Chapter 1051

The third prince of the United Kingdom, representing the [rende] Vilian, is the most dispensable existence in the entire royal family. Whether it is other people or Vilian herself, this point is very clear.

The main reason is still because of Vilian’s own choice which led to such a situation.

Is Rende useless? Absolutely not. Don’t forget that a certain big ear in the Three Kingdoms period was to use benevolence as a propaganda slogan, which directly attracted a group of like-minded brothers, and finally established their own country.

If Livian wants to rely on her contacts and prestige to form an armed force, she can definitely create a group of powerful guards that are not inferior to any force. This is the power of benevolence and hope.

In that case, perhaps Vilian’s position in the royal family would not be what it is now.

But it is a pity that the princess hates her own military and military power very much. By her side, there was not even the most basic escort such as a guard maid or an armed attendant. Some are just servants hired from civilians who don’t understand magic at all.

Vilian herself resisted learning the magic and knowledge applied to force, so she herself did not have strong force or magic skills. All she can do is ‘use the prepared spiritual suit’.

Such a princess may be loved by the people and her subordinates, but the royal family would never think so.

Rather, with her personality, being able to live safely in the royal family to this day, without being used as a political prop or victim, is actually enough to show how much she is loved by others.

It’s just that love is in love, and when she has to sacrifice her, the British will abandon her without any hesitation. If you change to the eldest sister Limeya or the second sister Guy Lisa, this will definitely not be the case.

The right seat of God, the water behind-William Orville’s battle of fame, also came from this.

About ten years ago, because there was no guard to protect her, the third queen, Vilian, was attacked by the French sect: the Spanish star sect, and she was taken as a hostage to make Britain surrender.

However, the British side naturally can procrastinate, and has already made the decision to abandon Vilian during internal discussions. As the backbone of the guardian of Britain, the Cavaliers were unable to take action.

As a mercenary, the water behind stunned the riding commander who was going to rescue Vilian with him, defeated the entire sect of the enemy with his own strength, and successfully rescued Vilian.

After that, he refused the invitation of the chief of the knights to make him a knight, and left England to join the seat of the gods. Because of this behavior, people in the United Kingdom considered a traitor.

But in fact, it was not. Before the water in the back left, he made an agreement with the Knight Commander. The knight commander guards Britain from the inside, and the water behind it protects Britain from the outside.

The two were one mile and one away, turning them into the guardian shield of Britain.

Although only the riding commander and the water behind knew about this, how could it escape the eyes of old foxes like Eliza and Lola? So for Britain, the water behind William Orville is a very special existence.

This is why, whether it is the chief of the knights or the queens and princes of the royal family, they take Xie Ming so seriously. Because no one knows better than them, the power of the water behind.

Looking at the ruins of the collapsed tunnel in front of him, he glanced at the serious knights of the Order behind him, and Xie Ming squinted his eyes.

Although the memory of the plot is somewhat vague, she still remembers the plot somewhat. It seems that the second queen, Guy Lisa, and the Knights launched a coup together to establish and expand the British territory and create a circle of influence centered on the United Kingdom.

To be honest, if it weren’t for this critical juncture, Guy Lisa would love a coup and would have nothing to do with Xie Ming. But the current situation has caused him to intervene in such troublesome things.

So in the discussion just now, he had already hinted at Eliza and Lola very concealedly, but he didn’t know how defensive these two old foxes could be.

But now it seems that it is still a step too late. Because Xie Ming had already felt a terrifying force from the entrance of the cave, the power of Spartan in his body began to move around.

And the knights who had been behind them and were responsible for protecting them had also disappeared. The surrounding space also began to solidify.

“Space fixation technique plus the power of God… just want to solve us here?”

With a sigh in his heart, Xie Ming looked at Inticus who was squatting on the ground carefully looking for the traces of the technique, and said lightly.


“Huh? What’s wrong with Xie Ming?” Inticus turned her head and asked, “I’m very busy now.”

“Don’t be busy, run away.”


In the few seconds when Intiqs was stunned, countless white light beams came from the hole behind her. Densely scattered throughout the tunnel, there is no dodge gap at all.


The pitch-black pupils burst into brilliant rainbow light instantly, and with the cracking sound of glass corresponding to the number of beams, the white light disappeared, exposing the objects inside.

Those are rod-shaped arrows about 30 cm long with streamlined arrows.

Although the additional magic technique was eliminated by Xie Ming’s Forbidden Demon Eye, it did not mean that the power potential energy possessed by him would disappear. After all, it is magic, not physics, that forbidden Demon Eyes to obliterate.

However, arrows with purely physical effects could not penetrate even Xie Ming’s skin, let alone the mobile church on Inticus. But Xie Ming handled it symbolically.


The energy turned into magic, and a huge shield blocked the two of them. After the 3 cm arrow hit the shield surface, it bounced back and fell to the ground. When the voice stopped, Xie Ming threw the shield aside.

“This warlock is… Robin Han?!”

Inticus looked at the arrows falling on the ground with amazement: “Why would the Cavaliers’ long-range sniper spirit suit attack us?!”

“who knows.”

Xie Ming shrugged: “Will you know if you go out and have a look?”

After speaking, Xie Ming took the lead and walked out of the tunnel without waiting for Inticks’ response.

“Hey! Xie Ming! It’s dangerous outside now! We should be more careful…wait! Xie Ming, did you hear me!?”


Outside the entrance of the cave, several teams of knights were photographed in rows, with crossbows exuding magical aura in their hands. This is the armor that just launched the attack, Robin Han. However, ten seconds have passed since the launch, but there was no sound from the hole.

“Sure enough, isn’t it that easy to deal with?”

“This is natural, Your Majesty. After all, he is the man who defeated William Orville.”

It was the knight leader and the second queen Guy Lisa who were talking. But they have all changed a little now.

Guy Lisa is like a wild beast out of the cage, with a ferocious smile on her face and a typical Western double-edged sword in her hand. It is worth noting that this sword does not open the front, not even the tip of the sword.

It is not so much a sword, as it is a slender square plate attached to the hilt. But whether it was Guy Lisa or the knight commander, they were in awe when they looked at the sword.

The knight leader’s expression was still serious, but an unusually determined look appeared in his pupils. His name to Guy Lisa has also changed from ‘His Royal Highness’ to ‘Your Majesty’.

“Huh, it’s a pity.” Guy Lisa sneered: “It’s a waste of a guy like this to stand on the side of the academy city.”

“But it doesn’t matter, no matter how powerful he is, it will stop here. The weapon of victory is already in my hands. In this land, no one can fight against me.”

“Fight against this Katina.”

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