Chapter 1030: Are You Satisfied?


Farther away, Fan Xinglu couldn’t help but cough up a mouthful of blood. Covering the kicked waist, there was a hint of excitement on his face: “Good boy, the strength is really great.”

Then she flipped it over with one hand, and she stuck a talisman on her body. A light green light appeared little by little, and he started to repair his injury.


The explosion was cut open by Tianhuo Jingyan, Xie Ming wiped away the trace of blood left at the corner of his mouth, and put the demon knife back into the sheath.

This battle was even harder than he imagined. But it is precisely because of this that it makes sense to win.

Because this is not only for his plan, but also a test of his true strength. See how strong you can be when you are not turned on.

After all, the state is the state, a means of pressing the bottom of the box, and a hole card to face the enemy. And as his strength increased, the improvement of his state to strength gradually decreased. He can feel that every state has reached the ceiling.

Pseudo fourth-order, fourth-order middle section, and fourth-order high section. Even if he continues to grow stronger, the three levels of ceilings are already fixed in this way.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that the status is useless, it’s just that it is impossible to fight across large classes like before.

For example, when Xie Ming enters the pseudo-fourth stage, when the Fury of Sparta is turned on, the killing intent fluctuates 100%, or the hand is prohibited, he can defeat the lower stage of the fourth stage, but cannot compete with the middle stage of the fourth stage.

When Xie Ming entered the middle stage of the fourth stage, and then turned on the state of the first stage, I am afraid that only some additional effects would be effective. For example, the power of Spartan ignores the control and special attacks on the gods, the infinite power of the forbidden hand is doubled and defense, and the killing intent fluctuates… shock?

Killing Intent Fluctuation, a dangerous skill that was specifically controlled by painstaking efforts at the time, Xie Ming can now use it as a permanent skill. It’s just that whoever eats and eats all day and has nothing to do, entangled with murderous intent to scare people.

But now it seems that he can’t continue this kind of battle. There is only one reason, time.

One is the time when someone else is sent to check the situation here. The other is his own available fighting time.

The remaining time displayed by the intensive care in my mind is only 3 minutes left. And he has to stay at least 1 minute to resolve Valda and Matthias who are watching the situation from a distance.

So although it is a pity, the time is over.

Thinking of this, Xie Ming looked calmly at Fan Xinglu in front of him, and stepped forward slightly with his right foot.

“Quickly draw a knife and cut.”

Without any accident, he cut nothing. And what stayed in place was a talisman that gradually burned up.


A shocking explosion sounded loudly, and Fan Xinglu’s figure appeared, and she couldn’t help but vomit another mouthful of blood. Xie Ming’s kick was just used, but he used Bengjin. Even if the strength is blocked by 70% to 80%, the remaining 10% to 20% and the contained experience are enough to make her traumatized.

Even in the Star Vessel generation, even if she has used the power of the stars to strengthen her body, Fan Xinglu’s 9-year-old body is still a huge weakness. The pain in the body is rapidly consuming her energy.


A black shadow flashed from the explosion, and Xie Ming’s long knife slashed towards Fan Xinglu again. The difference is that a bloody mist has begun to wrap around his body.

“The killing intent fluctuates by 50%.”

Lost the enemy again, but it didn’t matter. Fan Xinglu, who is now injured, is no longer as perfect for space transfer as before. In this case, there is a way.

“Earthly Sword Art, Yao!”

The huge pitch black seven-pointed star flew out from the blade and was engraved in the air. In the next second, the entire space began to feel shattered and shaken. Fan Xinglu was shaken out of a crack in space.


“It’s a bit far away… Then that’s the only way to go.”

Killing intent fluctuates 100%.

“Instant Hell Kill.”

There were many afterimages behind him, and coupled with the full explosion of the upper dance art, Xie Ming’s body turned into a red flash and came to Fan Xinglu. In a short period of time, the speed he exploded at that moment surpassed the light.

The price is that all parts of the body are like being cut open by a knife, with blood everywhere. But before it fell, it was collected by Xie Ming deliberately, and burned to death with the flames of Emperor Chilong.

And Fan Xinglu looked at Xie Ming, who was raised to her, with countless talisman flying out of the cuffs, showing an innocent smile.

“Boy, it’s over.”

A seal was made with one hand, and in an instant, countless talismans hidden in the air appeared instantly. Obviously, this is a trap set by Fan Xinglu.

Fan Xinglu’s Star Immortal Technique has reached the stage of superb quality. Even Xie Ming, who has the elemental vision with the Forbidden Demon Eye turned on, did not observe it.

But the absence of observation does not mean that there is no defense.

Fighting with a demon fairy who has lived for a thousand years, how can you not guard against the opponent’s trap? From beginning to end, Xie Ming didn’t plan to set a trap or induce Fan Xinglu.

Because he knew that setting traps for such old foxes would only be used in reverse.

At this point, he still knows himself.

So long before the battle started, he telepathically gave instructions to Justissa in the blade. And now, it’s that moment.


“Yes, Master Xie Ming.”

A stream of light flashed across the jet-black blade of Tianhuo Jingyan, and the abilities from Otherworld Academy City began to activate.

Lv5, vector operation.

The prerequisite for the vector operation rebound attack is to control the material composition of the attack.

Wanyingsu is an element, even if researchers in this world have studied it for so long, they haven’t studied it thoroughly. Xie Ming naturally didn’t know.

But what Fan Xinglu used now was to give the universal element the properties of other elements to attack. In this case, all elements at this time are other elements.

Then, vector control can control the vector of these elements.

“Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

The flames, thunder, icicles and gusts of wind, as they touched Xie Ming’s body, they flew upside down and exploded all over his body.


Fan Xinglu’s pupils contracted, her small mouth slightly widened.

“Yes, it’s over, senior.”

A long knife was clamped to Fan Xinglu’s neck, Xie Ming wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said calmly.

“Senior, are you satisfied?”


The answer to Xie Ming was a brilliant smiling face.


“It’s over…”

Matthias, wearing a mask, sighed deeply: “Unexpectedly, even the old monster Wanyou Tianluo was defeated.”

“So, what should I do next?”

An indifferent voice without any emotion came from the mouth of the blue long-haired girl, and Varda’s hollow pupils looked at Matthias: “Start another plan.”

“Yes…” Mathias said with a chuckle: “Notify Di Luke, let’s do it on Totoki Rin, Uriss and others.”

“Hey, I heard interesting news.”

The ancient sword and the jet-black long knife respectively hit the two of them.

“You guys, who are you going to do?”

Xie Ming showed a gentle smile.

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