Chapter 1053

While Guy Lisa was touting Michael’s power throughout, Xie Ming’s mood could be said to be very helpless, but also a little funny.

Michael the Godlike? Didn’t that guy have never seen him before. Although it is on a different plane, Michael in this world may not be able to beat Michael in the Devil’s High School world.

You must know that in the High School of the Devil, it is really a chaos of the gods, and even in that world, Michael still manages the heavens vividly. And what about the angels of this world? Be summoned casually, borrowed power casually, and controlled casually.

Hmm…. Without a trace of card face, it’s simply “shame” in capitals.

Of course, angels of the Archangel and Archangel level are still a real fourth-order in terms of strength. If Michael’s body of this world comes down, it is conservatively estimated that he will still have the strength of the fourth-stage mid-stage.

But for Xie Ming, enemies with divine nature are the least difficult for him. Even if it is really the lower realm of Michael, he can treat the opponent as if he was beaten to death there. Not to mention that at this time, he was just a person with the power of Michael.

In addition, this power is not complete. The orthodox Katina only obtained more than 80% of Michael’s power, and the remaining power is still stored in the Katina II owned by Queen Eliza.

What’s more, Guy Lisa has only pure power, and Michael does not possess the nature and attributes of being an angel of fire. In the eyes of others, Guy Lisa who owns Katina may be strong enough.

But in Xie Ming’s eyes, it was just like that. What’s more, the opponent didn’t make adjustments to Katina through the Book of Magic in Indix’s memory. For Guy Lisa, the current Katina is a double-edged sword.

While using it, there is also the risk of hurting yourself.

But obviously, Guy Lisa is not the one who will shrink for this reason. She represents, but the British [military]. What she set off was a rebellion against the entire royal family.

Now the knight factions hidden in all parts of Britain under her command have been fully deployed, and the power of orthodox Katina has flowed into all knights. The arrow has left the string, and she can’t turn her head back, nor will she look back.

“Really…. In that case, you will die here.”

Hearing Xie Ming’s slightly playful tone, the smile on Guy Lisa’s face has dropped to freezing point, and the volcano-like power on Katina is about to erupt.

“All knights obey the order, kill the enemy, and retake the banned book list!”


The knights who had been suppressed for a long time let out a deep roar together. The power of pale white angels emerged one by one, and they rushed towards Xie Ming in an orderly manner.

The speed is comparable to a bullet fired. Power swept through strong winds. In just a few seconds, Xie Ming and Inticus were already surrounded by knight swords wrapped in white light.

Because Inticus was wearing a mobile church, the knights didn’t have to worry about hurting her with their attacks. But even if he knew this, Xie Ming was still very upset about the fact that they included Inticus as the target of the attack.

Since you are upset, you need to punch someone.

“Let’s save you a little life.” Wei Wei shielded Inticus behind her back, and Xie Ming put her right hand on the pure flames of the sky. But unlike usual, this time, he was holding the hilt of the knife.

A calm voice broke into everyone’s ears: “Splitting Void (Knifeback style).”

A circle of dark knives emerged, like a halo surrounding the two of them. The halo penetrated through the swords cut by the knights, unknowingly dividing it into two halves. Afterwards, it was printed on the chest of the knight armor.

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!…”

It was like a war drum beaten during the war, and every knight made a heavy muffled sound. They rushed like bullets, and returned at a speed that exceeded the bullets. A little blood splashed from the helmet was left in the air, and his body fell heavily to the ground.

His head tilted, unconscious.

“Stand here and wait for me for a while.”

Xie Ming cast his eyes to the remaining knights, then turned his head and patted Inticus on the head. Then the figure disappeared instantly and appeared in front of the knight closest to him.

“Spartan fighting skills, tomb stepping.”

The sole of his right foot kicked straight on the knight’s chest, kicked the white light off his body, and kicked the knight’s breastplate directly into pieces. Before he had time to react, he immediately lost consciousness. The body flew upside down and hit the two knights nearby, leaving the frontal battlefield friendly together.

However, Xie Ming did not continue to attack the remaining knights, but directly turned him back with a knife.


The dark long sword was blocked by the dark long sword. The serious face of the knight commander had already appeared behind Xie Ming.

“Don’t worry.”

Xie Ming said with a faint smile, “I said, you have to pass me first before you can reach my food nun. Why, don’t you take my guardian’s words seriously?”

However, the Knight Commander did not pay attention to Xie Ming. After receiving Xie Ming’s beheading, he immediately shouted in a low voice: “Knights members! First goal, reclaim the banned book catalog!”


“Tsk, I really didn’t take me seriously. Do you think you can stop me?”

A cold glow flashed in his pupils, and the pure flames of the sky instantly turned into countless afterimages, enclosing the chief knight. But the knight commander was also unwilling to show weakness, the dark long sword in his hand turned countless sword shadows, and Xie Ming fought head-on.

The light of the sword flickered and the fire light splashed. With the two as the center, a powerful and sharp wind whizzed towards the surroundings, carving countless sword marks and sword marks on the ground.

The place where Xie Ming and the knight leader fought was just between Inticus and the knights. Even the knights who have the blessing of the angel’s power, are involved in it, that is only a choice to become a piece of meat.

Although they are not afraid of death, it is not their choice to go to death without meaning. Guy Lisa and the leader of the knights, of course, would not let the knights under his command die in vain. It’s just that in their eyes looking at Xie Ming, there was another trace of fear.

Up to now, all the situations on the battlefield seem to be under the control of this man. While protecting an incompetent drag oil bottle, it still easily blocked the attack of the Knight Commander and the knights.

This made the knights couldn’t help but think of the huge and heavy figure that defeated the sect and rescued the third princess by himself.

When they all looked at Xie Ming’s body, they didn’t notice at all. The silver-haired nun in the white nun’s clothes was holding a tree branch and depicting magic circles one after another on the ground.

Xie Ming’s battle is never alone. Indikesi, never can only rely on Xie Ming to protect the vase. Xie Ming believed in Inticus, and Inticus also trusted Xie Ming.

From her insight, she can naturally see that the enemy on the opposite side is adopting a delaying tactic, waiting for Guy Lisa to adjust Katina to a certain level, and completely defeat Xie Ming with the power of the archangel.

And if Xie Ming was not turned on, he would really not be able to escape from this encircled circle with her two. So, what I need to do now is very obvious.

“Idiot Xie Ming! When it’s over, you must make me ten dishes, no, twenty dishes!”

Constantly mobilizing the knowledge in her mind to portray the magic circle, Inticus thought angrily.

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