his head neither humble nor arrogant, Xie Ming chuckled: “It doesn’t matter whether you agree or not. The next battle with Senior will also be of great benefit to me.”

“It’s just a plan of the younger generation, wanting to steal some laziness through the senior.”

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