Chapter 1074 The Second Ambition

“Ha… It’s so boring…”

Living in a high-end apartment, a girl with a brown Bob head dangled her beautiful white legs: “What’s the matter with that inexplicable transfer…”

“who knows.”

Flanda, who was stuffed with homemade bombs in each of the puppets with interest, said casually: “We will do whatever the above requires.”

“But the above command is super vague!”

The silk banner favorite jumped off the railing of the balcony, and pointed to the monastery not far away.

“What is meant by ‘you will super obey the orders of the master of the monastery from now on’! Who is the owner of the monastery? How will we be paid in the future!? I don’t want to go to worship with the bald priest!”

“Silk Banner, the complete command above at that time was’From now on, AnbuItem will be managed by the owner of the Ossola Monastery, and any behavior of the Item must be approved by the monastery owner, and must also follow any instructions from the monastery owner. ‘.”

“I already knew this kind of thing!”

After looking at Taki Keuri, who was sitting on the sofa and explaining with no expression, Jian Qi loved to sigh: “The problem is that this newly established monastery has always been empty. How should we see ourselves? The BOSS from now on.”

“Now, Mai Ye, do you have any super ideas?”

In the end, Jian Qi’s favorite topic was thrown to Mai Ye Shenli, who was lying on the bed-style sofa and looked very lazy.

“Ha~Ah!? Who knows, that kind of thing!”

Very impatiently replied, Mai Ye Shenli yawned: “What do the above requirements do, do what you do. Is it possible that you still want to resist?”

“Although it is super saying so…”

The silk flag’s favorite was a little uncomfortable, but he could only remake it on the railing, and looked at the monastery with a somewhat helpless expression. But looking at it this way, the problem arises.

Moreover, it is still quite a big problem.


A violent explosion sounded in everyone’s ears in Item. The blast of heat and gunpowder blows over the pretty face that Jianqi loves.

“…Mai Ye, you say this, we don’t care?”

The corners of Jian Qi’s favorite mouth twitched a few times, and he pointed to the monastery that had become a ruin not far away.

The rest of the people who were all ready for the battle due to the explosion all came to the balcony, looking at the black smoke place that had caused the passing students to look at them, and their expressions looked a little uncertain.


On the other side, in a super-premium hotel room, a brunette teenager in a high-grade shirt tapped the armrest of the sofa while gloomy eyes scanned the other members in the room.

Dressed in a gorgeous pink dress with a backless, beautiful and lovely fourteen-year-old blonde girl, Kazami Haemi.

Wearing special goggles like Saturn’s rings on his head, countless cables are connected to his waist, and he is a teenager like Frankenstein, and his reputation is ubiquitous.

Not long after, the burly mercenary in military uniform pushed open the door of the room and also walked in.

“The sand dish is dense, the task is complete.”

Seeing the middle-aged man came back, the brown-haired boy asked coldly.

“The target building, Ossola Monastery has been blown up.”

The middle-aged mercenary known as the Dense Sandman nodded: “Inside, no one exists.”

“Really, that’s a shame.”

The brown-haired boy who said this didn’t have any regrets in his tone.

“I really don’t understand why the bastard Aleister directly ordered people to establish such a monastery.” The boy sneered, “But no matter what, that guy will never do meaningless actions.”

“Although I don’t know the reason, bombing the monastery will definitely attract some of his attention. In this way, it will be convenient for us to carry out other actions.”

Afterwards, he looked at the blonde dress girl and the Saturn ring boy.

“Have you found a clue to the target?”


The Saturn ring boy Yuwang Wanhua nodded and said faintly: “According to the information investigated by the subordinate organization, the technique of using’tweezers’ is recorded on a pair of Indian cards.”

“I have asked her to buy the Indian poker. In a few minutes, there should be news.”

“Let her be quick.”

With such an order, the brunette boy stopped looking at his reputation, and said as if in a summary.

“Now, the Academy City is in a state of extreme alertness. Externally, there is war pressure from France and Russia. Internally, it is also panicked because of the’recycling movement’ that just passed the limelight.”

“This is a real opportunity for us.”

As he said, the boy showed a very confident smile: “With this opportunity, our’School’ will obtain the direct bargaining power with Aleister, the monster hidden in the deepest part of this school city Above all!”

“Whether it is the old immortal group of the Unification Council, or Aleister, after the success of this mission, they will no longer pose a threat to us. I, Emperor Gakone, will become the second place in this academy city. Masters.”

“So this mission, no failure is allowed!”

“You guys, do you understand?”

Although Emperor Yuangen was smiling, everyone present felt the killing intent in his words.

They understand that the boy in front of them is serious. And with his ability, it may not be impossible to do this. It was precisely because of this that they were willing to accompany Emperor Yuangen to carry out such a plan that could be regarded as nonsense.

The second-ranked existence among the seven superpowers is Weiyuan Material, Emperor Yuangen. At this moment, he launched a rebellion against the Anbu ‘School’ who led him to rule, and against the school city.


“Oh, early spring, don’t you think this Indian poker is a bit different from other poker?”

Holding the poker he just bought, Saten looked at his companion wearing a wreath with eyes full of tears: “I have a hunch that this pair of cards contains some exciting secrets!”

“Saotian classmate…”

Chuchun Shili looked at her friend helplessly, carrying large and small plastic bags filled with snacks and cooking materials.

“Have you forgotten the purpose of our trip this time?”

“Ahaha, of course no more~”

With a awkward smile, Zuo Tian Leizi raised the plastic bag in his other hand.

“In order to visit classmate Inticus who took a leave of absence for unknown reasons, we prepared to buy food and prepare a big meal for her. I believe classmate Inticus will definitely be very happy.”

“But just now, didn’t we hear a sound a bit like an explosion? Chuchun, as a member of the discipline committee, can you not go and see it?”

“Um…. I really want to go and see it.”

Chuchun Shili gave a wry smile and motioned for what was in his hands.

“But carrying so much food, no matter what to do is very troublesome. So, let’s forget it.”

“But having said that, it seems that we haven’t seen classmate Xie Ming for a long time. I don’t know what he is up to lately?”


Speaking of Xie Ming, Zuo Tian Leizi’s eyes showed a trace of admiration and admiration: “That’s a senior! I’m definitely doing something big! Maybe he’s saving the world!”

“How is it possible? Even Xie Ming is a high school student.”

“Haha, that’s right.”

The two smiled at each other, and continued to carry things towards the destination. Behind, a black-haired girl with a double ponytail carrying a cello, her eyes gloomy.

“Commissioner of Style…really…senior Yuwang please contact me.”

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