Chapter 1077


Standing at the exit of the alley holding Zuotian Leizi, Flanda panted, “Now, it should be done.”


Although he was here to hunt down his own enemies, Saten Leizi still couldn’t feel happy when she heard Flanda say this. After all, that is also a life.

Seeing her expression, Flanda instantly bounced over.

“it hurts!”

Holding his forehead, Zuotian squatted down in tears and looked at Flanda with tears, “What are you doing…”

“It hurts on my side!”

Flanda said angrily: “What do you mean! People saved you from such a serious injury, but you showed this expression in the end!”

“Ah, it’s not…” Zuo Tian Leizi quickly explained: “It’s just… just that…”

“Yes, yes, I know what you want to say.”

She waved her hand helplessly, and Flanda sighed.

“Anyway, you feel in your heart that there is no need to kill the other party, right? That’s why I said that you group of children living on the bright side are really, and you don’t want to think that you fall into the other’s hands, how the other party will treat you.”

“Hahahaha, it is true.”

Zuo Tian Leizi stood up, and then helped Flanda: “In this case, let’s go to the hospital quickly.”

“Really, you have to compensate me well for this matter!”


With a very happy smile, Saten Leizi said softly: “I have a lot of canned mackerel in my house now. If there is no one to help, it might be destroyed.”

“What! This won’t work!”

Flanda’s expression instantly became serious: “Wasting canned mackerel is a crime! This kind of thing must not be allowed to happen!”

“Hahahahaha… hey…”

Zuo Tian Leizi, who was just about to leave, suddenly felt that his hands were full of blood. Then looking down, Flanda had fallen into her arms for some time, and there were a few more bloody mouths on her body.


Turning his head slowly, he looked into the alley. The girl with black hair and white clothes was found holding her left wrist, grinning at this place. The cello box on his back is nowhere to be found at this moment.

The blood has soaked half of her face. But her smile is still very bright.

“It’s really dangerous. If I didn’t keep the box in front of me in time, I’m afraid I would be defeated by you.” Tiger Hunting with Bow and Arrow smiled cutely: “However, I won in the end.”


After Zuo Tian Leizi was silent for a moment, he carried the petite Flanda directly behind his back and ran hard. As soon as her forefoot stepped forward, a few bullets fell on the ground behind her, leaving several craters.


The bow and arrow hunted the tiger’s body swaying, holding on to the wall and slowing down for a while. Although Flanda’s triangle bomb did not directly hit her, the impact completely affected her semicircular canal.

If not, how could she miss at such a close distance?

After looking at the Bloodline left by Flanda, after the dizziness was no longer so, the bow and arrow hunted the tiger and walked over. Bend down, gently wipe the Bloodline with your fingers, then stick out your tongue and lick it lightly.


With a seductive smile, the bow and arrow hunted the tiger softly and said, “I have remembered the smell of your blood.”

“Now, we who have hurt each other and fought, are we friends?”

“Then, don’t leave your friends and leave alone~”



Zuo Tian Leizi was running, running with all his strength. To be honest, she was very scared. If she stopped for a second, her legs would become weak, and she would be unable to move directly on the ground.

The reason why I was able to reflect so quickly just now was entirely due to the sudden increase in kidney hormones in my heart.

Now, the feeling of exhaustion was like bone-eroding poison, slowly spreading throughout her body, leaving her pretty face without a trace of blood.

Even if Flanda’s petite body didn’t weigh much at all, it seemed to Zuo Tian Leizi at this time that she was carrying a huge rock, which made her a little breathless. The blood of her friend has soaked her back.

Where is she going? Where is she going? Where is it safe?

Hospital? No, with that enemy’s skill, going directly to the hospital is tantamount to death. Moreover, Flanda’s identity does not allow her to go to ordinary hospitals for treatment.

As a result, the guards will not work either, nor can they ask the commissioner for help.

“What to do….. What to do…”

Zuo Tian Leizi had tears in her eyes, and the pressure in her heart and physical exhaustion brought her to the limit.

“Now, Flanda, wake up… Flanda…”

No, it absolutely won’t work if you continue to run like this. Flanda’s situation is very bad, and she can no longer toss. If you don’t run, the enemy will catch up again. Will she let Flanda go?

How can it be…..

so what should I do now?

I don’t know, how could she know! Zuotian Leizi’s head has become a mess.

“Senior Xie Ming…”

Suddenly, Xie Ming appeared in her mind. She was so tired on that playground. No, it’s even more exhausting than now. However, it seemed that she could keep running as long as she followed the person in front of her.

“Breathing…Yes, you have to adjust your breathing…”

Man’s strongest strength, man’s most precious thing, is his belief and his willpower! Faith is more important to superpowers.

Now, what is your belief?

“Save Flanda!”

Who is Flanda?

“It’s my friend! It’s a friend who was injured to save me!”

So, how are you going to save her?

“…I don’t know. But!”


“But I won’t give up until the last minute!”

The wind around Zuotian Leizi seemed to have changed a little. Gentle, delicate, and strong.

“Stupid… stupid…”

It seemed that after feeling this gentle wind, Flanda’s consciousness temporarily sobered for a while.

“Are you going to….. kill me…ah…”


“Speak… Don’t… so loud…”

Flanda bit her lip, intermittently, and said an address.

“Where to go…Remember to say…you are Xie Ming’s…friend…”

After the explanation, Flanda fainted again.

“……I see.”

With a goal, Zuo Tian Leizi no longer has to run around in a headless manner. He probably passed the map around here in his head, then made a wrong step, and rushed to the address Flanda said with all his strength.

There were also a few more people around the bow and arrow hunting tiger some distance away from her.

A teenager with a ring on his head, a blonde girl in a gorgeous dress, and…

The second is Emperor Yuangen.

In the Discipline Committee branch not far away, Chuchun Li’s hands had become afterimages, ruthlessly hacking into the cameras of the entire school district.

Behind her, a girl with short brown hair and a lady with brown ponytails were quietly waiting for the results of the investigation.

The look was unusually serious.

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