Chapter 107 Meeting Heathcliff

“Speaking of which, you have solved the smile coffin. Have you thought about what to do next?” Asuna took a sip of tea and looked at Xie Ming suspiciously.

“The Murder Guild cannot be completely resolved. Smiling Coffin is only their spiritual leader.” Xie Ming said slowly, “If their spiritual support is resolved, then their behavior will be greatly suppressed. This is enough. , After all, my energy is limited.”

“Yes, after a year, I have gradually understood what the words you said on the first floor mean.” Asuna nodded with deep feeling, she can sit on the strongest The guild, the second match chair of the Blood Alliance Knights, relies on more than just strength.

In this position, she has already seen ugly faces that don’t know how many players have exposed because of profit.

“That’s just one of the reasons.” Xie Ming spread his hands. “The most important reason is that a group of rookies can’t help me much.”

“Yes, yes, I know you’re great.” Asuna turned over Byakugan, coping, and then she seemed to remember something again.

“By the way, our team leader wants to see you.”

“Head? Heathcliff wants to see me?” Xie Ming was taken aback, and immediately waved.

“If you don’t go or not, you might as well go to the labyrinth area when you have time. Maybe you can find the boss room first than your strategy team.”

“You!” Asuna was irritated by Xie Ming’s reaction, “Then I will reply as you said~” faintly threatened.

“Well, just reply like that.” Xie Ming said he was not afraid at all.

Asuna stared at Xie Ming for a long time, and finally sighed, “Just give me face and go. Anyway, consider me in the middle~”

“…Forget it, give you a face.” Xie Ming looked at the poor Asuna, sighed in his heart, and said helplessly.


“But~” Xie Ming deliberately sold it off.

“But what?”

“I agreed to your request, and you have to agree to one of my requests.”

“What’s the requirement?” Asuna asked with her eyes wide open.

“After seeing Heathcliff, the rest of your day will be mine.” Xie Ming said.


55th floor, Grandsam.

In the city, there is a silver-white building that looks like a castle. There are all kinds of strange stone sculptures on it, and there are all kinds of wonderful carvings on the walls. The most obvious thing is that the flags are flying in the wind.

The bottom surface was red, and there was a huge sword-shaped cross in the middle. Under the cross, there were three embroidered grass characters KOB.

KnightsofBlood, the Knights of the Blood Alliance. This is the most powerful guild in SAO, none of them.

However, in the spacious and majestic building, there is actually no commensurate number of people, which also led to the desertedness of the whole building, without vitality and vitality.

Today, this deserted building welcomes its guests, but it is very likely that they are evil guests.

Xie Ming looked at the building, but soon lost interest. He felt that it was not as good as his own double-storey wooden house, and yawned boredly.

“I’m telling you.” Asuna muttered in front of him, “I have already agreed to your request, so you have to complete my commission. You know?”

“I know, I know, I’m here.” Xie Ming replied helplessly, “I still know about the world because of the human relationship. Am I so ignorant?”

Asuna turned her head, stared at Xie Ming, and uttered a word, “Yes!” Then she turned her head and continued to lead the way.

The two walked through the long corridor and reached the door at the end of the corridor. Asuna pushed open the door and said to the people in the room.

“Head, Edmond, I have brought it here.”

“Well, thank you very much, deputy head. Actually, I didn’t have much hope for this invitation. I didn’t expect that Mr. Edmond would give me such a face.” The deep and magnetic voice, with a slight smile, It reached Xie Ming’s ears.

Xie Ming walked up to 4 to 5 meters away from the man, and looked at the man carefully.

The long gray hair was tied behind his head, only a trace of bending fell in front of his eyes, he was wearing a red knight robe, and his eyes were calm.

Asuna had already consciously stepped aside, looking at the two men with the strongest titles in front of her.

One is to build an originally weak guild to the strongest in one year, and its own strength is also the top lofty mountain.

One is the vengeful ghost who killed nearly half of the tier bosses alone, and singled out more than 100 highly skilled murderers and beheaded them all.

“It can be said that this is our first meeting, Edmund-kun.” Heathcliff chuckled lightly.

“Ah, yes. It is indeed the first time to meet in such a formal way.”

“I heard that Edmund-kun killed the notorious slam murder guild and Smile Coffin by himself last night. It is such an amazing strength that makes me tremble.” Heathcliff chuckled. But the eyes are full of jealousy.

As mentioned earlier, Heizcliffe, formerly known as Akihiko Kaaba, is the creator of this death game, so he naturally has an administrator account for this game, and this account is the character in front of Xie Ming, Heizick Reeve.

Since Xie Ming singled out the first level of BOSS, Kaaba Akihiko has focused 80% of his attention on him. Every battle of Xie Ming will be repeatedly tested by Kaaba Akihiko.

But no matter how many times it is tested, the result is one, no problem. This is exactly the strength that Xie Ming originally had.

I am the creator of this game, it can be said that I am the god of this game, and I can do anything. But Akihiko Kaaba knew that if he was fighting against the man in front of him, and if he didn’t lock the health bar, then even if he turned on the system assistance, he would just linger for a few more minutes under this man.

Why doesn’t this make him tremble, why is he not curious? The man in front of him is truly standing at the pinnacle of this game.

What made him tremble even more was that the man who had aliased himself as the Duke of Monte Cristo attacked entirely on his own skills, and basically didn’t use any skills.

I’m afraid he hasn’t opened his skill bar much, right?

If Xie Ming knew that he had brought so much fear and feelings to Kayaba Akihiko, I am afraid that he would laugh and roll on the ground on the spot, and then said the last sentence: “The main god space is the real bug.”

But this is also thanks to Xie Ming’s cold weapon route. If he did not have a wealth of melee combat experience after taking the magic route, he would be dumbfounded when he came here.

“Okay, okay, the flattery will stop here.” Xie Ming looked at the man in front of him helplessly, and went straight to the subject: “I don’t know why the head of Heathcliff invited me to come here?”

“This is not flattery, Edmund-kun. This is an evaluation of your strength.” Heathcliff shook his head, then looked directly at Xie Ming’s pupils.

“Edmond-kun, I have only one purpose for inviting you. That is to let you join our blood alliance knights.”

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