Chapter 1084

“Hey! Little girl!”

Mai Ye Shenli stared at Emperor Yuangen with his eyes firmly, and said irritably, “How did this monster get hurt before?”

“How do I know, mother!”

Misaka Mikoto replied angrily.

“But from the surveillance video, it seems that because of the abilities of one of your companions, this guy is temporarily unable to control his abilities. Therefore, your other companion can punch him severely.”

“Spin flag…Taki pot…”

Frowning slightly, Mai Ye Shenli showed a puzzled and irritable look. She is an arrogant person who values ​​herself and despise others. For his teammates, I have never understood. She even didn’t even know what Fran was capable of.

In her understanding, Item Anbu is such an allocation. She, the main combat power and leadership. Flanda, the blaster. Silk flag favorite, shield. After Takiju’s treatment, the target is tracked.

The four members have their own roles, but the most important thing is she Maiye Shenli. The other members exist to assist her, one or two are missing, and it doesn’t matter even if they die.

Not only she thinks so, but basically all Anbu members have this idea. For them, teammates are replaceable items. Talking about friendship in Anbu is simply thinking that I didn’t die fast enough.

No, because Flanda wanted to save Zuotian Leizi, so she was seriously injured. In order to save Saten’s tears, Jianqi’s favorite and Takihu Lihou also suffered serious injuries. In order to save their subordinates and friends, Misaka Mikoto and Maiye Shenli are also facing dangers that can endanger their lives.

The so-called salvation is to fight for one’s own life to save lives other than one’s own. Moreover, most of the time, even if you lose your life, you will not be able to save the person you want to save.

Even sometimes the person you want to save will give you a backstab in the back in order to survive.

To save a person, there are too many things that need to be undertaken.

The kindness given to others is not necessarily the same in return. It is only the very few people who can really retaliate. It sounds fucking, but this is reality, this is human.

When making up his mind, Xie Ming also wanted to do his best to help more people, but Sword Art Online taught him what reality is, and to a certain extent extinguished the enthusiasm in his heart.

Although the goodwill still exists in his heart, he has also grown to a certain extent, and he no longer saves people blindly. It can be said that a large part of the reason why Xie Ming has such a character today is the influence of his experience in the Sword Art Online.

Misaka Mikoto is undoubtedly lucky, because her kindness always comes in exchange for the kindness of others to her.

Mai Ye Shenli is completely different. From a long time ago, it was hard for her to believe that the kindness of others to her was just pure kindness. All kinds of dark experiences made her what she is today.

If you want to say that she was so violent and cruel from the beginning, she didn’t take human life seriously, that’s really impossible. What kind of education creates what kind of people, Mai Ye Shenli is the eldest lady of a certain big family. The Devil’s Forbidden World is not the Scarlet World. Who has nothing to eat and has nothing to do to train his child into a murderous demon?

The hateful person must have pity, but that’s what it is. Mai Ye Shenli’s violence, I am afraid that at the beginning, it was just a disguise for himself, just a personality mask (persona).

And when the mask was worn on her face longer and longer, she couldn’t take it off herself. Unless someone severely smashes her mask, I’m afraid she can wake up.

Xie Ming became the character who broke the mask of Mai Ye Shenli. First, she used absolute force to smash Maiye Shenli’s tyrannical support, force. Let her realize that this is a strong person who can easily kill herself and is stronger than herself.

Then, he set an example in the ocean. Facing the enemies who had to kill him before, he didn’t mind the past, and gave them advice on the plane, and saved them when the plane exploded.

Even after the fight with the powerful enemy, he still didn’t forget to take them back.

Except for those hopeless lunatics, if you can do good, who doesn’t want to get the kindness of others? Who doesn’t want to live upright in the light? Just like Takiju Rihou said, those who are in the dark, once they see the light, they really don’t want to let go of the hand that holds the light.Therefore, Mai Ye Shenli is also changing in his own way. Although it was slow, she was still trying to change. This shot is proof that she wants to change.

Yuqing, she wants to kill the bastard who hurt her subordinates. Yu Li, as the item leader, she can’t let other Anbu run wild in the academy city. It wasn’t that she hadn’t thought about it, and asked Takiju to come over again after she lied, and use the body crystal to do what they did just now.

But the orders that could be issued without hesitation in the past, when they appeared in my mind this time, they were denied in an instant. The reason is very simple, so simple that she herself does not want to admit it.

“If you let that bastard know, you will be disappointed in me…”

When Xie Ming prevented her from using the body crystal, it echoed in Mai Ye Shenli’s mind at this time.

Of course, the enemy would not care what she was thinking.


Bai Wing waved like a flash once again, this time Emperor Yuangen did not show any mercy. Even Makino Shenli, who used the atomic collapse in time to evade, was still involved in the impact.


Mai Ye Shen Li yelled angrily, and could only give up continuing to dodge, manipulating the atomic collapse to construct a shield in front of him, and constantly bounce off the impact and blast that hit him. But the smoke and dust splashing around successfully blocked her sight.

If Emperor Yuangen was sensible, he might jokingly issue a suitable attack to defeat Mai Ye Shenli instead of killing. But in a state of madness, there is only one outcome for those who stand in front of him.


Roaring wildly, for fear that others would not know that he was going to attack, Emperor Yuangen’s six wings turned into a net of heaven and earth, and each wing had a different effect at this time.

Puncture, slash, blow, gale, shock wave, light energy.

For the next three, Mai Ye Shen Li is still able to cope with ease. But the first three are the ones that Shenri Maino and Mikoto Misaka can’t compete no matter what.

“Damn it!!!”

Now Mai Ye Shenli can be said to have entered a dead end, if she wants to avoid the first three, she can only melt the road under her feet. But before that, the last three attacks will hit her first.

If you deal with the last three, then the first three attacks will directly make her into pieces.

So, there is only one answer!


The asphalt road on the sole of the foot was instantly heated to orange-red, and in the next moment it would completely turn into a big pothole. But Maiye Shenli, who was already ready to withstand the impact, did not feel the pain that was coming.

The reason is naturally that, the orange electromagnetic cannon across the sky.


Mai Ye Shenli smacked his lips, his face looked very upset, but he didn’t say much. The other three white wings naturally broke the road and chased them up.

“Forgive me for being rude.”

At this moment, Shirai Kuroko appeared next to her, putting his hand lightly on her shoulder. The next moment, the two figures appeared on the highway again. However, in their eyes, the three white wings that just sent out the gale, shock wave and light energy hit the Misaka Mikoto in the air at this time.

“Little girl!”


Even Shenli Maiye couldn’t help but uttered anxious shouts, let alone Shirai Kuroko, who regarded Misaka Mikoto as more important than his own life. The despair contained in the sorrow at this time can be heard by anyone.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i am really a toil


Hearing this familiar voice, everyone present shrank. After that, they saw the black knife light that seemed to be able to cut through the sky.


The completely helpless white wings of Maiye Shenli and Misaka Mikoto, like tofu in front of this knife light, broke off at once. Xie Ming gently held Misaka Mikoto’s waist, and teleported with her to the side of Shirai Kuroko.

“You…you you you you you…”

Feeling the breath of a man close at hand, Misaka Mikoto’s pretty face turned red in an instant, and she couldn’t say the whole thing.


It was Shirai Kuroko, who couldn’t take care of that much at this time. She threw her head into Misaka Mikoto’s arms and trembled slightly: “Sister-sama! Sister-sama!”

“Yeah! Hei… Heizi…”

Misaka Mikoto, who subconsciously wanted to launch an electric shock, saw the teardrops hanging from Shirai Kuroko’s eyes. After hesitating for a while, he gently hugged his school girl, relatives and friends.

“Sorry, Heizi, but look, I’m okay.”

“Absolutely… this kind of thing will never happen again!”

Lifting his head, Shirai Kuroko said firmly: “From now on, I will definitely protect my sister and prevent threats from happening. Including that damn barbarian who has been missing for a week!”

“Barbarians… Ah! Speaking of it!!!”

After Shirai Kuroko’s reminder, Misaka Mikoto realized that the man next to him had disappeared. After surrounding him, he found that he was actually chatting with the grumpy aunt.

“Meet again, Mai Ye.” Xie Ming glanced at Mai Ye Shenli who was a little embarrassed, and patted her on the shoulder lightly: “Thank you.”



Mai Ye Shen Li was sluggish first, then silent. Immediately afterwards, the rosy color spread upward from the neck, filling the entire cheek. Finally, she slapped Xie Ming’s hand away, gritted her teeth and said.

“You! Don’t just do it! Touch me!”

“Uh… well…”

Withdrawing his hand angrily, Xie Ming scratched his face: “In short, I almost know everything, so let me handle it next.”

“…….up to you.”

Abandoning these words coldly, Mai Ye Shenli would not leave here. But the back of her leaving, no matter how she looked at it, she felt like she was running away.”Uh…” Xie Ming shrugged: “Forget it, I will meet again then anyway.”

Then he turned his head and looked at Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko who were standing not far away, staring at him.

“Yo, Misaka, Kuroko, we haven’t seen each other for a long time.”

“Yes, really… It’s been a long time! Thanks! Ming!”

The shyness of the girl in my heart was turned into anger and unknown emotions. Misaka Mikoto smiled and said without a smile: “We are here, are you disturbing you?”

“Excuse me? What can I interrupt.”

Xie Ming smiled and looked at the gradually disappearing smoke: “But if we reminisce about the past, let’s wait and see. Let me take care of this guy first.”

The inciting white wings dissipated the smoke and dust. At this time, Emperor Yuangen, who was already wrapped in a white gelatinous layer, was grinning and grinning here.

“Again… I’m going to kill another… I don’t know what to do… the guy… hee… hee hee…”

“It turned out to be like this.” With a sigh, Xie Ming’s expression became plain: “Forget it, let you just die.”

You know, Xie Ming is also holding back the fire.

After getting on the plane, he first ran a thousand souls again, and endured the inhuman pain to temper his soul. After finally getting through it, without a short break, I received a call from Aleister.

To sum it up briefly in words, it is: AnbuSchool, blow up your house.

At that time, Xie Ming’s mood, how can I put it, simply wanted to ignore Aleister and press Aleister to death. I TM save the world outside, you TM let people blow up my house?

Do you think you are floating, or do you think I can’t lift the knife now?

Immediately after Xie Ming greeted everyone in the plane, he immediately moved back to the school city in an instant. After all, it’s not anxious to find Aleister settle accounts, he can’t run away anyway.

But the bombing of his monastery can’t just leave it alone. Is it his enemy in the college city? Or for some other reason, this matter must first be investigated clearly. You know, in the college city, he still has many acquaintances and friends.

You have to solve this matter before it involves your friends.

With the information provided by Aleister, he first found the mercenaries hired by the School, that is, the person who bombed the monastery, and the sand was dense. Next to him, there is another member of the School, Aya Haimi, the female prison in the dress.

Turn on the Psychological Master directly, and after asking the cause and effect, first knock them out and throw them into their own base. Then, according to the information, he spread his mental power to the entire school district, and found the three of Sakuraiko who were supporting each other and the four of Misaka Mikoto who were fighting.

Since seeing Misaka Mikoto and others is not in danger for the time being, I wanted to take this opportunity to familiarize them with and improve their combat experience, so Xie Ming first came to the side of the trio of Zuotian Leizi and asked about the passage.

After sending them to the hospital where they are chasing the souls of the underworld, I wanted to hone a few more people, but I saw that Misaka Mikoto was in danger.

Then, he teleported and shot out.

Although due to the trouble of Emperor Yuangen, he saw the changes in the Item four-member group and the progress of Sakuraiko. But things are going to be one thing, he shot his friends and younger generations with murderous intent.

Then, he must die.

No one can change this.

Even Aleister is the same.

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