Chapter 1032

Watching Fan Xinglu leave, Xie Ming stretched his body and looked at Matthias again. But he found that beside him, there seemed to be a communication that was constantly dialing in.


Xie Ming raised his eyebrows, took Matthias’s dislocated hand, and clicked to connect.

“What’s the situation…tsk, it failed.”

When the man on the virtual screen saw Xie Ming, his face instantly became extremely ugly, and he said very uncomfortably: “Unexpectedly, another monster popped out in this world.”

“Since you know, then I advise you to let go of those useless thoughts in your heart.”

Xie Ming looked at Di Luke with a smile but a smile: “Otherwise, I don’t think how long your head can stay on your neck.”

“Even if you are the student president of Levovhei, even if you have a high status in Yangxue.”

“Hmph, it means you let me go, right?”

A trace of jealousy appeared in Di Luke’s eyes, but his voice was still so uncomfortable: “It’s disgusting charity.”

“Fat man, this is not charity, but balance.”

Talking to smart people is very simple, without much explanation, Di Luke understood Xie Ming’s meaning. Xie Ming’s two words are both threats and hints. In plain and easy-to-understand terms, if you let go of your thoughts, I will let your life go.

And Di Luke, as expected, instantly understood the meaning of Xie Ming’s words.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and Xie Ming sat casually on the dusty ground. Together with the school uniform that was torn from fighting, it made people feel like a beggar sitting on the ground and begging.

However, the smile at the corner of his mouth made Di Luke not feel that this was a beggar, but a mad dragon with his eyes slightly opened. I am waiting for someone in front of him, like an ant with its teeth and claws.

And when these ants were about to touch the little cub guarded by the mad dragon, the eyes of the evil dragon were already fully opened, staring at him without emotion.

“From today onwards, Matthias and Valda will no longer exist, and there will be some chaos in the city of learning warfare. However, the chaos on the surface is suppressed by the security team. But the chaos in the secret is difficult to quell. ”

“If at this time, you, the dark-faced leader of the learning war city, disappear, then the balance will be broken, and the six major consortia will intervene. No matter who it is, I’m afraid I don’t want to see this.”

“…” Dillock’s face returned to calm: “So, you are going to let me go.”


Xie Ming looked at Di Luke with deep meaning: “It’s better to die than to live. You should be very clear. So, you can choose.”


With a cold snort, Di Luke directly closed the video call.

But Xie Ming understood that this smart little fat man had already made the choice he wanted. Live, but still have the hope of accomplishing the goal. Dead, there is really nothing left.

“Master Xie Ming.”

At this time, Yustysa’s voice came in his mind: “Valda Vaos has been suppressed by me back into the pure star-brilliance-style weapons, your lord can do it.”

“OK, it’s hard work.”

The flames of the sky fired out of her sheath instantly, and the necklace on the blue-haired woman’s neck was accurately shattered into nothing, without any harm to her body. Xie Ming casually took the pitch-black crystal on the necklace and took it in his hand.

“Mr. Xie Ming, I think we should still be able to talk.”

At this moment, Matias, who had been silent with his limbs removed, suddenly uttered a voice.

“As for what we did to you before, I am very sorry. As you just said, if Xuezhan City loses me, it will definitely have a great impact on everyone.”

“But for you, this influence will not bring you any benefits. It will only allow some interested people to take advantage of the loopholes to obtain some benefits. In that case, it is better to let me control the face.”

“And as a price for you to let me go, I will act according to your orders. Having a subordinate of the chairman of the Star Martial Festival Committee, I believe that both for you, Mr. Xie Ming, or for your other friends, It’s a great help.”

There is no negative feelings in Mathias’s voice, but it is full of sincerity and respect. But precisely because of this, Xie Ming’s eyes narrowed.

Begging for mercy is the instinct of a person to survive. People who don’t have the courage to die will beg for mercy in embarrassment before dying, but Matthias is undoubtedly not that kind of person.

Similarly, he is not the kind of hero who can go to death generously. He is the most dangerous Lion Majesty.

Xie Ming was sure that if he had let off Matthias at this time, Matthias would absolutely follow Xie Ming’s orders 100% as he said. But, when Xie Ming left?

Then he will continue to accomplish his purpose, no matter how many people involved, how despicable things he has done, he will have to accomplish it.

And why Mathias was silent until now, is to master Xie Ming’s character through Xie Ming’s words and actions, thereby increasing his chances of survival.

The conversation between Xie Ming and Di Luke is undoubtedly his hope of survival.

Originally, for Xie Ming, the existence of Matthias didn’t matter at all, at best it was an addition to Varda Vaos. If you want to trade with the Galaxy Consortium, Varda Vaos is the key.

So it’s okay to let him go. And according to the content in the anime, Matthias seems to have a deep relationship with Tianwu Lingdou and Tianwu Haruka.

But it is impossible to let him go by just believing his words.

“You, want to live?” Xie Ming asked lightly: “Don’t fall into the hands of the consortium?”


Mathias said sincerely: “If my identity is discovered by the consortium, then the minimum punishment is to continue the work of the chairman with tools after brainwashing. Or become a researcher’s experimental body to conduct experiments.”

“Instead of becoming like that, it’s easy to die here now. But if I can, I don’t want to die.”

“You don’t want to die? Yes, I can satisfy you.”

Xie Ming looked at Matthias calmly: “But you have to get my trust. Now, let go of the star power in your body.”


After a moment of silence, Mathias released the star power in his body. And Xie Ming spotted the pure flames of the sky on his forehead.

Lv5, the Psychological Master is activated.

After leaving countless backdoors and hints, he reconnected Matthias’s dislocated limbs, Xie Ming fought against a comatose blue-haired woman with one hand, and with a dark gem in the other, his figure disappeared in this area. .

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